Acrobat: Trapeze Me! "You'll rage, and you'll love every second of it."

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by StartUp Studios, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. StartUp Studios

    StartUp Studios New Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    Acrobat: Trapeze Me! is an "arcade" game that is only controlled with a single tap. But don't be fooled. It'll make you laugh, it'll make you smile, it will get your heart racing, it'll make you yell and throw your phone away, then immediately pick it back up to play some more.

    -"I'm already addicted"
    -"Butt Clenching action"
    -"You will Rage, and you'll love every second of it"
    -"Really! REALLY!? Did that just happen!?!"

    -"I'm not a gamer, but I would get hooked on this"




    Check out this video: to see people's reactions. It's hilarious.

    Pro is only .99c and it already has more stuff to keep you playing, plus, we'll be adding more as time goes on. A story line with a brand new gameplay mechanic. Carvinal games. And Carnie vs Fairmen, and arial battle arena.

    What has been presented here was made in it's entirety in two weeks by pretty much just me. The music was scored originally by my friend at Eunoia Sound ( Other than that I created everything myself (After bringing home my newborn son! Yay)

    I'm starting off my career in game making with Acrobat: Trapeze Me! I hope you guys give it a try, even the free version! And let me know what you think of it. Share it with your friends. If you really like it, do me a favor and purchase the pro version, trust me, it's worth it.

    Go on over to the facebook page to get to know us and see what we're up to next.

    Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the game.

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