Thanks for understanding again if this was a full time thing or I was making the big bucks on this where I could do it full time it would be a diff story where I could put aside that time. I’ll still keep my eyes out for a solution and honestly I’ll prob take another look to atleast make it playable (may not be pretty or include everything but playable at the least).
I did manage to get some quality of life improvements in. When looking over skills it now shows the formula that it uses as well as what the base damage is depending on your equipment and whatnot. Here is an early version of how it looks.
Ok so I did make some progress on the small phone front. (SE and iPhone 5). I am able to get the character creator working but there will be some mostly unimportant elements missing since there just is not room for skill pictures and some advanced details but it is playable so that’s good. There are about 7 views in the actual game that will need adjusted as well which is a little more work but as long as I can just hide certain elements rather than having to resize hundreds I may be able to make this work. I don’t want to get any hopes up but this may be doable I’ll try to keep everyone updated.
Just a little update here I am planning on releasing the next update over the weekend. This will include the skill formulas and base damage showing for skills in the spellbook and on combat (in combat they will show updated by any current buffs or debuffs). This will give players a better plan when attacking. also will have the endless arena added to the game which will allow you to fight any monsters from any of the 4 games in the adventure to fate series’s. you can use the endless arena once you have completed the game.
Ok just finalizing testing tonight and then submitting to apple tomorrow morning if all goes well. I was able to include about 215 monsters from all 4 Adventure To Fate games. This should make for some pretty interesting battles for those at endgame! here is a little preview screen!
Ok the new build is now live! ►The Endless Arena Has Arrived! Now battle ANY monster From ALL 4 Adventure To Fate Games! Choose any combo of monsters and test your skills against them! Any completed character has access to the endless arena in the Infinity Arena! Update Log ►Endless Arena Added -Fight over 200 NPCs from ALL 4 Adventure To Fate Games! -Fighting NPCs level 25 and higher (starting with Vlad Tepes and to the right) will drop items (all npc you fight must be level 25 or higher!) for example a level 27 npc and a level 13 npc will cause no items to drop! -There are some very cool items to find even heirloom items (ones that will help lower level characters!) -Fully healed after every encounter for quick battles -Level cap raised to 27 -Endless Arena Shop includes lots of potions to pick from -Endless Arena has up to Epic weapons (no longer just rare items) ►Spell and Skill Formulas Shown -When looking at spells and skills you now can see the formula used and base damage of it. -Viewable in skill book as well as during battle. -Helps players decide what to use! ►Other Improvements -Bonus Blessing (ad watch or gem cost) now gives more bonus stats the higher level you are! (Up to 5 of each stat!) -Fixed some sfx bugs -Improved Voiceover focus elements -Optimized battle layout display speeds -Small bug fixes -Small grammar fixes As always thanks for the support and let me know if you have any questions!
Ok working hard on the next update. this will include a new create your own item system. Starting with weapons. This is different from crafting in that you’ll be able to pick the weapon and the types of bonuses on it. the system atleast to start will work as a random appearance vendor that lets you craft this weapon much like how you run into a pick a spellbook deal. ideally every few floors you’ll run into this vendor that allows you to create your own weapon with own bonuses, stats, name and picture. Once created you’ll get one added to your inventory and then when you are playing other characters it will have a chance to show up in the shops as well as maybe drop from monsters too. still in the early stages but so far the coding for adding the item to the game is done but I’m currently working on creating a simple yet flexible interface for you to create this weapon. Once this is in I’ll likely expand to armors and potions as well.
Ok so making some good progress on the create a weapon system! so far you can choose from the 4 types of items. (staff dagger sword bow) once you choose your item you choose from a list of pictures that go with that (if you choose dagger youll have say 20 dagger pics to choose from) once you choose your pic then you can choose your bonus (str agi int end wis luck etc...) You select your bonus (up to 4 of them) and it adds to the item. lastly youll name the item and the form will add this item to your inventory as well as add to the database so it can show up in shops and perhaps drop from enemies. Still lots to polish as well as making sure it cant bug out or be exploited but I am making great progress. It is laid out very similar to the endless arena. youll select your bonus it adds it below and then you can remove or add more. I will likely do a point system so say you only add 1 stat to the weapon it will be worth say 3 points of that stat. if you add 2 it may be each is worth 2 and so on. For example you choose a dagger and you only add str bonus you would have a dagger with 3 str. If you choose a dagger and add str agi and luck you would get a dagger with 1 str 1 agi and 1 luck. I will still need to balance this system out in a way but hopefully you get the idea there. I figure I will have about 3-4 of these pop up and they will be one time use. on say arena 2 you might only be able to create green (uncommon) weapons. in arena 5 blue (rare) weapons. arena 8 purple (epic). and then in the endless arena an orange (legendary). I am undecided if i will allow you to create multiple per crafter you encounter or just 1? maybe in the endless you can create as many as you want. I will also need to decide on cost as well. likely will charge fate gems but want it to be a fair amount. maybe the first is free maybe if you want to do extra it costs more. all things i need to decide so if you guys have input on any of this or comments let me know!
Ok still working on the design a bit but here is an early look at the weapon forage. create any weapon you want with your name pic stat bonuses etc! Once created you get a copy as well as the weapon having the ability to show up in shops as well as dropped by monsters!
Ok things are really coming together for the weapon forge! So this is an idea of how the system will work as well as a few features I’m still trying to get a grip on. You’ll run into the weapon forge on arena 4 8 and endless. As I have it now you’ll be able to create 1 item per forge per character. (So in 1 play through you’ll be able to create 3 items) These forges will only show up on newly created characters after the update as well as anyone in the endless arena. So if you have 5 characters you have beaten the game with right after the update you’d be able to create 5 weapons if you wish. These items are whatever level you create them at. Once again you’ll pick the type of item, name the item, pick the picture, pick 4 bonus stats. They can be all different or just 1-2 stats multipled. For example if you choose 4 diff stats: str int agi wis you’d get 1 str 1 int 1 agi 1 wis. If you just choose int 4 times you would get 4 int. Pretty straightforward there. Not all stats are treated the same for example if you choose hp. It’s 3 hp. If you choose crit chance it’s 2% crit chance. I’ll post the whole list here once I get it finalized. I’d like feedback to see if you guys think it’s fair. Also staves / wands give extra int / wis since they are mostly spell based. The actual damage of the weapons you create is a little randomized with bonus damage compared to other weapons if the same color. Now as I said before you’ll see these weapon forges at arena 4, 8 and 11. Weapon forge at arena 4 is base blue (rare) and has a 10% chance to become a purple (epic). Doubling its stats! The base damage also goes up. (Plan on costing 10-20 gems to create) Weapon forge at arena 8 is base purple meaning stats will be doubled on what you pick. It has a 10% chance to be legendary meaning each stat is worth 3. (Plan on costing 15-30 gems to create) Weapon forge at endless arena comes legendary and each stat is worth 4. (Plan on costing 25-50 gems to create) So that’s a general idea still more to come but everything I’ve noted here is basically coded in. It can change and likely will but I just want to give you guys an idea if the progress. If you have input let me know. This is kind of new territory. I looked for iOS games and no one has done anything like this so I want it to be fair gameplay and cost wise as well. It’s a hard balance but should be able to figure it out.
Ok just working on the final touches for the weapon forage as well as fixing a few other unrelated bugs then hopefully testing once again and submitting the update this weekend. Here is a close to final screenshot of the weapon forge. I’ll try to post a video tomorrow as well.
Ok just submitted the new update to Apple. Here are the update notes a bit early! Update 1.4 Notes The Weapon Forge has arrived! Create fully custom weapons of any type with any name, picture and stats! Use this powerful weapon on any of your characters throughout your account! (they are even added to the shop for your other characters) You will find these weapon forges when exploring the arenas 4, 8 and the endless arena! 1. Choose Your Weapon Name 2. Choose Your Weapon Picture (from over 120 images) 3. Choose Your Weapon Stats & Bonuses (thousands of combinations!) 4. Forge Your Weapon and Slay your enemies with it! These powerful items will help you fly through the arena and even have a chance to become legendary items making them even more powerful! Other Features Craft materials now drop in the endless arena. They are on a rotation in the order they drop. The first enemy (enemy 1 slot) determines what level of item you get for example if you are facing a level 5 enemy as the first enemy you are going to get low level crafting mats no matter what the other enemies are. This also determines how many of the material you get as shown below. if (NPC1Level < 12) craftRandom = 1; else if (NPC1Level < 20) craftRandom = 2; else if (NPC1Level < 25) craftRandom = 3; else craftRandom = 4; There are a whole set of crafts at level 26 so its worth checking out! -Lowered item drops in endless arena to level 24 and higher meaning starting with the magma stinger and higher those NPCs will now drop their items. Other Fixes -Wisdom and Luck now displaying correctly on skill formula lookovers -In endless arena it now saves last enemies faced so you don’t need to find them again if you want to quickly re-battle the same enemies. -All rooms in shimmering void should now correctly read out their description (instead of nothing is here). This will only work for characters created after this update however shop will show correctly for all users after this update. -Finally tracked down and fixed bug for VoiceOver users where if they died then tried to use the shop or view an item it wouldn’t read and they would be stuck. Should be fully fixed thanks for tips When playing endless arena then leaving to create a new character that character can no longer use correct shop and monsters don’t drop items correctly -special thanks lars -Fixed bug where if you were in the endless arena and then started or played a new character you would no longer get drops and your shop would be set to endless arena shop. -thanks again lars.
Hi again, can’t wait for a new weapons. I did find another bug with the Grim Chant correctly raises confuse but not HP leech by 15. Also when you’re in battle and click on stats The game score and fate gems are switched and incorrect.
Ok the update should be live. Here is a little video of how the weapon forge works. again you’ll start seeing these appear on any new characters you create after the update or any characters that reach the endless arena. let me know if you have any questions!
The new forge is great! Although, I don’t know exactly how much of each stat poison, reflect, exp, etc will be so it’s hard to decide which to choose for benefit/amount. Also, when I created a weapon with (3) int and (1) crit, int was fine but the crit display was 0.08 and did not increase my actual crit %. Kinda bummed about that.
ok I just submitted an update to fix this thanks for pointing this out I’ll also contact you private message with some codes to get any gems back you may have spent
This is how the stats are laid out (once fixes from the update go through) When you select this bonus this is how many you will get per bonus point. (purple / epic is 2x, gold / legendary level 20 and below is 3x, level 25 endless arena legendary is 4x) Strength += 1; Intelligence += 1; Agility += 1; Endurance += 1; Wisdom += 1; Luck += 1; HitPoints += 5; SkillPoints += 5; BlockChance += 1; CriticalChance += 2; CriticalDamage += .02; PoisonChance += 3; PoisonDamage += 4; PoisonRounds += 1; ConfuseChance += 1; StunChance += 1; VampHP += .01; ReflectDamage += 2; RegainHP += 2; RegainSP += 2; BonusEXP += .01; BonusGold += .02; Example if you do 2 str and 1 hit points and 1 critical damage bonus on an endless arena item youd get: 8 str, 20 hit points, 8% more critical damage
I pushed through a quick update to fix some bugs with the forge. Please update before doing anymore forge creation!!!!! Update notes below: -Fixed bug in weapon forge where critical and block and poison chance would not add properly to character. -Even if you have already created your character you will get a chance to find a forge without having to create a new character. (for floor 4 you'll need to walk on room 8 (top right corner), for floor 8 you'll need to walk on room 6 (top left corner), for endless arena you'll need to walk on room 2 (top middle square)). Walking on these squares will make the forges appear. When you start a new character you do not need to perform these actions the forges will appear on their own. Please update before doing anymore forge creation!!!!!
Hi touchmint, The restore purchases option cant be clicked on my ipad 9.7" because its off screen. And purchased stuff like ad-removal and 2xcrystals is still avaible though I already bought it. And is there a way to sync progress to my iphone? Right now I have two different games running. One on my ipad and one on my iphone. Nice game btw.
Sorry about that bug I’ll check it out and add to my list! Thanks for spotting it. as long as you have purchased the ad free and 2x gems on the same App Store account when you go to buy it again it will have you login like you are purchasing and will say “you have already purchased this so you want to restore?” If for any reason this doesn’t work and it double charges you let me know I can send you App Store credit. again has to be the same App Store account email address but should just restore not charge you. and sorry everything is stored directly on the device there is no way to sync game files with another device.