Universal Aftermath - (by TwoHeads Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Devilishly Good, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    #81 squarezero, Mar 19, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2010
    You can always switch weapons to the pistol: that's how I conserve ammo. But anyway, my point is that if you want accuracy, you've got to stop running -- that's your control. Frankly, I don't see it as being that different than a double stick shooter like Minigore or Guerilla Bob: whenever you touch the right stick to turn you start firing.
  2. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
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    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    Hmm, well that may be the problem as your first weapon is found near the end of the third stage. The pistol is all I have and can't afford to waste bullets.

    Minigore and Guerilla bob aren't great examples for me. Both have unlimited ammo with no reloading. They have other weapons but your default leaves you with no vulnerability.

    In Aftermath there is unlimited ammo but only 15 shots in a clip before I reload. So if I waste bullets then I end up pissing off zombies and getting eaten while I try to reload.

    I know crouching makes you more accurate, I said so in the initial post. I just don't like that I have no control over my precious ammo.

    Of course ammo isn't an issue in survival mode where the game does play like minigore. There's plenty of ammo/grenades and you start out with plenty of guns. It's the single player that really suffers as ammo conservation is key to survival
  3. Eraser74

    Eraser74 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Bought it because of the positive comments from the people on this forum, will test it later this day.

    Sure looks very promising.
  4. Somerandomdude

    Somerandomdude Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Doing nothing of importance.
    I wouldn't say it suffers from the lack of ammo, as any good survival horror game should have very limited ammo, forcing you to scavenge for ammo, raising tension in the game. When you're left with nothing but your pistol and a bunch of zombies heading for you, it gets intense.

    And I really like this game. Finally, someone tries to actually make a good zombie survival game, rather than some crappy game and throwing zombies in it last minute to attract people who would otherwise be uninterested. Great job.
  5. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Well, the pistol has infinite ammo, so the only issue is reloading, which is pretty fast in the game. Once you get the machine gun in the third level, it makes sense to switch back to the pistol when you're not surrounded by zombies; on the fourth level you're basically alternating between machine gun, pistol, and grenades. The interface is well designed, so switching weapons is a cinch (grenades are always equipped -- you tap the screen to throw them).

    Obviously, the developer has made some design decisions that are not going to please everybody, but it seems to me that the design is, overall, pretty thoughtful and balanced.
  6. ipodtouched

    ipodtouched Active Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    Looks grrrrreat! Might try this. :/
  7. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    I have to say, after completing all but the last level of story mode, I'm left feeling like I have zero interest in this game. It was very good while it lasted (a half hour or so of gametime) but after a number of retries on the last level I just couldn't be bothered any more. Survival mode doesn't interest me here in the slightest.

    Not really complaining, mind you, I feel like I have gotten more than a buck's worth. It's just, I'm left with the feeling that the star of the show here is very much the game engine, and the game does not quite do it justice. I'd love to see more done with the engine. A full on Resident Evil clone or something of the kind would work just beautifully I think.
  8. h0130j03

    h0130j03 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    ya that would be pretty cool. but really i'm just hoping for online multiplayer
  9. iDakota

    iDakota Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
    This game is pretty cool. Still have only played the first level, but so far so good.
  10. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
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    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    Have you played the Survival at all? I agree about the Single player story but I really like survival mode.

    If you haven't tried it out yet it might be worth a look
  11. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    I did try it out, there's certainly nothing wrong with it, just not the kind of thing that holds my interest for long. Perhaps also my mind's just running wild with too many possibilities of what could be done with this beautiful engine to settle for mindless blasting though. :)
  12. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    The developer is connected to TA -- he's just doing a relief project in Mali and not very accessible right now. Hopefully when he gets back he can begin to process all the ideas that have been cropping up. I agree. I agree that the engine is the star here (though I would go beyond the graphics and include the controls, interface, mapping, and mission system), and it would be great to see where he can take it next.
  13. h0130j03

    h0130j03 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    what i want is other AI survivors you can give orders to
  14. nonexist

    nonexist Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    me too, cool idea.
  15. Artfoundry

    Artfoundry Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2009
    COO and Creative Director at LCD Dreams, Inc.
    Bay area, CA
    A bunch of people were complaining about limited ammo and having to ration out your use of the weapons. I'm on mission 7, and only once did I run out of ammo for one of my weapons. There are plenty of pickups for ammo, and as long as you don't try to kill every single zombie (is that even possible?), it's not too hard to get through without using up all your ammo.

    I agree with others though that the game needs more. It really needs a full campaign with storyline, varied missions, NPCs to interact with (like rescuing people, AI controlled assistants, merchants, etc.). The lighting, gameplay, sounds/music, etc. are awesome, but as the game is right now, it only provides half an hour to an hour of gameplay (which is ok for only $1).
  16. eugekava

    eugekava Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    The game looks very good. I struggle with the controls a bit though. If the dev can make them as smooth as A4E or Minigore. it would be a great bonus.
  17. jak56

    jak56 Well-Known Member

    so you want to completely change the gam and make it into a dual stick shooter?

    thats pretty radical change
  18. Louard

    Louard Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    May 4, 2009
    My suggestions

    Sorry if I'm repeating anyone's input here but I'm really digging the game and wanted to pass on my suggestions for a couple low level changes.

    Health packs! Either health packs or some other way of regaining health as without it, the harder levels become exercises in futility if your health gets low. I still haven't' beaten the scavenger level and I've taken to simply letting the Zombies eat me if my health gets below, about, half as it's the only way to start the level over. My latest hair-pulling attempt involved my having 7 of the 8 gas cans with only enough health left to take a single strike.. needless to say I didn't make it ^_^. If there's a way to regain health then there's a reason to keep fighting through rough patches thus, IMO, creating more tension.

    Having to imagine invisible objectives is kind of hokey, I would love to actually see the gas canisters, detonators etc. And for that matter, if there are 8 gas canisters for me to pick up, why must I pick them up in a particular order? In order not to clutter the hud too much, only the nearest one could appear as an arrow while the others would only appear on the pause map?

    And the gushing gamer in me would just LOVE to play this game co-op with a friend but that's more of a wish than a suggestion for a problem.

    Overall I really dig the potential of this game and I look forward to new modes etc.
  19. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    I agree. One of the striking aspects of the game is that the action is fairly realistic (or at least convincing) To make it standard dual-stick shooter (with instant pivot-and-shoot) would not be an improvement, IMO.

    A lot of the other suggestions sound great, though, particularly adding health packs, expanding mission objectives to include rescuing survivors, and, the holy grail, coop play.
  20. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    Just got this game, finished level 2, and I love it....Definitely unique. I actually like the control movement a lot, its different and works well. I just wish there was:
    a] A different icon
    c] I saw someone mention AI comrades..That'd be badass

    Can't wait for the dev to get some free time & jump in the discussion.

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