Universal 9th Dawn III (by Valorware LTD)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Unordinary, Oct 6, 2020.

  1. Valorware

    Valorware Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Mar 13, 2016
    Good find! Thanks a lot! I'll try sort this!
    Jstorm likes this.
  2. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Must be your controller. I just tried my Nimbus Steel Series gamepad and it does the right trigger + X shortcut fine.
    Also it correctly does dodging by using the left joystick and the X button.

    However I have no buttons for the map. Not a major problem I guess as you can tap the screens mini-map to get it.

    I prefer the tap controls on my iPad anyways.
    Wish I could say the same for my xBox 360 controller on my Steam game. Something is really screwy there.:confused:
    Jstorm likes this.
  3. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    Well, the shortcut works, but also dodges at the same time. I just want the dodge to be mapped to the right bumper and the inventory to the left bumper.

    I guess it’s time to get a proper controller then. I still love the gamevice for its snap to a phone feature though.
  4. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    #124 Solarclipse, Oct 12, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
    It says in the intelligence tool tip that it effects crafting, but it seems its all of those skills that involve recipes—cooking, alchemizing, probably smelting too? They didn't have crafting in the name so I assumed they weren't included. I couldn't tell a difference at low level, but now at level ~35 it is very obvious.

    I had started my dumb fighter off with mining and smelting, but maybe I'd be better off having my mage smelt now, rather than wait...a little disappointing since I got like 34 levels in smelting for the fighter. In any case, hope this helps others.

    Maybe the tooltip for intelligence could read effectiveness with crafting from recipes, to remove any ambiguity.

    UPDATE: catch up is really fast with higher intelligence, oh wow.)
  5. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    I can definitely tell you upped melee damage... mage weapons seem like they need a little help now.
  6. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    Slap 3 damage enchant jewels and staves/wands do 10k damage.

    Attached Files:

  7. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    in regards to armor, I definitely noticed that my fighter got really slow after putting on gold armor, and my mage is moving/rolling faster. I wonder if your skill with armor helps with the slowdown effect, or improves defense, or ONLY lets you equip better armor.

    Maybe agile is good for movement but decently strong, and the magic armor helps spell/stave damage in someway?
  8. Scottlarsen

    Scottlarsen Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Is there a way to find out what negative status condition your character is in? Something is draining my character of life and magic and it doesn't wear off like poison does.
  9. D1vi8

    D1vi8 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2014
    Guess I didn’t use the fire ball enough or maybe I didn’t kill enough with it but now it is increasing! Thanks for this fantastic game, I’m addicted. Hadn’t had this much fun since the release of dead cells and darkest dungeon.
  10. yarielist

    yarielist Member

    Oct 11, 2020
    #130 yarielist, Oct 12, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
    Excuse me, can AI get more enhanced to use skill ?
    Ex prioritize order : (Healer type)
    1. Evasion If BOSS OPPONENT attack close in / Aim at Self (AI)
    2. Positioning Self (AI) (to follow Player 1)
    3. If SELF MP less than 200, Then MP Heal / Regen Self (AI) using SKILL until 75% recovered
    4. If SELF MP less than 200, Then MP Heal / Regen Self (AI) using ITEM until 75% recovered
    5. If SELF HP less than 50% then Heal / Regen Self (AI) (SKILL)
    6. If SELF HP less than 50% then Heal / Regen Self (AI) (ITEM)
    7. If OTHER HP less than 50% then Heal / Regen Other / All (SKILL)
    8. Support Self (AI) (Skill / Magic)
    9. Support Other / All (Skill / Magic)
    10. Attack Opponent Close distance (Skill / Magic)
    10. Attack Opponent Close distance (Weapon) if CQC weapon equipped
    11. Positioning Self (AI) (to attack from distance)
    12. Attack Opponent long distance (Weapon)
    13. If BOSS OPPONENT Attack Opponent Long distance (Skill / Magic)
    14. Smashing container (non-chest)
    (Repeat to 1)

    For Pet :
    After no enemies in range, they start smashing container (not chest)
    Gathering Item for Player 1

    Updated 2020/10/13

    can you make something like that ?

    Keep using Fire element (don't use weapon) when you meet enemies, it will grown faster than your nostril hairs ...
    Depend on your setting and combination, some weapon can be quite deadly, as in VERY DEADLY ...
    D1vi8 likes this.
  11. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Can you change the colour of the list of recipes which appears too left ? As it’s in white it’s so difficult to see
  12. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    AFAIK, the only info about positive/negative effects on a character is status icons shown below your health/mana bar. I don’t think there is a way to check the description of statuses, at the least not on the mobile version.

    The particular effect you are talking about is the disease.
  13. Iain Skinner

    Iain Skinner New Member

    Oct 12, 2020
    #133 Iain Skinner, Oct 12, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
    Unsure whether this is the right place to do this but I'd like to report a couple of bugs with the Switch version. I'm unsure whether these apply to all platforms, also I couldn't find a more relevant thread apologies if there is one.

    Major Bug
    - The magic buff (rank 1) spell is broken. Casting it multiple times stacks the buff to provide (seemingly) infinite damage. I cast it about 6 or 7 times and saw numbers with ice spells up to 11 million damage consistently, I am a god now. I stopped because I was worried I'd break the game.

    Minor Bugs
    - While Hovering over "YES" if you press B (instead of A) when selecting which card to win from Fyeud you do not get any card.
    - The quest to retrieve 20 goblin eyes doesn't show a prompt to tell you what was rewarded. The text didn't show a pickup and there is nothing in my inventory.

    Some general feedback:
    - Overall the game has great potential. The one major bug I found has dampened my enthusiasm slightly but still the game is a very impressive feat for one person.
    - It would be great if the crafting/cooking system was more rewarding. It's demoralising to play the minigame "successfully" and not be rewarded in any way. I don't mind grindy crafting systems but my opinion is that either the minigame element should be replaced with a button or the failure rate should be tweaked. Another option is the minigame could be made harder and the failure rates tweaked accordingly. Any of those would make steps towards a more rewarding crafting system.
  14. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    I think you get faster response on Steam forum.

    As of crafting, forget it until you get items with +craft chance rings and enough excess points to put into craft skill passive. You will get 100% craft chance where you don’t even need to play the mini game because the arrow is locked at the center.

    Attached Files:

  15. yarielist

    yarielist Member

    Oct 11, 2020
    #135 yarielist, Oct 12, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
    Can you guide me to that +Craft Ring ?
    I need it, BADLY ...

    also ...
    about AI or pet breaking Crates, and stuff ...
    can you really considering it ? There are actually some gamer in STEAM which give DOWNVOTE just because they too annoyed to breaking stuff by themself ...
  16. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    You just get them as loots from chests.
    I can’t recall exactly where they are, but they aren’t so rare. I am sure there are more than 5 by the time you get to the castle.

    I have +42% craft success chance from 3 rings and a book.
  17. yarielist

    yarielist Member

    Oct 11, 2020
    #137 yarielist, Oct 12, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
    May I suggest slower time of world ?
    it feels too fast somehow, please reduce by 25%-50% ...

    DAMN, so it's by LUCK ...
    (I hope I'm lucky enough to encounter at least 2 or 3 since I usually VERY UNLUCKY in game of chance)

    Oh, BTW there are command to "restart" the world ...
    have you try it ?
    What actually get "bring over" with that command ?
    Item ? Status ? Gold ? Skill ? Bank ?
    I want to use this feature as +NG if it possible ...
    (in case I don't get that +Craft Ring)
  18. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    Chest contents are not random, so there is no luck involved.

    According to the developer, the command menu is there for the developer to provide technical supports to players, so I don’t think you should play around with it.
  19. yarielist

    yarielist Member

    Oct 11, 2020
    #139 yarielist, Oct 12, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
    Not random ... THANK GOD ...
    BTW ... can we convert save from Android to Android and vice versa ?

    Android save location :
    Internal shared storage\Android\data\com.valorware.ninthdawniii\files\SaveData

    use File Manager, it will help your life in managing Android File, including Backup Save ...
    Play at PC when at home and Play at Android / IPhone when at outside home ...
  20. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Any tips on capturing pets? I have level 9 capture but the rats and things keep getting killed. Does intelligence matter? My mage was successful with only lvl 6 capture.

    I saw a youtube video where someone was getting a green heart, I'm only getting red. Any idea what that's about? Better to feed once, then run around/not feed them for a bit, or...yeah maybe I'll go read what the guy in ashwick has to say agian...

    oh maybe snare traps have to be used....I was trying leg traps...

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