Universal Adventure To Fate : Quest To The Future JRPG

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Touchmint, Jul 13, 2015.

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  1. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #201 Touchmint, Feb 28, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2016
    Thanks for the kind words guys! The first adventure to fate was great but I understand it sometimes got a little repetitive with just encounters. Now that you can find things and the world is more open its a lot more balanced game play and feels more like a full adventure.

    Assassin Preview

    The assassin is a great damage dealer in a variety of ways. The assassin deals the highest amount of pure damage and is a master of poisons. The assassin also has stunning skills as well as a buff that extends their stun duration.

    Sneak - A buffing skill that grants an extra attack.
    Wild Strike - A physical attack with a large random factor and a chance to stun.
    Mark For Death - A skill drains life : 15 every round.
    Sinister Brew - A buffing skill that increases stun chance : 12.
    Ambush - A physical attack with a large random factor.
    Toxic Strike - A weak physical attack that poisons.
    Incapacitate - A debuffing spell that lowers enemy stamina : 1
    Assassinate - An all out assassination attempt.
    Toxin Mist - A thick mist that poisons all enemies.
    Assassins Brew - A buffing skill that raises poison damage : 60 and rounds : 2
  2. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Priestess Class Preview

    Don't let the priestess class name fool you. While she is a great healer she can also deal out damage with the best of them. The priestess has a variety of damage dealing spells skills and curses. Of course the priestess has great healing skills too. Her healing skills include heal over time, direct heals, extending life and a restore skill that heals for the last damage you took. Overall the class is very well rounded and makes for a very fun play!

    Pray - A buffing spell that raises HP : 10 and SP : 10 recovery.
    Holy Flash - A holy based damage spell.
    Renew - A minor healing spell.
    Bless - A buffing spell that raises intelligence : 7 and strength : 7.
    Abolish - A curse skill drains life : 25 every round.
    Smite - A holy based physical damage skill with a chance to stun.
    Extend Life - A buffing spell that raises HP : 200.
    Life Leech - A shadow based damaging spell that also leeches HP.
    Rapture - A strong holy based damage spell that has a chance to stun.
    Restore - A skill that heals equal to the amount of damage last dealt to you.
  3. luckystrikeguy

    luckystrikeguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Yeah I'll be playing with the mercenary for sure
  4. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Sounds tastic! Im actually checking the thread a few times a day if more promos are being posted. lelz.
  5. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #205 Touchmint, Feb 29, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2016

    Ohh like some of these?


    Enjoy! And post if you take one thanks!!!

    For those of you who miss these and still want a chance before launch sign-up for the news letter at AdventureToFate.com I've already given out a few on there and plan to do a few more before launch.
  6. InsuranceMan

    InsuranceMan Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Redeemed WXFTY69ERMXL, thank you! This one looks amazing!
  7. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Excited for Thursday been reading and following this one for a little while and it just keeps getting better
    Good luck
  8. Talaen

    Talaen Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2012
    Both codes are now redeemed apparently, although the second did not reply here.

    The game has shaped up nicely from what I've seen and is a nice evolution in the prior games (which I largely enjoyed outside of the repetition). Looking forward to picking up on release!
  9. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    ^That's coz i got the second one! bwahahahaha!

    As expected, this game is top notch in game mechanics, however, there's one part i am struggling with. Can we have an option to move the dpad to the left side?
  10. Bucktroo

    Bucktroo Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 29, 2011
    Natural State
    If he's giving out promo codes...that means the game is launched and I'm still missing it? I WANT TO PLAY THIS.
  11. Talaen

    Talaen Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2012
    Ahh, very good. Glad it went to someone we know will give great feedback and perspective. Enjoy!
  12. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I've already got a full list of improvements for the first update (including a new class that I will give more info on later) but I don't see why I can't add an option to toggle it. Keep in mind you can still touch the map to move as well.

    I'm excited to see what you think this game is about double the size of quest to the core and a lot more in depth so finishing it up may take some time.

    For those of you who missed the codes keep an eye here and post if you have any questions about the game contents I'm excited to talk about it!
  13. luckystrikeguy

    luckystrikeguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    I see the first one on sale but is there a point to getting it since this is coming out in the next couple days ? It definitely looks like a labor of love so I can't wait to play it.
  14. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #214 Touchmint, Mar 1, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
    Well not to cannibalize my sales but this one blows out the old one in pretty much every way possible. Plus eventually I'll be putting them in a bundle.

    For example I think the first one had about 1k rooms where this has 2.1k. This has over 500 items to find, loot, buy and craft while the first had maybe 200. This has 200 unique monsters to fight compared to just over 100. You get the point it's a way bigger game.

    On top of all that there are totally new systems like crafting (6 professions), pets that you can find that fight along side your character, and world looting which just makes the game have more of an explore feel to it.

    All that said I think the game is much more approachable and casual friendly while being in depth for hardcore players. Everything has gotten so much more polish! With over 2 years now into the work of this custom engine I built things just look and work better. Image sizes are all retina now, tons more sound effects, much more music and longer music so it's not repetitive.

    Just simply a much better game. Not to say the first isn't great but I've definitely grown as a developer over this last 2 years with the help of the players. listened to all your guys feedback and made the best game I could.
  15. InsuranceMan

    InsuranceMan Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    That line hits home for me. The game looks simple on the surface and is easy to get in to. Once I started though, I was stunned at the amount of stuff that's really going on in here! After I started really enjoying my poison Ranger build, I was like "oh snap, there's still all these OTHER classes and builds to tinker with!" VERY well done, great job!
  16. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    That was really the goal here with this one. I wanted to expand on both fronts. I added a ton of things like the tutorial, skill & item hints, more in depth library and really just made the user interface a lot more friendly.

    On the depth side like I said before more of everything! I tried to make it so stacking your skills items and now pets you could play each class a variety of ways. The pets really are an xfactor for rangers since they have their bonuses doubled.

    On top of all that once you complete the game you can transfer items using the account vault to your next character including items in the heirloom shop to build an even stronger character in order to get a higher Game Center score. So far I only know of one person who has beaten the game without dieing and I believe it was on their 3rd play through although they have been testing with me for a few months.
  17. luckystrikeguy

    luckystrikeguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Mm maybe I'll pick up both to help you out. I know it's only a buck not sure it it matters
  18. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Sorry about the delay on the Mutant class preview but trust me it was worth the wait!

    Mutant Class Preview

    The mutant class is by far the most fun to play and might even be a little overpowered (oops!). The mutant class has some fun morphs to choose from depending on what kind of build you want to make. Poisons, stuns, reflect damage? It has it all but my favorite thing to do is stack reflect and hp regain then just watch the monsters kill themselves!

    Mimic - This skill becomes the last skill cast by your enemy.
    Alloy Mutation - A mutation that turns your skin into a metal like alloy.
    Noxious Touch - A physical attack that applies toxic poisoning.
    Alloy Strike - A strong physical attack with a chance to stun.
    Repair - A minor healing spell that uses no stamina.
    Toxic Mutation - A mutation that causes you to radiate and become toxic.
    Decay - A curse lowers strength and drains life every round.
    Regrow - A buffing spell that raises HP : 30 and SP : 30 recovery.
    Monstrous Mutation - A mutation that turns you into a monstrous beast.
    Toxic Glow - A buffing skill that raises reflect damage : 35.

    One class left for you ranged and pet lovers. The ranger is last but not least tomorrow!
  19. Bucktroo

    Bucktroo Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 29, 2011
    Natural State
  20. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #220 Touchmint, Mar 2, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
    Launching in about 12 hours in AZ maybe sooner in the east coast and other places (not sure how the new release system works haha).

    Ranger Class Preview

    The master of bows and pets. The ranger has the special passive ability to gain double passive bonus from pets which really shapes their character. The ranger also specializes in bows like you might assume and has a variety of skill paths to focus on. The Rangers really are the jack of all trades with poisons, stuns, confuses, and aoe.

    Pet Mastery - A passive skill that enhances pet abilities.
    Trueshot - A strong ranged attack.
    Tainted Arrow - A toxic arrow that poisons.
    Camouflage - A buffing skill that grants an extra attack.
    Mystic Arrows - A mystical arrow spell that damages all enemies.
    Venom Tip - A buffing skill that's raises poison abilities.
    Syphon Shot - A ranged attack that also leeches HP.
    Frozen Arrow - A frozen arrow that stuns.
    Charm - A debuffing skill that lowers intelligence and strength while raising fizzle chance.
    Erupting Arrow - A strong explosive shot with a chance to confuse.

    Here are a few more codes before launch! Enjoy


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