Universal AG Drive (by ZORG)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    i had the same problem when starting out with the starter ship. After the first race, i upgraded Handling. Then tried the next race and couldn't finish in top 3 -> no credits -> stuck.

    But i reset my progress. Then after finishing the frist race, i moved the map around a little bit and found the "speed tests, time limits" etc. Won 2nd-3rd medal on these, got enough credits (around 7.000) to upgrade once the accelleration and the engines. After that, i could easily finish in the top 3 or first in the other races, so more credits keep coming in. Hope this helps.
  2. bilboa

    bilboa Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Boston, MA, USA
    Agreed. My guess is this is a leftover result of the fact that this game was initially designed as a F2P racer. Of course I can't know for a fact what the developer's motives were for making vehicle upgrades so important. However as someone who has played dozens of racing games on console, and a number of iOS ones as well, one thing I have noticed is that racing games which were designed as premium games from the beginning almost never put you in a situation where you can't win the next race in career mode with your current vehicle. You might need a bunch of practice to bring your skill level up enough to win, but you never have to grind to upgrade or buy a new vehicle to win. In contrast, nearly every F2P racing game, or even paid ones which also sell IAP currency, are designed to make it so upgrades make a huge difference, to the point where you often can't win events without upgrading something, often by grinding previous events which you've already beat.

    I will say that for this game, they seem to have balanced the earning rate so that not much grinding is required. However I still don't really like the fact that upgrades make such a big difference. It takes some of the satisfaction out of winning when I can't feel sure whether I finally won an event because my skills improved, or just because I upgraded my vehicle. It makes it more like an RPG than a racing game. In RPGs it's intentionally the case that a lot of the satisfaction comes from seeing your character's stats increase and becoming more powerful as a result. For racing games though, I prefer them to be more purely about player skill than vehicle stats.
  3. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    I didn't have any of the problems starting out as many people are mentioning here, and I feel like I generally suck at this and other racing games (but I still find them fun).

    I played Mario Kart Wii with it's tilt controls for quite some time, though, so AG Drive felt pretty natural to me going in. Perhaps those who are having trouble starting out are simply not used to tilt steering on racing games? I don't know, I'm just wondering.
  4. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    I played for a while now and indeed,upgrades makes life much easier.But that doesn't resolve my issue that i badly miss controller support (yeah,i stop it now^^).

    And while the HUD most of the time is"ok"there are definitely parts on a track where it's really annoying.

    For example:Track Alpha Loop,the first part of the track without barriers left/right.It's really hard to concentrate on not falling down the track with enemies arround and all the blinken stuff in front of my nose.
  5. Roleki

    Roleki Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    Everyone is saying how great this is, so I re-downloaded it. Again I found it impossible to play! How are you supposed to jump that road gap in the first race? How do you get those blue speed up things? I just get sucked into the walls... This game just stresses me out!
    For me it's just WTF WTF WTF rage quit!
    Is this game the emperor's new clothes?
    I remember playing the old Star Wars pod racer game and actually steering my machine. Braking had a meaning and there were tactics involved. Guess I'm just too old school for this...
  6. nkarafo

    nkarafo Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    Have tilt controls, have always your finger in the right side where you accelerate and you just hover up the blue spots and you just pass the gap by flying. It's not difficult. If you will practice and update the handling, then it's piece of cake.
  7. LdC

    LdC Active Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    This looks great, but the HUD ruins it for me. I play for about 20 seconds, get annoyed by the HUD, then shut down the game. Hopefully they'll fix this soon :(
  8. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    I am genuinely perplexed at the amount of frustration some folks have over the HUD. It doesn't feel in the way to me at all and I find it pretty useful.

    Not that I am dismissing the frustration that others have, or anything. I'm just surprised that anyone finds it annoying at all, let alone annoying enough to keep them from playing the game.

    Hopefully the devs add in a way to hide it for those who don't want it.
  9. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    Well,first:you can't be to old school because this game IS oldschool.It's just the F-zero everybody was waiting for ;)

    regarding the jump in the first race:yes,i know what you mean.I also jumped to short the first tries.The solution is simple and already written on this page a few posts above.Do some of the bronze events (time trial,duell,top speed contest)first to earn money.They are really easy short.You only need a few,then upgrade your ship.Better engine=enough speed for the huge jump.

    Easier hitting the blue speed pads?Upgrade your controls.
  10. Estrica

    Estrica Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Absolutely stuck in the beginning. The 30 second races seem to be random and most of the times I get those, that require a minimum speed 500km/h higher than I can possibly get. Tried the first race, was 1st, touched the sides, became last. Quite unforgiving. After lots of retries could win some at bronze level (ended up 2nd out of 3 sometimes which yield something like 400-600 gold... An ipdate is 5000-8000...) and could get an upgrade on handling and acceleration, but still stuck, can't even do the first race. I don't get it. x.x Am I this bad at it (probably), or is the game somehow harder on iphone 6+ (I experienced similar issue before and Sanuku also mentioned that the game seems easier on iPad)? Well, will try patiently, eventually should be able to get an update. Though to proceed, losses could also give at least a few coins. ;)
  11. sweetdiss

    sweetdiss Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    I haven't had too much trouble with the difficulty... I got gold in every event after only a few days of playing and about half of those were achieved with the first ship in each tier un-upgraded. After upgrades it got even easier.

    I'm wondering if the people having trouble are not using tilt? I used tilt and had no trouble with controls.
  12. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013

    As written just one page before:don't try to race the first"real"event.Just move the map a little more to the right,there you will see some bronze events like"duell"or"time trial".This events are really very easy (i won the duell multiple times with 5-10 seconds ahead with a non upgraded ship.On the easiest difficulty).This always give you a little more than 1000 credits and doesn't take much longer than 30 seconds to a minute.After you farmed some money,upgrade your ship and start the"real"events...

    I really don't like the tilt steering nor the touch controls but i was able to race my way thru roundabout 20-25 events now (used upgrades of course) without having too much trouble.
  13. Estrica

    Estrica Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    #253 Estrica, Feb 28, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
    I'm usig tilt. Tried the other one as well, but found the tilt much better.
    I wrote that I tried the small bronze ones, but those races somehow end up random. Many times it's a race requiring a minimal speed higher than my ship's max. The other I can finish 2nd place out of 3, so barely get anything as a reward. Will try more, see if I mcan get past the promblems in the beginning. :)

    Uodate: For an hour only did the 3 bronze quick races. I managed to update everything by 1 level, speed by 2 and handling by 3. I could finally get past the 1st race. Now it's really more reasobable and enjoyable. Thanks for the tips!

    (Could be an IAP to get initial money for upgrading handling for those who do not like to retry over and over - though I like that the levels are random - or at least there are multiple ones rotating -, that really helped)
  14. Wubba

    Wubba Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
    This game looks really slick. I've been looking for a racer to replace Asphalt and this could be it. Now I just gotta wait until Friday to buy an iTunes card.. I guess I can play some other stuff in the meantime.
  15. Phuncz

    Phuncz Active Member

    Aug 17, 2014
    I like this game a lot: it's fun to play, it looks great, the music is great, the flashback to Wipeout is awesome. It's a refreshing wind through the mobile gaming app world where every other game screams "pay me now, so you can pay more in just a bit".

    But there are a few things I hope will addressed:

    - difficulty is all over the place. Most Tier 1 races I have placed first, easily most of the time. And some I can impossibly beat. It usually on the very technical tracks where hitting the sides or falling off automatically means you've lost because of the insane "sticks to walls" and loss in progress when diving off. That last part is an issue when a large part of corners on the track consist of the edgeless variety. The 2nd ship's ability doesn't have enough energy to go through most of them.

    - unpredictable handling issues. For example, it's not really clear when the ship will "slide" (and why) to a side instead of just pivoting, when braking. This makes for very awkward tight corners and unpredictable behavior.

    - vehicles. Tier 1, 2 and 3 are basically the same three ships with different specs. I hope we can see more varied vehicles that have different specs. Right now, only the first ship seems like a good fit for most tracks as the handling seems to be key.

    - more content in the future. I hope we can see more tracks (environments), more vehicles and more music in the near future, I'd happily spend some more for added content.
  16. Chq

    Chq Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    Yes, this is a very important point. Should definitly be fixed soon. :eek:

    And the speed hud must disappear! :D

    Greetz Chris
  17. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    No! The HUD must stay! :D

    What we need is an OPTION that allows people to turn the HUD off or invisible. Then everyone can be happy. ;)
  18. longpants

    longpants Active Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    Is there a photo mode option like in Wipeout? The tracks and vehicles looks good enough for photo taking especially with a bit of depth of field ;)
  19. Grimstone82

    Grimstone82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2011
    Northbrook, IL
    #259 Grimstone82, Mar 2, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015
    I really don't get why some of you are having such a hard time with the controls. I honestly think that these are the best tilt controls I've ever encountered in a racing game, even before upgrading the handling. Playing this game made me realize how terrible Repulze's tilt controls are. I thought I sucked at Repulze, but if it had controls like AG Drive has, I'd probably be pretty damn good at it. AG Drive is now tied with NFS: Most Wanted as my favorite iOS racing games of all time.
  20. Roleki

    Roleki Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    Thanks, Crabman - I'll give it a try!

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