This is a great collection and it's awesome to have the games in one place, though tbh I think the art style looks worse than the original. The drawings seem somewhat...Cheap.
I have these on DS but I'm tempted to buy this anyway. Though rumors of V are making me consider buying a 3DS.
I've only played the first game and really enjoyed it. A few have said the second isn't as good, but can I go ahead and play the third game without playing the second? Or will I not understand certain story elements? Thanks!
You'd do better if you played them in sequence, since there are sometimes inside-jokes that you'll only get if you played the previous ones. Other then that, you could play them in any order whatsoever. These are some of the best-written games I have played, and I had an absolute blast with them in my DS. I'm eagerly looking forward to finishing them on my iPad again, since I don't remember much of them anymore @iPadisGreat: you said that you were playing this on your TV? How are you doing that?
Justice For All may be the weakest of the three, but it's still very enjoyable. You'll certainly want to play it before TaT, else you won't be able to go back. I find playing in portrait mode offsets that quite a bit, but I agree. Animations and text crawl are smoother in the originals as well. Ace Attorney 5 has already been announced though?
Yes; people have a tendency to exaggerate just how good/bad things are, oddly enough. You're better off judging for yourself.
Justice for all is awesome, you should definately play it. Small question : In the first game, is the fifth case (the special "DS" case) included, or do you only get the GBA cases ?
I am playing Ace Attorney Trilogy HD on my TV via Airplay through my Apple TV 3. Although it looks pretty good on my iPad too...
I agree! Disappointed that a Multi million dollar company would release what they call an HD trilogy "universal" app when it doesn't have iPhone 5 optimization (almost June 2013) and not true iPad retina... Not cool at all... I'd like to thank the small, independent, and indie game producers for creating games that are optimized for iPhone 5, true retina support for iPhone and iPads including retina displays, and NOT releasing things in what is nearly mid year 2013 that mislead with HD term but isn't truly retina display or iPad support. The ipad 2x with black bars and non-iPhone 5 optimization is a joke... I was so excited about trying the series and held out over the past 2 months for this new version and am now shocked with what they are offering us! What a joke!!!
I'd definitely suggest you play Justice for All. Being "the weakest of the three", which is certainly subjective, is still very very good. It's just being compared with even better games, just that This series has some of the best, fun and engaging writing I have experienced in games, and if you find the first episode grabs you, then you are in for a treat. I did state in the upcoming thread, though, that when I played the games on my DS, since they were 3 separate games, I did have to take a break between them, basically because the games weren't out as soon as I finished the previous ones. That helped it a bit. I imagine that playing all cases in a row might not be a healthy option - these are 10-15 hours games, so 45 hours of Phoenix Wright in a row might be just too much to take. Then again, I'm certainly going to try do it. If I get bored, I'll finish the case I'm currently at, and come back to the game a few weeks later. All in all, all of them are very enjoyable games, and I'm very happy that all of you get to experience them!
That said, many of these indie teams are still just bringing us ultra-casual games of the Cut the Ninja: Endless Runner Edition variety, not something at the level of Phoenix Wright, so while they might be meeting technical specifications, the actual games aren't necessarily that great.
It's funny, the app is getting ripped to shreds on the french app store (1.5 stars with 16 votes) due to the fact that : 1 - It's not iPhone 5 / iPad optimized 2 - It's not translated (The original DS games were translated, and the previous app was also translated). I do speak english, so I don't care much, but I have to agree : it sucks 3 - It seems it's got quite a few glitches and/or optimization problem I guess I'll pass for the time beeing... I'd gladly pay 20 bucks for a quality port, but not for that
Someone else asked this earlier but it didn't get a response so I figured I'd ask it again in hopes that it would be spotted and answered. Are the 2nd & 3rd games in the trilogy simply unlocked (playable immediately) when you buy them in app or do you have to sit through a lengthy additional download after the purchase?
You can pick which game you want to play in addition to which chapter, no need to go in order. Edit: reading fail, it's unlocked, no download