Universal Adventure To Fate : Quest To The Future JRPG

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Touchmint, Jul 13, 2015.

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  1. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    +Taunt (this monster must be killed first before the others)
    -Should make battles a bit more interesting and tactful.
    -Taunt monsters will have their names red as well as a red shield below (much like poison or stun).
    -If you try to attack a non taunt monster first you will get a dialog box letting you know you cant.
    -Example Robot Drone might be protecting scientists you you'll have to kill the drone first

    +Death Spawn (this monster has a chance to spawn another monster when it dies)
    -Again youll have to keep an eye on what is respawning and kill accordingly
    -Example might be some spider eggs in the sewers kill these and they have a chance to spawn spiders where they were.

    +Reflect (when this monster takes damage it deals damage as well)

    -This one is interesting because it can go both ways (NPC > Player or Player > NPC)
    -This will also be a stat on items
    -There will be spells to buff or debuff this feature
    -Its a better idea to use stronger attacks fewer times rather than small attacks more times because each time you hit you will be taking damage.
    -Example radioactive mutant might have 5 reflect damage when hitting him you will take that damage each time you hit him.

    Current Work
    +Monster prefixes (sewer rat might be the base monster but you can find an angry, elder, injured etc which will alter its base stats)
    +Randomizing monster find by regular walking (before I had set each monster encounter on the squares) now you will find them randomized by level range for the area
    +Thinking about having base stats and just changing level to affect how strong the monster is so you could find a level 2,3 or 4 snake for example. Same base stats and loot but level will make them harder to fight.

    Next Work
    +Polishing up new additions code and design wise
    +Starting character skills levels 1-10
    +Starting level content 1-10
    +Getting you guys some screenshots once that is all looking pretty.
  2. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Just wanted to get a quick preview screenshot out there for you guys. Dont mind the shop and gems crap at the top or some of the images that have not been changed (using the code base from battle arena).

    Anyways below you will see the 6 new classes as well as one of the 3-4 starting pets. There still will be design changes and maybe system changes but just wanted to give you guys something to go on.


    Finalized starting classes

    A genetically modified military personnel who has gone rogue and now kills for the highest bidder. Mercenaries are modern day warriors who use their power to fight.

    An individual who has devoted their soul to the dark arts. Cultists use psychic powers to control and destroy.

    A rogue-like lurker who uses their street skills give them an upper hand in combat.

    The priestess has been blessed by a higher power which allows her to mend and punish evil.

    The mutant is both blessed and cursed by its over-exposure. Mutants posses radioactive powers and can control their mutations to destroy.

    A wild man who has forsaken technology and once again become one with nature. Rangers charm creatures and use bow skills to defeat their foes.

    +Started on class skills
    +Overhauled the drop system (loot tables are larger now).
    +Fixed some minor bugs
  3. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Just wanted to toss you guys a little update:

    I have completed most of the core coding and now am working on some of the actual game design.

    I am starting on the classes and skills and this is what I have so far (mostly just brain storming). Things are bound to change as I play and keep in mind these are just 3/10 or so skills each class with get along with pet buffs etc.

    Fury Smash - A passive skill that causes your third consecutive attack in a row to hit for double damage.
    Adrenaline Rush - A buffing skill that raises strength and agility at the cost of wisdom.
    Combat Strike - A physical attack with a small chance to stun.
    Charge - A strong charging attack with backlash.

    Psychic Blast - A psychic based damaging spell.
    Haunt - A debuffing skill that lowers enemy agility and raises fizzle chance.
    Grim Chant - A buffing spell that raises intelligence and critical chance.

    Sneak - A buffing skill that grants an extra attack.
    Wild Strike - A physical attack with a large random factor.
    Blind - A debuffing skill that lowers enemy agility and raises fizzle chance.

    Pray - A buffing spell that raises HP and SP recovery.
    Holy Flash - A holy based damage spell.
    Renew - A minor healing spell.
    Bless - A buffing spell that raises intelligence and wisdom.

    Mimic - This skill becomes the last skill cast by your enemy.
    Alloy Mutation - A mutation that turns your skin into a metal like alloy. (raising AC)
    Toxic Touch - A physical attack with a high chance to apply radioactive poisoning.
    Radioactive Glow - A buffing skill that raises reflect damage.

    Pet Mastery - A passive skill that improves pet abilities and allows you to tame secret pets.
    Trueshot - A strong ranged attack.
    Toxic Shot - A toxic arrow shot.
    Multi Shot - A ranged attack that hits all enemies.

    Ive also started a bit on level design and laying out how the starting area looks.

    updates should be a bit more consistent since I will have design things to share.
  4. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Just a little update here guys. I am currently polishing up the first area / zone. Everything is mapped out as well as most of the monsters and items made. Also fixed some bugs in the pet combat system but all should be good now.

    I also changed the theme of the game a little bit to allow for some more fantasy elements. I was struggling with content with just pure futuristic features so this will be a bit more of a fantasy future rather than sci-fi future.

    You will start in the early ages and hop around time finally ending in a dark future instead of spending your whole time in a sci-fi like future. This will allow quite a bit more depth and variety. The crafting system also works quite a bit better then everything isnt sci-fi based.

    Anyways I will post some screens early next week to give you the feel of the game so far. Everything is going to be a lot more open compared to the first which was just going down a dungeon and the second which didnt involve any exploration at all.
  5. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Here is an early look at the game it shows a few new cool things.

    Ranger Class (Uses only bows as weapons and gets bonuses with pets)
    Tainted Rat Pet (Early game pet with mostly offensive abilities)
    Monster with the new Taunt (youll have to attack any monsters with taunt first)'
    Reflect Damage (certain items, skills, pets give this ability when you are hit you reflect a certain amount of damage back (npcs can also have this))

    Just finished up the first zone (layout, monsters, items, etc) now I am just going back over everything and polishing it up.

    Now that things are getting playable I would like to start testing in a few weeks so drop a post here if you are interested. I have a pretty big list from the last game but the more the merrier!

    Attached Files:

  6. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Spent most of yesterday working on design, interface fixes and random bits.

    Redid the loot window
    -Now includes scaling for looting/finding pets.
    -Loot items now show on top and window scales if there is a level up instead of always having the space for it.
    -Gold and materials resized.
    -Color theme changed a bit.

    Resized world images 3x larger
    -Should be a lot sharper on the larger phones and ipads
    -App size is actually smaller because i deleted a lot of unused ones.

    Random Bits
    -Chests world loot images are now removed from the world map after looting them.
    -Set Crafting materials for all zones (these will come randomly after winning a battle or finding a lootable object).

    Working hard again today so look for an update tomorrow.
  7. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Spent most of today fixing bugs and optimizing code here are a few snip-its of what I did:

    Fixed Mimic image not changing for the mutant (was saving to the pet)(add code to save it and load it when its the players turn again).

    Pet now independent of player stats in formulas (hit chance, fizzle, crit, crit damage)
    also updated its combat log text now includes pet name instead of just saying the player did it.

    Make it so you alternate what material items you are getting when you kill things.

    Removed fate gems from crafting items excel.
    Now can cast 2 debuffs (pet and human can each cast 1 per npc)

    Added first shop/merchant in starting town.

    If you search a room you remove that image from the room. (chest, barrel, etc)

    finalized text requirements in shop or lookover for rangers on items (can wear medium armor (2) but use only bows (4)).

    Might not look like much but these were some big bugs blocking progress I should be a bit more free to start on the second zone now so look for updates on that early next week. :D

    Here is a screen of the first sewers area.

    Attached Files:

  8. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey guys just wanted to update you on the weekend work. I managed to update my systems to el captain as well as Xcode 7 and it only broke my project a little bit. I managed to get those errors fixed and everything seems to be running great now. This is usually a huge battle when updating Xcode so looks like I dodged one here.

    Any ways I'm hoping to get the second zone done this week and maybe I'll post a small video of how things are working.

    Until next time go Cubs!
  9. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Today was a pretty good day got quite a bit done on the game and the Cubs won!

    Here is a little summary.

    Implymented about 20 new items art, stats, crafts, drops etc.

    Fixed a ton of bugs
    Warp bug
    Saving last room loc after warp
    Chest gold bug
    Finding pets bug
    A few typos in rooms file and items file
    Pet sp

    Polished up pet skills as well as skill images

    Did a testing round as cultist through first zone.

    Here's a little pic of me fighting an end zone boss

    Up next fixing the round of bugs from this testing session and then implementing the second zone.

    Attached Files:

  10. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    BETA/testing help

    Yo, very interested in the game, looks great, will you control multiple units in SRPG fashion or more like one character and dragon quest/final fantasy rpg? Either way, hit me up if you have room for a tester or a spot for me in BETA. THANKS!

  11. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey great to see the interest.

    You'll be controlling you character as well as a pet while battling. The cool thing about the pets is you will be able to swap them out before battles and they will each have their own skills and styles so lots of combinations.

    With the pet you'll be able to attack, buff, debuff, heal, etc. it's really like controlling 2 characters but the pet is a lot more flexible.

    Say you have a highly offensive character you might want a pet that can heal and help defend. Say you are fighting a boss that has tons of life and you need extra damage trade your pet out for a more offensive pet. It's going to be a pain to balance but should be fun for you guys haha.

    Hoping to start testing at least for the first few zones at the end of the month I'll add you to the list.
  12. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015

    Sounds fun 4 sure. Thanks for the info and quick response.
  13. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Yesterday I made some great progress! I mapped out the next zones rooms as well as outlined the monsters that will be in the rooms. Today I will be creating monsters and items to fill the new zone.

    Here are some other fixes that happened yesterday as well. (these notes are mostly for me but feel free to take from them what you want)

    //Equipping skills removes pet icon and you cant reequip skills its broke
    //when you lookover a pet skill it shouldnt say which class the skill is for maybe remove that all together
    //change egg in spider area to add a spider to your pet inventory
    //check to make sure pets are being added to player inventory
    //back to arena button is gone when looking at advanced stats
    //Add Pet passive skills to work before battle starts
    //remove ac from pet status
    //make it so if hp skill takes you to 0 you cant use instead stop it at 1.
    //level 6 skill is showing up on pet bar.
    //lower pet image button during battle it overlaps a bit
    //lower spider fang drop chance a lot
    //when you rpet poisons someone it should say it did it instead of you
    //make you won battle title larger and you found title smaller on rewards screen
    //when you are stunned it shouldnt skip your pets turn as well.

    hopefully today or tomrrow I can get things polished enough to post a screenshot of the next zone.
  14. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015

    Sweet, you seem to make somewhat fast progress. Can't wait to test it out!
  15. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #35 Touchmint, Oct 17, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2015
    Thanks now that most of the coding is done things move a lot faster!

    Finished up the second zone this week so I'll be testing over the weekend and hopefully starting on the third next week.

    The second zone is designed to be somewhat of a ruins type zone where you deal with a pack of bandits and some other cool enemies. You'll also get your first look at the evil behind everything.

    Here is a little screen of the environment you'll be seeing.

    Attached Files:

  16. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Having played all the other Adventure to fate games I am super stoked on this one. Keep up the great work!
  17. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey thanks! I'm putting a lot into this one for sure. I'm adding a lot of new systems that should really set this one apart. a long time fan just emailed me great idea for a new confuse type effect that I think I might be able to sneak in although most of the programming is already done (feature creep ftw).

    I was out of town all week but still got some great testing done. I'm really hoping to have TestFlight beta start earily nov.
  18. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey guys just wanted to update you on the progress of the new confuse skill.

    here is a little bit more on how it will work
    -When confused they will have a chance to attack themselves or another monster with their skills, spells, heals (buffs, debuffs not included atm).
    -The more monsters there are means the more chance a confuse will help you out. (currently if its just you and the confused mosnter they have a 50% chance to attack themselves. When there are 3 total npcs they have a 25% chance to attack each person)
    -Confuse will last 1 round and count for each of their attacks.

    1st NPC now attacking with confuse
    Confuse effects on self npc and other npcs are correct.

    adding objects in the database for NPCs that allows them to be confused
    adding objects in the database for items that allows them to hold a confused percent stat
    adding objects in the database for skills that allows them to hold a confused percent stat
    update database files in the game files
    update excel game files to have room for new stats
    load all new files into game
    implement it so bosses cannot be confused (implement it so bosses cannot be stunned either)(or so npcs in general can only be stunned once per battle).
    make confuse worth with heal.
    complete all these features for 2nd and third npcs.
    Adding confuse for players so a npc can confuse your player.

    Im sure things will change a bit but here is the outline feel free to toss any suggestions out there.
  19. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey guys after another long but great night i made some awesome progress!

    All 3 NPCs now attacking, skilling, spelling and healing themselves as well as the hero at random
    -Includes effects sounds hp bars adjusting.
    -Includes npc movement when attacking a monster behind them they will move that way.
    -Death can now come off of poisoning, reflects, confuse attacking themselves or another monster attacking them.

    Players confuse completed
    -Players now can be confused meaning instead of casting spells on their enemies they might hurt themselves.
    -Players when confused and trying to heal themselves might heal other npcs.
    -Players can also die during their turns if they injure themselves from confuse.

    adding objects in the database for NPCs that allows them to be confused
    adding objects in the database for items that allows them to hold a confused percent stat
    adding objects in the database for skills that allows them to hold a confused percent stat
    update database files in the game files
    update excel game files to have room for new stats
    load all new files into game
    implement it so bosses cannot be confused (implement it so bosses cannot be stunned either)(or so npcs in general can only be stunned once per battle).

    After some testing this is really going to make things quite a bit more interesting.
    Confuse as an offensive player spell can be devastating if landed on the correct monster. You might choose to confuse a healing monster so you can have heals while you fight some harder ones.
    Confuse as an offensive monster spell really makes the player think about what moves they want to use. Since confuse does not work against potions or buffs/debuffs it will be a good time to use those. You might even want to make sure you have a weak attack spell handy just so your opponent cant use your strength against you.

    You will likely see a confuse percentage on the cultist class in their buffs and offensive spells. You also will see it in some of the rangers poison type spells and maybe even in the assassins blind type spell. There will be a few pets and items that will give a slight chance for it as well.

    Anyways I am pretty excited about all this hopefully I can have this all completed and polished up by early next week and get back to the building phase.
  20. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #40 Touchmint, Oct 27, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
    After a long battle with some horrible code I have completed the new confuse feature.

    Next up is actually implementing it into the current game and forward. Here is a look at the cultist spells as of now. The cultist will be using confuse quite a bit but all classes will get a chance in on the fun using items buffs etc. Anyways here is a look at the class skills this should give you an idea of the direction im going with it:

    Psychic Bolt - A psychic based damaging spell.
    Haunt - A debuffing skill that lowers enemy agility and raises fizzle chance.
    Dark Intellect - A buffing spell that increases intelligence while lowering strength and agility.
    Plagued Bolt - A poison based damaging spell.
    Soul Shield - A buffing spell that raises armor and block chance at the cost of life.
    Hellfire - A demonic fire based spell that damages all enemies.
    Confundus - A weak damaging spell with a high chance of confusion
    Horrify - A debuffing skill that lowers enemy strength and wisdom.
    Demonic Bolt - A dark damaging spell that also leeches HP.
    Corrupt Chant - A buffing spell that increases HP leech and confuse chance.

    Hopefully I can have everything polished up and have a video to show you in the next few days.

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