Sorry to make a thread with such few questions, and noob ones at that. But could someone explain these things to me? I'm new to the series. 1. Is there a turn limit? 2. When you select buildings, and it shows the small hammer icon next to the building, what do those mean? (the hammer) 3. How do you harvest the whales, fish, etc. at sea? 4. Is there a way to tell how much buildings cost? Any help with these is greatly appreciated, thanks
I hate to refer you to another thread, but if you go to the main Civ Rev thread, I think it's page 9, someone posted a link to a downloadable version of the DS instructions. I had never played this game before, and those instructions helped immeasurably, the in-game instructions might work if you were very familiar with the Civ gameplay, but for me it was sorely lacking.
I checked it out the day it was posted and still couldn't find the answer to those three questions =P
All right, I'll try, but I may be a bit off... 1) If you mean by turn limit an end to the game without reaching one of the milestones, then it's year 2010. 2) I believe the hammers are how productive the workers are in the city. 3) I believe you harvest the fish by building harbors in coastal cities. Again, I've only played twice, and I'm sure someone will come along with more complete/correct answers, but for now that's the best I can do.
Not bad at all thanks appreciate it. One more question for anyone out there regarding the second question. Say I want to buy a barracks (40), and I have to divide 40 by however many hammers I have. Where do I go to see how many I have? (Sorry if that question sounds horribly confusing, I don't know how else to word it)