Universal 9th Dawn III (by Valorware LTD)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Unordinary, Oct 6, 2020.

  1. yarielist

    yarielist Member

    Oct 11, 2020
    #201 yarielist, Oct 16, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2020
    I already reach Rhunden, PM me please ...
    also ...
    I don't get even A single +Craft Ring ...
    (curse me and my bad luck)
  2. yarielist

    yarielist Member

    Oct 11, 2020
    #202 yarielist, Oct 16, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2020
  3. yarielist

    yarielist Member

    Oct 11, 2020
    #203 yarielist, Oct 17, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2020
    Reach Shadow Guild or whatever ...
    Already in Mid Game and have solid Status and skill ...
    Time to Backup save for Re-playing latter when this game have more solid update / patch ...
    Building skill for Cooking, Alchemy, Blacksmith, Mining, etc is NIGHTMARE (I don't want to repeat that part again)

    Personal suggestion to gamemaker :
    - If enemies get harder, please also increase the item drop rate
    (that is common sense in most RPG)
    - That respawn spot, please make it also heal all team
    (I wonder if it should be designed that way)

    Suggestion for early new Player :
    1. Secure Income.
    For this type of game the major income comes from cooking (Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, etc)
    Well, there's no farming in here but ... Water, Carrot, Cabbage, Potato, Apple, Salt, etc ...
    Crashing all crate, barrel you can find, and start cooking until you can decently make Apple Juice.
    Start with Carrot, Potato, etc and build up more expensive cooking ...

    Most of time, you will only need to buy water ...
    You won't get overload by money, but it will cover your expense in most case ...
    Keep going until you can cook Boring Vegetable, now buy Water+Cabbage ...
    that will cover MOST your expense ...
    Not to mention food can support you in most dire time by regenerate HP and MP which you don't have the skill at early game ...
    Doing this No.1 will cost you 4-6 hours, but it will worth for the rest of your game ...

    2. Gather any equipment which BOOST your crafting, that will help a lot in raising and doing any type of craft. Don't sell it, it's quite rare and precious.

    3. if you have solid money, do potion with catalyst. and I better mention this CERTAIN INGREDIENT LIKE GOBLIN EYE CAN CREATE 9 HEALING POTION S FOR THE COST OF 2 GOBLIN EYES.
    if you already have decent Skill for self healing, sell the potions you made !

    4. Keep casting Abilities and Spell, it will raise your Skill to unlock greater version ...
  4. Nekku

    Nekku Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    Forgive me if it was already asked but is there any way to zoom in?

    and yeah, iCloud support would be a huge plus if it could be implemented.

    Other than that, great game so far!
  5. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Wasn’t doing very well so decided to make another save with a more spellcaster build. Wanted to try playing this as a dual stick shooter.

    But I still haven’t found a place that sells wands. Where can you get one?
  6. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    If you are talking about the map zoom, it was added for the pc version so maybe the functionality become available for iOS eventuality.

    Otherwise, not atm.
    The cloth store at the second town sells wands. However staves/wands will NOT become viable main damage source until very later in the game. Building a character around the weapon type will just gets you stuck due to the lack of damage output.
    anthony78 likes this.
  7. yarielist

    yarielist Member

    Oct 11, 2020
    Dual Wand is for latter and for your 2nd AI character ...
    (AI character is not smart enough to use CQC weapon)

    For starter, just use Fireball spell or Ice ...
    after that develop to Fire Ring ...

    unfortunately stronger wand usually obtained via chest or from Special Enemies Drop (Red Named)
    for getting a lot stronger wand, you need to enchant element damage at it ...
  8. Nekku

    Nekku Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    #208 Nekku, Oct 19, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2020
    I’ve meant a overall zoom in function (except UI) so that everything isn’t so tiny on my phone. Thanks for the reply, tho.

    oh, and does STR also increases dagger dmg or is it just based off on DEX. I‘m going dual wielding rogue and there are some things I‘m missing like crit chance/crit dmg or a skill to poison my daggers. Just saw the stealth skill for which I still need one AP to unlock. Still early into the game so it could be that I‘m not aware if those features are available or not or if this game just isn’t intended to be as deep in terms of stats, etc.
  9. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    I am absolutely sure that the strength boosts the damage of dagger type weapons the same amount as that for other physical damage type weapons.

    This game currently doesn’t have mechanics that other games would, such as crit, blocking with a shield(9th dawn ii had it), or backstabbing, etc. to be honest, the melee combat system is quite primitive, probably even more simple than Ultima 1.
  10. gmattergames

    gmattergames Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    Love the game. One major issue that will ultimately prevent me from finishing...

    The auto respawn when you re-enter an area or return to the game makes gameplay overly tedious. I don’t mind a good grind for exp and mats but having to clear areas over and over again can get extremely tedious due to the high concentration of mobs and size of areas. The switch-based puzzles compound the frustration as they require traversing the same areas repeatedly, often because it’s not always clear which door a switch opens requiring you run aimlessly through hordes of enemies previously vanquished trying to figure out where to go next. Perhaps I don’t have the patience but I would find the game far more enjoyable if respawn occurred gradually and or lowbie mobs wouldn’t aggro after a certain point. I know this was the approach used in Diablo, but the levels and map progression was more linear and didn’t require reexploration unless you died or chose to grind.

    Am I the only one who feels this way?
    stubbieoz likes this.
  11. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I get your point. Due to this issue i tended to use the 'roll' button to run through lots of hoardes at times as i've just gone through previously trying to kill as many as i can. I know i need more patience but i find often its 'kill say 20 enemies' , have a potion, 'kill another 20 enemies' have a potion etc and once i run out of potions i die soon after

    Dont get me wrong love the game to bits
  12. yarielist

    yarielist Member

    Oct 11, 2020
    #212 yarielist, Oct 20, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2020
    learn Fireball to kill enemies when they still at the corner of screen ...
    also learn to Regen Mana too after that ...
    (use cooking to replenish mana and HP in early game, Potion is too expensive)
    also tried to find NPC which can buy your stuff at HIGHEST price, and keep selling to that NPC !
    I don't know if this bug or not, the higher your "Bargain" skill, the lower price you sell ... weird ...
    psj3809 likes this.
  13. Greg Kocsis

    Greg Kocsis New Member

    Jul 9, 2019
    How can I use magic? I was not able to find info anywhere. I already learned 'homing ice' ability.
  14. Praa

    Praa New Member

    Oct 15, 2020
    Drag & drop the skill from your ability window to your hotbar at the bottom of your screen.
  15. Greg Kocsis

    Greg Kocsis New Member

    Jul 9, 2019
  16. Valorware

    Valorware Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Mar 13, 2016
    Hello! A new update 1.35 is now available! (well, should be in the next ~1hour)

    - zoomable map with navigation
    - Ilsul butcher small dialogue fix
    - Virtual Joystick not sticking on death/respawn
    - unequip button working from equipment menu
    - Don't close player windows when take damage (to allow yourself to use healing item)
    - Reduced amount of quantity needed to master a crafting tier
    - Fyued - prevent unlimited card cheat
    - Fyued - ai softlock prevention
    - Increased drop rate of Spirit Salts
    - Shiny card counting quests
    - Several more bug fixes
    - Shiny card counting quests
    - Increase drop rate of Dragon Molten Core and Valchist Hearts
    - Chemson alchemy quest saying "Creature Rearing" instead of "Alchemy" fixed
    - Icons in world map should be correct scale now (no more tiny ones)
    - Icons in world map can be toggled on/off
    - Map Zooming implemented
    - Yenderh shiny card count fixed
    - Quest log - Curfian quest now shows correct NPC name (Blinmo)
    - Shadow guild shows "Tick" icon on fullmap
    - Sync world map to allow for Krinsor Dam changes

    Thanks so much! :D
    CrayonWarrior and anthony78 like this.
  17. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Zoomable map! Awesome!
  18. Valorware

    Valorware Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Mar 13, 2016
    Newest update includes three new game modes!


    All three can be conbined :) There is also a new secret feature coming in December... Exciting!!! :D
  19. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    I hope you also focus on balancing the game. Like armor requirement and magic vs physical, as well as meaning to raise low tier pets.
  20. Valorware

    Valorware Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Mar 13, 2016
    Happy new year!

    9th Dawn III currently has a discount sale on iOS :D

    Thank you so much! 2021 will have some updates for 9th Dawn III, hopefully including the companion AI improvements and some other frequently requested things! There are also a few other things in the works that we can look forward to :)

    Thank you!
    decript, Makara Nou and AltsKev like this.

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