Aftershock - Tactical Card Combat

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by wonderspark, Jan 31, 2017.

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  1. wonderspark

    wonderspark Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    One of the things I love about iOS is that development never stops. I mean, sure, it means that things are ALWAYS stressful, because there's never a point where you go, "Welp, that's good enough." We just got the final submission approved through Apple before the release tomorrow, and this one adds some fairly massive performance increases. If you've been playing the soft-launch or Testflight build, you'll notice a step change in the UI's responsiveness when picking cards, loading speeds, memory overhead, etc.

    It's kinda funny - for so long, you work on "more more more". Games always scream for more. But then there's a point where the biggest difference you can make is "less". In this case, stripping out a bunch of old code, and spending time on optimization... makes a huge difference.


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