You need to unlock the Vault for 200 Fate Gems. Its the golden chest on the left side of the arena. I also like the idea of a compare option when browsing for new gear. Not that big a deal to me tho, but I reaaaally would love to see some background art during battles! That's pretty mich my only qualm with the whole game.
So I believe up until level 12ish or arena round 25ish (I'll have to look at the code) you can replay for free. After that you must pay a gem OR watch an ad. You cannot ever replay the last boss of the arena round (dragon, scorpion King, etc). One you beat the final boss of the round you unlock the next arena. Are you saying you cannot play the last boss of the arena and you cannot go to the next arena?
This is something in the works but there is a space issue on screen. I'm going to research some other games to see how they are doing it haha.
Wow congrats. You might be the first to have beaten it. Give us some info! Class? Items used from other professions? After beating it did you get any of the heirlooms from the final store?
Did it with my Knight! Used all the armorsmith items i could craft on him, all the jewellery from my druid and finally the best dagger from my rogue. Even with all that it was still insanely hard! Now im working on getting every character best in slot gear, then eventually levelling them again as alchemists for the perk of not using any stamina for Potions while having the best gear #. I did buy the Heirloom boots, belt and the 2 wisdom rings (which if used right from the start five your character a massive SP boost by the end) if anyone is stuck or needs any more tips just ask #
I wasn't able to like this game. I really, really wanted to though. For one there is no defend or flee option like in ALL RPGs. Two, you can't sell crafting ingredients. Three, it feels like too much of a trial version because there are so many gems required for everything. Unlocking classes, different crafting types and races are understandable, but needing gems for equipment that is required in order to even stand a chance at most bosses is just shady. Three, 200 gems to open a vault to simply store items?! Oh look, it's only got 10 slots and you can't transfer gold or crafting mats. . . it's not worth it. I'd rather spend that on a Pepsi Four, gems only drop from each battle only once, and they are even required to replay battles later on. "YOU MUST PAY TO MOVE ON" was screaming in my head most of the time. I think this is a pathetic and dishonest way to make money for all of your hard work in making the game. The microtransaction business model is a plague to the gaming industry.
Sorry you feel that way and thanks a ton for atleast giving it a try. I hope you got a little enjoyment out of it and honestly I'm not a fan of the model either but I felt like I approached it as fair as possible. This is my first shot at it so there are some things to fix I admit. If you are just looking for a pure purchase no micro transactions/ads the first is $2.99 LINK: Adventure To Fate : A Quest To The Core JRPG
Speed it up, sprite updates with gear, less grindy, sound effects for attacks/creatures/block, get rid of the "not enough stamina box," what everyone else said eg background graphics, cheaper vault etc Best of luck!
Sorry I missed you before I am guessing you are past this point but maybe this will help others. Youll want to stack up on int items as much as possible to get your spell damage up. There is also an armor potion from the first area (Vial of Protection) + frozen shield skill that will give you a ton of armor so you wont be getting hit for much at all. Once you are at level 12 you'll get fire ring which works really well against the beetles and works as a AoE.
I agree with speeding it up ever so slightly but how for many items there are in this game changing the sprite appearance to show your gear would be far too time consuming! Possibly could do it for legendary items? I think a good change would be when clicking on the black box in battle that shows your stats you could be directed to your stats panel. This would be helpful to see how much certain buffs and debuffs affect you!
-Should be able to tweak the speed a tad. -I just don't have the resources for sprite updates with gear -I don't want it to be Grindy but I did want to have a ton of levels before you finish the game I thought it was a good balance? -sound effects for those can be added -without that it was confusing to players who had not played turn-based. They didn't understand attacking and App Store rating took a huge hit on the last game. I do agree tho I need a better system. -Background graphics or atleast more intense color can be done -I feel the vault is priced correctly. You can earn it by playing through once or buying it for 1.99. I was just going to have it as 1.99 only but I wanted to make sure everything in the game could be earned. I will add the stat lookover during combat as well idk if I will have time to make it into the update going in this sunday but it's a much needed feature. Even when testing I was like that would be nice but it just didn't make the release cut. Some great ideas not all will make it into this current update but most should make it by the next one. Thanks for playing the game and then taking your time to give me feedback!
Thanks for the tips I'm a wiz as well! I'm level 15. I haven't seen the Fire Ring. Ohhhh you mean the spell .. Sorry just got t What is the option after you fight to the right of take loot. It says extra loot, but when I click it it takes me to an AD and after don't receive even the basic loot!
You can create a new character and get free gems from the battles again. So ya technically CAN get the same gems more than once.
I think the comments about the grind are more about how you have to replay some battles many times for gold/xp to have a chance at the next battle unlocked. As you need gems/to watch videos for this it feels annoying. I would guess the update will help with this but I honestly don't know if I care anymore. The game is alright but I don't think I am invested anymore. Games have a limited opportunity to capture my time and I think that the ads killed this game's chance.