Universal Adventure To Fate - Dungeons [Dev Blog]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Touchmint, Dec 19, 2018.

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  1. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #1 Touchmint, Dec 19, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2021
    EDIT: The game has been submitted and releases on JUNE 17th 2021!

    Promo Video:

    OLDER CONTENT DEC : 12/18/2018 (man ive been working on this for a long time!)

    Things have been a bit silent out of TouchMint Studios (my livingroom) however I have been slowly working on the next FREE version on Adventure To Fate.

    ATFD is finally at the stage where I have most of the concepts and general gameplay down so I figured now was a good time to start posting a development blog. I don't really have a timeline for when this will be posted but creating a dev blog/change log on updates lets me get some feedback from the community as well as some motivation when needed.

    About (keep in mind early stages lots could change)

    Much like Adventure to Fate : Battle Arena this will be a FREE OFFLINE game. There will be some IAP and there will be some ads however you can easily earn everything without paying and you dont have to be connected to the internet to play. <<This wont change

    As for how the game will play out again it will be similar to how ATF BA was a free version of the paid game Quest to the Core. It will have some overlapping classes and monsters. There will be a battle arena in the middle you will fight monsters and each round they will get harder with progression etc.

    New Stuff
    Now that we got the similarities out of the way here is what I am looking to add: The levels will be much shorter about 10 monsters per dungeon level and after each dungeon level you will pick a reward (much like dungeon runs from hearthstone). Might be stats, weapons/armor/crafting mats, Pets, Gold,Skills. So as you go down these floors along with leveling your character crafting and buying items youll also progress through a series of decisions you make as you progress.

    So as time goes on I will be posting updates and development notes so stay tuned for more information!
  2. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    i loved all ATF previous games so i’ll be waiting for this one... any ETA?
  3. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    A huge fan of your work and a past supporter can't wait for this one! Keep up the great work!
  4. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey glad to hear! and yea no real eta but as i said its built on the same engine as the other ATF and uses much of the same content from a quest to the future & quest to the core so its really about polish and tweaking the systems until they work.

    I will try to do a full dev blog/update post to show where I am and whats left to complete but its really just about adding these new systems and tweaking old content to work. Again this will basically be the free version of quest to the future with some new content mixed in as well as completely new systems. Also I gotta redesign all the screens for the notch =( and redo much of the voiceover so that the visually impaired fanbase can play correctly.

    For example right now I am working on choose your reward system you get for beating a floor/zone. Here is a little screenshot keep in mind still a work in progress:

    Attached Files:

    aconfusedkender and Gwarmaxx like this.
  5. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Update notes

    Revamped reward screen to indicate rarity colors

    Toying with idea of hardcore/perm death mode.

    May have an option of both unlimited deaths and just 1 death or full perm death

    Expanded shops to include all items of that player level (might just randomize each time game is played if perm death)

    Created list of milestones / rewards if I go with perm death. Example if you beat first floor unlock ranger class. If you beat second floor unlock starting pet reptiod and so on.

    Perm death would require quite a bit of changes so toying with it. Ideally I allow both reg play and hardcore mode.

    More updates to come.
  6. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Got some work done on content. The first 2 stages pretty much complete (although as I go im sure I’ll revamp).

    This includes:
    Rewards for next stage (randomized stats pets gold materials and item)

    Going to refine over the next day or two try to get it balanced out and then maybe try to do an early TestFlight if things continue to go well. Might test at first as a permdeath. Still undecided.
    AltsKev likes this.
  7. OkyOky

    OkyOky Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2017
    Cant wait☺️☺️
  8. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Finished up the first 2 sections of what will be about 10 sections got that polished up adjusted drops and tested with a few classes. Started in on 3rd section as well as some overall polish to the character creator (still will need a revamp for added classes).

    Ideally once the 5th section is done I will start some limited testflights if all is looking good. Will prob have both endless mode and perm death to get some feedback on the matter.
  9. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Didnt get much work done tonight however I solved a big problem plaguing development and kind of wanted to notate when I solved this and how.

    Anyways I do all my content building (npcs rooms items skills etc) inside excel files and then I upload those files to the coredata database. Each line of the excel file turns into an item or monster etc. so basically I upload the tab delimited file and use an array that catches those tabs and after some magic I have the individual monster/npc/item files. This has always worked fine however since I recently got a new office 2016/18? and this stopped working. apparently the new excel throws some extra hidden characters inside the file (which cannot be seen) which throws off its feed into core data. after hours of smashing my head against my keyboard I figured out this was what was going on and adjusted for those hidden characters and returns. Everything seems to be working now and fingers crossed I solved it for good.

    will update again soon with some real content!
  10. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Working on and testing randomizing which monsters you fight each round (this is kind of the first step to a perm death mode otherwise things would be too repetitive)

    Going to test this out a bit and go from there.
  11. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Randomizing seems to be solved so I am able to randomize spawns by certain variables such as level skills rareness etc.

    What that means to the user is each run will be different (but still structured) which should lead better replayability and more exciting outcomes. I also plan on randomizing shops so again each play through is a bit more unquie. I feel this is important for a perm death mode going forward since you’ll probably be doing multiple Playthroughs.

    More to come.
  12. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Spent a good amount of work last night on the system and it looks like I should be able to do both a adventure mode (endless deaths) and a hardcore mode (perm death/1 death).

    Database has been updated to support this will still need minor tweaks on character creator and main game client but so far hardcore mode is working fine side by side with adventure mode.

    Still need to work on getting shops randomized. First step is actually sorting through all the items making a rule for which items will randomly show and then saving that set of items then once again loading them in the shop. Should be doable but may have to make a database addition or some kind of persistent file. I dont think I want it to re randomize each time you open the shop and I dont even think I want it to re randomize each time you quit and restart the game so it has to be stored somehow. If i can get away with not having to edit the database again that would be nice!

    Once I get shop stuff sorted I should have a good base to actually create content and recreate the first few levels say 20-30 fights and then maybe get a limited beta out to get feedback on perm death.
    William11011 and AltsKev like this.
  13. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Managed to get shops randomized still working on what rules will dictate them.

    Right now you have 10 battles per floor and each floor has a shop. The rules in place are that each shop has random items with a range of 5 levels. (-1 to +4 on character level).

    For example if you are level 5 and you get to the second floor the items in there will be level 4-9 items.

    Each green has a 66% chance of showing up and blue 33%.

    So that’s a quick summary should stay close to that.
  14. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Testing the first 2 stages and fixing bugs as they pop up as well as adjusting difficulty where needed.

    Added about 5 new npcs as well as some new skills and new items for them to drop.

    Still adjusting how items will show up in shop. Blues showing up a bit too much might need to adjust that or raise the gold cost otherwise it makes drops and crafting a little worthless.

    Next steps are getting the next 2 levels done then taking a look at the character creator and deciding what classes will be included by default and which will need to be unlocked.

    Idea is to have an achievement page with say 20 achievements to unlock. Things like beating the first floor, beating the game, collecting all pets etc. these things might unlock new starting classes pets as well as passive bonuses like starting with 500 more gold or gaining more crafting mats each round etc.
  15. Legion180

    Legion180 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2015
    If you ever need help in testing - would like to help. The game sounds good.
  16. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    Thanks hoping to have early testing going sometime mid feb. Things are going well never know how things are going to shake out but so far so good.
  17. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Worked on polishing things a bit more as well as created some new items for the floor completion rewards. The item rewards for beating eat floor are now randomized a bit again to improve replay abilities.

    Added a few more npcs and item drops to spice things up.

    Finally fixed shops they should randomly set what items are in them when you enter the next floor. For example if you enter floor 2 at level 5 you’ll see items for level 4-9s.
  18. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    More polishing of the first 4 floors about 40 battles. Added a few items skills and pets to add some more depth.

    Going to start in on a quest system to add more replay ability.

    Quest system is in early stages but ideally you’ll have 1-3 quests / goals to achieve either for that floor or for that game.

    Examples might be
    Medic - heal for 500 points of health
    Escape death - fall under 5hp
    Beastmaster - collect 6 pets.

    Quest system will reward gems / account bonuses that you can use on future replays.
  19. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Also on mobile don’t see edit post but thinking about adding a create you own weapon reward.

    Would be a base level weapon and as a player you pick say 3 attributes.

    +leech life
    +minimum damage
    +gold find

    As an example.
    William11011 likes this.
  20. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Rewrote the reward system you will also be picking a reward right at the start of the game that is class specific for the most part.

    For example a illusionist (caster type) might get to pick from extra spell damage/extra magic points/extra starting gold/Pet that boosts spell damage/Extra spell damage gloves

    Still working on the quest side of things for starting out as well so that is up next.

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