Universal Adventure to Fate: Battle Arena JRPG (by TouchMint)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. anniec

    anniec Member

    Mar 5, 2015
    #341 anniec, Jul 11, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
    Quick Guide to OP Monk:

    Class/Race/Profession: Monk, Vampire, Alchemist
    Spellbook: Attack, Spirit Strike, Mend, Energize, Inner Fire, Inner Wind
    1st Row: Glacial Shard, Mirrored Reflector, Living Crown, Shroud of Death, Leggings of Rebirth, Boots of Speed
    2nd Row: King's Belt, Deity Gloves, Bone Amulet, Giant's Ring, Ring of Agility, Priestess Band

    Priority of equipment is aimed at buffing Agility and Vamp HP/SP (setup gives 0.21/0.15 respectively). Higher Agility means higher dodge, and higher vamp greatly decreases dependency on healing potions (especially with King's Belt only having 3 slots). With this setup the need to buff Armor Count and HP Regen becomes moot.

    The name of the game is STAMINA! At level 30, the monk should have 6 stamina points under this setup (4 base, +1 from boots of speed, +1 from energize). SP Cost becomes moot due to Vamp SP on hit. Since Inner Fire and Wind cost an absurd ZERO stamina, and energize only 1, you should be able to launch 5 attacks on your first turn, since spirit strike only costs 1 stamina point!!

    Why Choose Spirit Strike? STAMINA! THAT'S WHY! Sure SS does less damage than Cobra and Dragon Strike. But the lower stamina cost means SS does more damage per turn, especially on a 6 hit turn where you will get 2 double damage strikes! Don't believe me? Check the math?

    Let's first establish average damages (with Inner fire) for each move based from what I experienced (yours may vary a little): tested on a Frostwolf Commander
    -Regular Attack, normal = 60 for 1 stamina
    -Spirit Stirke, normal = 120 for 1 stamina
    -Cobra Strike, normal = 160 for 2 stamina
    -Dragon Strike, normal = 220 for 3 stamina

    If we calculate total damage for the first 2 turns (5 points on the first, 6 on the second) with every 3rd hit doing double damage we get (assuming no criticals and no attack misses or gets blocked):

    SS: 120 + 120 + 240 + 120 + 120 = 720
    240 + 120 + 120 + 240 + 120 + 120 = 840, which gives 1,560 damage in 2 turns

    CS: 60(reg) + 160 + 320 = 540
    160 + 160 + 320 = 640, which gives 1,180 in 2 turns

    DS: 60(reg) + 60(reg) + 440 = 560
    60(reg) + 60(reg) + 440 + 60(reg) = 620, which gives 1,180 in 2 turns

    As you can see, SS is the most damaging of the 3 on the first two turns and ends up being the most efficient over the course of the battle due to simply the stamina cost. If that doesn't convince you to go with Spirit Strike, I don't know what will.

    Thanks for reading my long, tedious guide. Hope this gives you guys some ideas when using the Monk :)
  2. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Wow looks like you hit the nail on the head haha. You might have gone more indepth than me and I created them! It looks like the best approach but why didn't you use the recovery skill that heals for last amount hit? Just didn't need it? I found it pretty useful in the ice arena but the way you set up with vamp it makes sense you might not. Tbh I never did a build like that while testing.

    Anyways thanks again I'll be sharing this with the visually impaired users over at audiogames.

    Also I'm working on the 3rd adventure to fate and would love to have you and some others here help test since you really have a grip on the game mechanics and really game design overall. It's still a ways out but is a bit more complex (the ability to have pets that battle by your side). Anyways I would love your input so let me know if you are interested and thanks again for all the support.
  3. anniec

    anniec Member

    Mar 5, 2015
    Hey TM. Thanks for reading the guide. The setup I used is very efficient in terms of damage and stamina use, but it uses ALOT of SP points. That is the main reason why I chose the vampire. HP Regen and AC are good and all, but to me that best way to mitigate damage is to avoid it entirely, hence the emphasis on AGL. I used mend cuz it doesn't use stamina. I can heal myself while at the same time preserving my attack points.

    And yeah, if you need help or input on your next game I would be glad to help. I know NOTHING about App programming whatsoever, but if it has to do with RPG gameplay mechanics and ideas, then yeah I can help on that front.
  4. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Yea it's a very good tactic for playing the game and that's why I had so much fun with the monk class it's was really open to play style and super powerful.

    As for the testing there wouldn't be any programming involved it would really just be what you have been doing playing the classes and letting me know the balance and how fun they were to play. I'm introducing pets to the next game so interchanging pets that can attack buff debuff etc makes things a bit more complicated so I'll for sure need some help. You seem like you know game mechanics as well as anyone so would be a great help!
  5. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    For those of you who enjoyed Adventure To Fate : Battle Arena I am working on the sequel and NEED a few more beta testers.

    Its very easy to get testing going and you will be credited in the game as well as get the new game for free!

    Post here or PM me if you are interested and I will get you going today!

  6. Duke12

    Duke12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
  7. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    Sweet! Just PM me your Apple ID (email you use on the app store to download apps).

    I will get you added to the testflight list asap!

    for those who have never used testflight its very easy here is a step by step.

    Step By Step:
    1. Just download the TestFlight app off the app store
    2. Give me your email and I get you added to the test team
    3. youll get an email saying your beta download is ready
    4. Download
    5. Profit!!!
  8. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Have all the testers I need for this round. Hoping to start the next round in about 2 weeks which should include the full game. Thanks again for the support guys!

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