I have all the fish except for the three notification hidden fish. Fun game but I'm going to give up on those fish. I've had about 30 notifications so far, I've even changed my date myself, not one fish came for me
I actually play the game on my Galaxy S7. Notifications are allowed, but I've still never seen them. Your description was spot on, even for a different OS so thank you. It looks like the dev just did an update for this game aspect, for Android at least. Instead of 2 hours, it's now 30 minutes. Instead of 5 minutes, it's now 10. I don't think changing date/time settings works for this.
I see an update on apple but it doesn't say anything about the notifications, in the android update did it say in the description that it changed?
I think the update is still pending with Apple unless they update each version independently. Here's the info from the Google Play store: And here's the latest on the App Store:
Finally figured out my notification problem and feel like a dumbdumb because of it. I've got an app (Greenify) that hibernates apps automatically. Obviously when Abyssrium was put to sleep, there was no notifications. I'm seeing them now! Now I can get those fish!!!
Finally got all the fish including the blue whale at the end. All the notification fish popped randomly today at odd hours. Was browsing YouTube etc...
How Do You get Whale Shark? Can someone please let me know how to get the whale shark?? I tried EVERYTHING I need some help
I've seen one notification since allowing them, and that was to gather vitality. I can't get the whale shark either. I still think we're missing something on how to get them. Might be bugged and there's no way to get them...
I got the juvenile spotted boxfish just now by opening up the app from a notification. I got a notification that said "now is the time to get hidden fish (5 minutes) and when I swiped that notification to open the app I unlocked the juvenile spotted boxfish. There's another one that is also unlocked by opening with a notification.
Anyone try out the VR mode? It's wonderful! The fish at times swim right up to you, above and below you, and even behind you, all in stereoscopic 3D with depth. I like to build up my collection from the "outside" and then step inside to view my handiwork. You can't tap while inside, but you can still pick up the fish's vitality by gazing at them. Fun stuff!
Oh yeah. The VR is relaxing, and seahorses love to come right up to my face. I love how everything is layered to where you can see everything. I've got 73 fish unlocked (I've given up on the notification ones - they're impossible) and I like how it's sorted by difference from the viewer. Coral Small fish Turtles Dolphins and Sharks Whales Neat stuff!!!
stuck? so, hi, I've been somewhat stalking this thread trying to unlock every fish and finally made an account here. I've apparently unlocked every fish required for the Blue Whale except the ones which require notification? The only fish that I do not have in my possession are the Spotted Mandarin Dragonet, Juvenile Spotted Boxfish, Whale Shark, Humpback Whale, and Blue Whale. Not interested in paying $49.99 for the Humpback Whale. I'm using an iPhone 6 and I have Notifications on for the game... Alerts on, Sounds, Badges, the whole nine yards. But the only notifs I ever get for AbyssRium are "You have xxxxAH vitality waiting for you!" or something along those lines. I have not once gotten anything related to "time to unlock hidden fish! (5 minutes)" I wonder, what are the other factors to getting those hidden notification fish? Do you have to have 1 of every species on display? Does it require having played the game for a certain number of days, or weeks? I'm kinda sitting here scratching my head wondering what I'm doing wrong.
I just got a Juvenile Spotted Boxfish after exiting VR mode, although the description says it was for notifications. The stone does prompt you to check out VR mode. I don't have a headset I just moved my phone around for maybe a minute.