This is a very good remake, it's simple and yet refused to hold your hand, you pretty much have to figure it out yourself what to do next. And there's always FAQ of original game just in case you're stuck. I've just finished playing (took me around 12 hours) and it was really fun (I prefer turn based to real time battle so it's saying much). Definitely worth the price.
Thanks for the reply. Getting harder to resist this game... Oh, and I felt exactly the same way about Secret of Mana.
Secret of mana, check. adventures of mana, check, .... Seiken densetsu 3 next? Cmon people pls let it happen. That game had an ungodly amount of replayability. Ungodly. A true masterpiece. People who've played it know what I'm talking about....
This game is amazing. I've always played all older Square games, specially FF and Mana, Seiken Densetsu 2 and 3. Just finished it and it felt great (again). It's the exact game, rock by rock, tree by tree, as the 1991 game, just with all new graphics and music. I wonder why they are not doing the exact same with FF7 remake, instead changing it to action battles and releasing in chapters...this upsets me greatly, and makes me wonder if I should buy on release or wait for price drops. Anyways, Square will probably be releasing this on Vita in the west (requests are crazy) and they are also interested in remaking Seiken Densetsu 2 and 3 in 3D...I love the originals and will probably still prefer them over the remakes if they ever come out...but that being said, I'll play the remakes gladly, if they are just like this one, not changing the game core, just graphics and music/sound.
Seiken densetsu 3 will be released at some point this game has been a huge success for Square! I took a day away cuz I got stuck real bad and I'm thinking about starting over. Either way I am enjoying every second of this game!
This game is outstanding. I'm 39 years old and it instantly brings me back to the days of sitting on the floor with a NES/SNES hooked up to a fat 42 inch CRT with 2 of my friends over for a sleep over and playing for hours looking for secrets and leveling up. Even had a Nintendo power or two on the beds. The graphics remind me of a upgraded RAM n64, which is a great thing. Graphics from original half life, PlayStation, n64 hold a very very special place in my heart.
I'm at megapede fighting him now and I have failed a couple times and when I looked at a FAQ it said recommended level 19 and I'm only level 14 so should I be able to still beat him or should I go back in the caves and start grinding more. I started to grind before I came into this cave but I figured my level was ok. And also curious am I getting close to the Chocobo desert area ive been hearing about Update: beat him w level 15 Some tips his movement is a figure 8 pattern also you can use the vine you came down on during battle so I would climb a short way up it while he goes nuts and jump down and take head shots when he was open and did that back and forth for a while.
Nice! Yeah, I definitely used the cure spell there a couple times. I've just reached the Chocobo desert area. What have you been hearing? Should I go back through the pages?
I was just making sure I was close cuz I figured I was... I just want the Chocobo There are a couple tough spots but nothing the walkthrough can't handle
I made it to the city of Jadd, but it was really weird. There wasn't any background music in the city except for the sound effect that plays after staying at the inn and then once I got into the mansion. Is that how it was in the original?
Found a good to spot to grind up some levels real easily. After you leave Gaia Pass you will be reunited w Bogard and then you head south and then cut a path of trees to west to continue. You will notice 4 werewolves close to the edge of the west screen and the deal Is they keep spawning right away so kill them go off screen come back kill again and repeat as needed. I gained 5 levels real quick but moved on.
Pocket gamer just lost me with their review of this game saying that oceanhorn is a better cheaper alternative. That's laughable sorry oceanhorn sucks it wants to be good and it looks good for a min but at the end of the day it's nothing on this gem. Glad you are here toucharcade cuz some sites have lost their minds lately!
Yeah, I go back to Oceanhorn now and again to try and finish it, but Adventures of Mana has made me want to play it and go adventuring. I think the pace of it really helps. I'm looking forward to reading a review of it here on TA.
To me oceanhorn was great to look at but something missing. I'm ready for final fantasy ix to hit or to at least get a real release date. I have been playing it on my ps one and it's great. I'm on the airship I've gained a lot of levels today so I'm good with it.
I think the game is good but I do agree with PG on some points. Oceanhorn is zelda like but in different ways than this game. Unfortunately I'm going to have to shelve this game for now. It's great as I mentioned, but it's not for everyone. I never played the original but all I know it's extremely faithful that most of the frustrations from the old one are the same in the new one. I personally enjoy more involved combat but the focus of this game is puzzle solving, location finding, and item management. I like those things but it smaller doses. For me personally it got a bit too much into item management that I noticed battles were way too easy and that was the only challenge. I probably should've knew what I was getting into before I bought it but that's what happens when you purchase without giving much thought. Graphics, music, etc are all excellent but it definitely has a niche. I don't think it would be something I'd recommend to everyone but it's still a solid game. Unfortunately it just wasn't for me even though I'm a huge RPG fan and bought nearly all of SQE's app store games and SQ PS1/2 games.
I seriously love how much you love this game, simply because every post you make reminds me of myself. I still haven't got over how perfect a remake this is.
Great minds think alike I'm still in love like day one And after a little negative I had get this thread trending positive again All is well with the world I have the Chocobo now haha