That's great feedback, I'll definitely think about A, B and C! As far as the speed slider is concerned, that was originally fixed on the left hand side of the screen, but a lot of testers didn't notice the connection between swiping and the speed bar changing (even when I added a thick line that went from the finger doing the swipe to the bar). I tried all kinds of button configurations as well. It's tricky to place stuff at the right of the screen, because most people use the right thumb to barrel roll and accidentally hit other controls when I placed them near the right screen edge. Anyway, configurable controls are currently on my nice-to-have list! I'll definitely keep an eye out for other opinions on the controls! Do you feel that a third, very hard difficulty mode would improve the game for you?
I'll get right on that, then! Can't say when the first major update comes, but I'm pretty sure I can put that in!
I remember an article on AppAdvice stating that the developers contract ended or was ceased with BulkyPix and they were going on their own. They were going to offer the game for free on the 29th for one day only for all the adopters from the original. The new one is under the developer name Phillipp Seifried. Here is the link to the article
Definitely worth a pickup especially since it's temporarily free. I'm happy that I got on the developer's mailing list for a heads up about this, as i would have been peeved to have it removed from the store with no option but to pay again.
Hi guys, I'm the author of the game! Was just about to post about the re-release here, only to find that you've beaten me to it. sugimulm is right: Bulkypix and I have ended our contract, and I'm self-publishing the game from here on out. Unfortunately any game that has ever used iCloud (as mine has done for cloud savegames) can't be transferred from one dev to another, which is why I needed to create a new app and go through Apple's approval process again. This means that existing players will need to repurchase the game, which is why it'll be free until January 2nd. The new version has a few new goodies, notably a new super-hard difficulty mode which comes with four exclusive bonus missions. Quite a few players in this thread felt that the game was too easy. Hopefully they'll find the new mode beefy enough. (if you do still think it's too easy, let me know) I'm also planning a content-pack, hopefully out in late January or early Feb. I'm sorry for the inconvenience! I'm trying to reach as many players as I can while the game is still free (and have also sent note to the Touch Arcade team, as well as other sites), so if you know any other players, it would be great if you could help spread the word! Oh, and here's the new App Store link:
Ace Ferrara and the Dino Menace (by Bulkypix) So i'll buy the same game for a new difficulty mode. That's all ? How much ? Because man, it's not fair for us who bought the game day one.
It's free right now. Read the front page. I was the same at first because I bought it also but don't worry. #
When I bought this game, I freaked out with excitement and from too much hilarity when I started playing and I haven't played it since. It's TOO funny! Will the additional content be IAP and if so how much?
It'll be free until January 2nd so that everybody who bought it can grab it again without paying. If for whatever reason that doesn't work for you, send me a direct message, and I'll send you a promo code.