Universal Adventure Xpress (by [Adult Swim])

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

    Gabriel at least give it a try. I didn´t noticed that there are timer or iAP in the Game till someone had mentioned it after I had already played the Game for like an hour.

    Trust me if the iAP in the Game would be a Problem you would see me already running around and making sure that everyone is aware of it but it`s not the case :D
  2. This game is awesome. 1st death in boss world 3.
  3. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Why not offer an option to spend 5 to 7 bucks to completely unlock the game? Do you guys figure that's not enough to make it worth your while?

    A lot of people don't like the concept of entering an open ended financial deal. I'd like to know how much I'm paying in advance... I don't want to spend ten bucks just to find out it only lasts for half the game.

    Maybe some would pay piecemeal... maybe some would buy the whole enchilada. Don't know why this straightforward option isn't added in a lot of titles.
  4. redribbon

    redribbon Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2010
  5. SwimCeej

    SwimCeej Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2008
    I help make iOS games!
    Atlanta, GA
    I'm struggling a bit with how to answer this except to say - IMO, Adventure Xpress is generous enough with currency (at least a good long way into the game) that if you decide to pay for a pack, as long as you don't spend frivolously, it'll last you a good long while. More, I'd say, than many other F2P games, honestly. I myself have spent $6 in the game - my own money - in part to test out purchases of the final App Store version but I think it'll take me a while to get through that. :D

    There's not really a way to 'pay to unlock the complete game' - unless you're talking about changing the game's economy to be more generous, removing ads or removing the option to pay for coin packs at all. As mentioned, IMO the economy's well balanced - there are only a few features using premium currency (early unlocks, continues, life potion replenishment). Continuing and life potion replenishment also have a "watch ad" alternative to paying or waiting. You could grind the currency I suppose but having played this game A LOT I've never run into a need for that. Download the game, play it, I think you'll agree.

    I understand that there are people who don't want to consider a F2P game for the very good reason you mention. However, there are many, MANY more people who will no longer consider paying for a game, period. Not even 99 cents. Any cost - they won't download it. Or pay to unlock content as you mention. Just doesn't happen much anymore (not in enough numbers for it to be worthwhile).

    What we've/PikPok've hopefully done with AX is let you play pretty much unobstructed if you don't want to pay anything (like the vast amount of users), but that if you do decide to buy a currency pack you're going to feel OK about what you get for it and how far it lasts you. Again, I can only say that my experience with the game was that I never felt I had to dump a whale's bounty of cash into IAP to feel like I was progressing. Maybe I'm biased - but I really feel that'll be your experience too if you give the game a shot.
  6. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Is the final boss for area 1 not supposed to have any music? I noticed the music stops playing when you reach the last enemy boss.
  7. People think games are falling from sky like that. They don't know there are devs/humans with family behind and need to be paid like any other jobs. People...
  8. [NZ] Adventure Xpress (by [Adult Swim])

    I've got the same issue too. But only for this Battle.
  9. Misguided

    Misguided Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    #29 Misguided, Oct 2, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
    @Swimceej it sounds like the IAP system is pretty generous. I'm not the type that completely dismisses anything with IAP out of hand (and have, in fact, spent quite a bit of money on some f2p PC games) but there are those among us who would like to support the dev of a great game, but would rather not do so by buying currency. Chances are that I will ya this and enjoy it, but end up not spending any money, which is a shame, really.
  10. wigzisonfire

    wigzisonfire Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2012
    Art Director
    Amen to this! I don't understand why both camps can't be pleased. He mentioned that people won't pay even a cent for a game now. They will only download of its free.

    I get that, but on the same hand there are a lot of gamers like me who will categorically not spend any money on consume able IAPs. But would be more than happy to drop a big chunk of money to unlock the game and remove all freemium elements.

    I don't get how it can be so damn hard to have this as an option. You will double your audience if you can cater for both camps.

    Stop being greedy and thinking f2p IAP is the only solution!
  11. sivad

    sivad Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2013
    I don't think greedy is an accurate word here. Let's be reasonable and not fully dismiss a game that hasn't even hit all regions yet. We have a dev here explaining his points and I see no reason to not allow his opinions and reasoning instead of just making negative comments on pricing.
    I prefer premium games as well, but THe mobile market is not geared that way and I don't think it's fair to the devs of these games to be ridiculed for their pricing structures.
    Fact is, more hands will try a game and play it for a free download, than a premium game. A game that is f2p can be longer supported and more updated than premium. Premium games give that one time hit and then that's it. Unless they charge for content updates, there is no more money in it for devs.
    I understand both groups but I fully a support a dev that comes to these forums and gives their honest explanation for their pricing structures. I will be supporting once 11 rolls in
  12. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    So, uh, yay or nay for this?
  13. Paradiso

    Paradiso Well-Known Member

    This has my seal of approval.
  14. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    #34 C.Hannum, Oct 2, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
    I'm unsure why you call the approach greedy, it's called being smart if the game has been designed to be "mostly harmless" when played for outright free.

    *You* won't spend on consumable IAP, ok, why should they care? Your "big chunk" of money is probably chump change compared to what the people who do pay over time will spend.

    Both populations of players are small and niche, but one of those niche's doesn't give a damn about all the things that get the anti-IAP crowd's undies in a bunch and they think nothing of throwing a little money each month or so toward a game that is entertaining them, whereas the other niche is demanding, nigh impossible to please, and presumes $10 or $15 is enough to justify never dealing with "freemium nonsense" again when, ha, that's a month or two's budget for the spending people who stick with the game.

    One way or another, they have to generate a sufficient revenue per user to justify the game's development and continued support. Once they make the decision to go freemium, any individual spender must cover the costs for dozens of players who will never spend a dime. So, if you're looking at a game and thinking, "I'd pay $10 or $15 for that!", consider that if the game is otherwise free to play, you're going to have to pay many times your idea of a fair price to be fair to the developer.

    Your concept "fair price" is a terrible, no-good, money losing option for an otherwise well designed free to download title. You can't please both camps because then the people who would have tossed them $80 over the next year won't because they'll have gone for your "buyout" option. Rather, having your buyout option requires them to design the freemium system in such a way it all but forces the buyout option, leading to screams of "PAYWALL!!!!" Then they lose both niches - the anti-IAP niche stays away from the title like it has ebola and the spender niche who would have one day thought to themselves, "I've been playing this thing for a couple of months, time to splurge and upgrade!" will have instead been scared off early on by the then seemingly high buy-in price.
  15. sivad

    sivad Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2013
    Seems good, and free to try so I'd say yes. I love rpg and match 3 so seems win win to me
  16. uFinKnow

    uFinKnow Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2014
    This is my game of the week.
  17. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    YES! There are impressions earlier in the thread when I posted before it turned into an IAP thread :)
  18. cannedpineapples

    Jul 19, 2012
    Giving it a try against my better judgement, since on principle I'll never pay for currency packs. A coin doubler yes- but never something that may need to be replenished later.

    I hate having to question- when I lose, did I lose because I just need to rethink and reset, or because the game has it against me? (the latter becomes more likely because I can simply pay to win).
  19. SwimCeej

    SwimCeej Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2008
    I help make iOS games!
    Atlanta, GA
    And, it's live in the US. Looking forward to hearing what you guys think of it. You know, besides the existence of currency packs. ;)
  20. metalmandave83

    metalmandave83 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2013
    This game is boring as all hell. After clearing most of the first area, I'm uninstalling. This game is a very barebones and shallow match three.

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