Universal Active Soccer 2 (by Gianluca Troiano)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. dadiduekappa

    dadiduekappa Well-Known Member

    Apple still very slow... :(
  2. djstout

    djstout Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    Sportscaster & football (soccer) coach
    Taiwan & Japan
    Very very slow
  3. djstout

    djstout Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    Sportscaster & football (soccer) coach
    Taiwan & Japan
    Finally its here! Updated
  4. Mikiesque

    Mikiesque Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    Indeed. The wait was excruciating. But so far so good. No apparent new bugs creeping in. Fingers crossed.

    Great Job GT!!
  5. netmute

    netmute Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2012
    I'm really liking this so far. Which is a huge compliment from me because I usually don't like sports games and soccer in general.

    I have a couple questions though. The icons in the team roster don't seem to be explained anywhere? What do the stars stand for? What's with the up and down pointing arrows? And why are their heads blinking yellow and red? I'm so confused :)
  6. Mikiesque

    Mikiesque Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    Have a look at this ->
  7. TheFoxSoft

    TheFoxSoft Well-Known Member

    Hi guys,
    I have some interesting news.
    This new update is the most complete and stable version and now I can finally start the porting for Windows Phone 8, BlackBerry 10 and Mac OSX.

    Last weekend I had a booth with Active Soccer 2 PC version and many people tried and enjoyed the game, especially multiplayer matches. It seems with a big screen, 60 fps and physical gamepads the game is by far more enjoyable. I got a lot of feedback, mainly positive, from people (from 19 to 25 y.o.) that didn't know Sensible Soccer or Kick Off. Their first football game known was Winning Eleven. Surprisingly, many of them loved the flow of the game and the fact that with only 2 buttons you can perform a lot of different playing.
    There is a problem with the dash activation, I need to invent something but anyway I would like to maintain 2 buttons.

    I am also starting an Active Soccer 2 enhanced version that will be a polished version with some interesting new features that will be available exclusively for Consoles. My friend, working on the database, is also implementing an updated and improved dataset. Which consoles I still don't know.

    After the release of consoles version I will sum up the results of the game, if there is enough following I could decide to produce Active Soccer 3. If AS3 will ever exist will be a huge game, having a bigger budget, including new GFX and sounds, and advanced AI. It would be by far the best football game, at least on mobile platforms.

    Finger crossed, Active Soccer is more "active" than ever! :cool:
  8. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Great news :)

    Must get back round to playing again! So many good games at the moment with so little time :D
  9. Mikiesque

    Mikiesque Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    Awesome news GT!!! Congratulations!!!

    We are all keeping fingers crossed too to have AS3 and beyond.

    What consoles are you thinking of for the enhanced version? (VITA/3DS PLEASE!!!)
  10. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2011
    Video Producer/Editor
    I noticed there still isn't an option in settings to allow for your own music or whatever audio you want to listen to while playing. Is there a way to turn that on? When I have music, radio, or podcasts playing then open the game, they stop playing and the games audio kicks in. I'd love to listen to my footy podcasts while playing.
  11. netmute

    netmute Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2012
    Thanks! That was insanely helpful.
  12. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    Thanks for the update! loving the extra career slot and the player switching is even better and I didn't have a problem with it before really. if you do not make an active soccer 3 at least give us a roster update in Sept. 2015, now I hope you do make 3 as this game is so much better than the other options. Thanks again.
  13. djstout

    djstout Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    Sportscaster & football (soccer) coach
    Taiwan & Japan
    I totally agree! This is a masterpiece!
  14. steviebwoy

    steviebwoy Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    e-Systems Analyst
    Cornwall, UK
    Hi Gianluca, it's only a tiny thing but do you think you'll do much with the database we're playing with? I'm in my second season and Everton are top of the Premiership with Man City down in 18th; Lukaku is the best striker in the league too! It's not really a big deal for me, but it would be nice to see some real-world reflection in the CPU results. If you do update the database, would we have to start our careers again?

    Also, I've been winning quite a few games 2-0, only to see the CPU bring on 2 substitute defenders rather than fresh attackers to try to come back. It would be great if teams could switch tactics on the fly as well - i.e. switch formation, or put more emphasis on attacking if they're losing etc.

    These are just bonuses really, and obviously classic footie games like Kick Off & Sensible Soccer didn't have this kind of thing so it's not really a biggie - just the icing on what is an amazingly tasty cake! :D!
  15. thericochet

    thericochet Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    Player abilities change as the game years progress - Lukaku is certainly not the best striker in the league at the start :)
  16. CraigG

    CraigG Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2009
    Looking forward to trying out the update. Something that might be nice for an update: having preset tournament types, rather than draws. It's nice to fire up World Cup 2014 or UEFA Euro 2012, but it'd be handy to have single-tap access to a different, fairly realistic draw for the same competition. (Either that or be able to pick a team for the WC, say, and just have the app deal with the rest, without you manually having to select a bunch of opponents.)

    I'm hoping this sees the back of the draw-in-knockouts, as per the description, too. Mighty Belgium's hard-fought campaign was cut short recently after a 3–3 draw with The Netherlands confused the game and killed everything at Day 2.
  17. TheFoxSoft

    TheFoxSoft Well-Known Member

    Team values may change during seasons, so it could happen that Lukaku could be a top player.
    CPU switching tactic and more clever CPU substitutions are a good idea, I try to implement these one.

  18. CraigG

    CraigG Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2009
    A new bug I've not seen before. A foul very near the goalmouth. The opposition's goalie is now 'hovering' above the ball, which is making a rattling sound as it's hit repeatedly dozens of times per second, but the free kick itself isn't being taken.
  19. steviebwoy

    steviebwoy Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    e-Systems Analyst
    Cornwall, UK
    Another quick note for you Gianluca.

    In the career mode > Cup competition I've often found that I'm losing money in a week where I have an away game in the Cup. In the English league, whether home or away, the two teams split the gate receipts so it would be very rare for a team to make a loss on a Cup game.

    Also, it would be good to get more money depending on the team that you play against - i.e. if you get an away Cup game against Man United (even if you lose) you should get a big gate receipt, when compared to an away Cup match against Cambridge United. If you win against one of these teams, you should get a bonus in any case (again, perhaps depending on the status of the team you beat).

    Finally, we only play one match in each round of the Cup, if I remember rightly. It tends to just be European competitions (Champions League etc) that play home and away. This makes upsets a lot more likely in the domestic Cup, and it would be nice to see this added too.

    Just my thoughts :)
  20. TheFoxSoft

    TheFoxSoft Well-Known Member

    Hi Steve,
    your points seem really valid!

    Thanks for your feedback!

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