Spoiler fire kimchi: napa, fire spice, garlic, bare hands Cucumber fire: cucumber, fire spice, garlic, bare hands Daikon fire: daikon, fire spice, garlic, bare hands Maki (urchin): sea urchin, rice, vinegar, nori, bare hands Sea urchin rice: sea urchin, rice, bare hands Hot dog: bread, sausage, ketchup, knife Raw sea urchin: sea urchin, knife Sumo-pot: g. Chicken, tofu, napa, stock, pot Sukiyaki: beef, tofu, soy sauce, sugar, pot Salmon-crab pot: crab, tofu, salmon, sea broth, pot Oden: egg, daikon, seaweed, sea broth, pot Dragon steak: dragon meat, salt, black pepper, garlic, frying pan Tuna steak: tuna, salt, black pepper, soy sauce, frying pan P. Tuna steak: p.tuna, salt, black pepper, soy sauce, frying pan Eel pie: pie dough, eel, egg, oven Golden pie: pie dough, golden fish, egg, oven Fried octopus: octopus, flour, lard, salt, fryer Derpy me didn't put down the numbers but it's basically everything else. Enjoy~
I think by chance I had always tried him against monsters resistant to his attacks, which was why I thought he wasn't so good. In the desert he has proved quite useful. Apart from when fishing...
Spoiler combo 3: samurai set - riceball, salted daikon. Combo 12: maki combo: maki (cucumber), maki (tuna)
How early can you actually unlock Elias? I'm at the end of the first month, bar rank 7, last completed area was Mt Gilbert. I had Alfine in my party for the first few areas (until I unlocked Alter) and have made sure to go talk to her every single day. She keeps saying she'd like to try my pie again... that apple flavored tea would be great... and that she's looking for a book that must be checked out. Also, does anyone know how to get Catastrophe and Bearok for Selia? I somehow had them in my last game (I think I had them both before getting to Lar) but don't have them yet in this game even though I've stolen from all enemies and opened all chests so far. Thanks!
Sorry if this has been asked but I just got the fishing rod and was wondering if there are any particular fishing spots that are better than others? Thanks in advance!
oh, geez. does anyone know how to beat the stupid Wind Slayer and Garudas QUICKLY??? the guy asking for the misto soup came on day 11 and now its day 15. even with my strongest partners i cant beat them all. i keep getting killed. >.< stupid chickens on steroids.
Really? Have you used potions on your teammates constantly? If you have, just keep lvling up your characters.
not potions, just lvling them up by eating. i mean, Lidia's Sword Dance hits them all, but its not very strong. Do any of the others use Sword Dance as well??
Hey guys I've beaten the desert boss and given Alfine a Rose Cake but I have no clue what to do next? I'm bar rank 10 I just got elias.
Thanks again rice, you too cool. I believe that's the only way to get misto plant. Anyway for the boss battle, don't be afraid to spam skills. Grind on Sylphs which drop MP pots almost every fight. Boss and Garudas are weak to wind. Wait for the next cooking competition and win the master league. Event should occur the next day.
Thanks Savvy I just did that now apparently I have to research tear of earth and essence of catfish, where should I do this? Edit: nvm should have just waited xD
argh, what and where is the last item for elias' exam? i only have the Spoiler lizard and the Spoiler shiny mushroom