Yeah I'm kinda surprised by that... I'm wondering if there was an issue with Apple rejecting the update... After the years that I've followed Vallorware, I find it incredibly hard to believe that he would just abandon this game.
I assume, that in general, the TA community represents Valorwares target audience: a sliver of the RPG market that appreciates depth and classic appeal; a bit more pationate than the average gamer. So, it is surprising that Valorware has been silent since the games launch. I have no clue what the current install base is for the iPad4, but assume it is significant enough to yield a return on resolving the compatibility issue. We can speculate all day, but untill Valorware speaks up, it's all conjecture.
I could have sworn he said on FB he has a lot on his plate at the moment. How he was rejected from Apple was a huge setback.
The King's Stone will open a gate within the same dungeon wherein you acquired it. It's across the two underground rivers, if I recall correctly.
I'm really fond of these throwback RPG's, especially the 9d series, mainly due to its overall ethstetic being so reminiscent of Ultima V. Like the first game, the sequel is a lot of fun and really captures the essence of those landmark RPG's. Similarly, there are a number of issues, that it were not for its charm, would be hard to overlook. Most of these are associated with the interface, spawn rates, and frustrations with the combat mechanics. One area the sequel is definitely disappointing is the reduced number of interactive objects in the environment. Specifically, in the first game, you could search most containers, not just chests. If I recall, even basic dungeon clutter might occasionally yield items when searched. The environment in general, felt more interactive; more alive. What were once interesting items to inspect, are now merely props, static clutter that are little more than obstacles to get hung up in during combat. I imagine the increased size of the world made this an easy decision. Whatever the reason, it's left the sequels environment a less interesting and rewarding place to explore.
Yeah the non-interactive clutter is off the charts in this game. I keep thinking that these monsters really should clean up alter themselves! Seriously though, I don't get the point of having that much crap lying around.
That's just it, they aren't hiding anything in the clutter. Furthermore, whenever I see a crate or barrel, I just want to smash'em and this game wont let me. Classic RPG Checklist: ....Giant rats: check.... Player is the only one who can save the world: check ..... Player can smash crates and barrels: FAIL And here I was thinking this was a classic RPG.
Failed classic RPG test.....or anger management decide. Calm the inner Hulk my friend.
THE COMPATIBILITY UPDATE IS LIVE!!! Woohoo!! Hope those of you who have been VERY PATIENTLY waiting enjoy the game! =oD
Wow, you were fast! How did you find out so quickly? I only updated it last night! But yes, thank you so much for your patience, 9th Dawn II should now be available for older devices. I sincerely apologise if anyone's still waiting on any support or questions, I know it's been a long time and slow progress, just finding it very difficult to juggle my time between 9D2 and my personal life and other business (my main job). I've also been perfecting multiplayer ready for the Steam release which is why there's been no game-specific updates, just trying to focus on making the multiplayer work nicely! Thank you for your continued support
Hi, will this update allow me to use an iPad 2? ( he crosses his fingers hopefully) let me know, I do so much want to play it )
Hehe, I just happened to boot up my PC this morning and opened iTunes to check for any updates. I'm not seeing it on my phone yet... Maybe by later today
@ValorwareUK; Maybe this a silly question, but will the multiplayer update release on Steam see a cross platform multiplayer release with iOS as well? Multiplayer on the iOS version will be enough to get me smashing the buy button on 9D2 even though I'm still only halfway at best through 9D1. Multiplayer in this game style will be epic!!
I did test it with 1 android device and 1 ios device connecting to my PC and yes it worked, supports up to 10 players at the moment but may need to be adjusted. I honestly have no idea how well it will perform in the long-run but if Steam multiplayer is successful I will roll it out to mobile devices yeah!
It *should* do but I don't have an ipad 2 to test it. If you can buy it from the store then it most likely should be able to run it. If not please request a refund from apple saying the game doesnt work!