Sorry... I really don't know what to say... have you put any skill points into the... crap... the speed one. Dexterity maybe? Ima have to check later... But maybe you're just too slow to outrun enemies ATM. =o/
Thanks, finally found the switch. And explored the whole dungeon but I couldn't find a slot to put the bloodstone in.
Holy crap! This is so much fun! The first game never clicked with me, but this one does. The graphics just got enough of a boost to make it appealing to me and the jumping and puzzles I love. As well as the "interact button" works a lot better. And the music I am still a fan of. I would love a better quest tracker and some hints to less obvious elements, but I pretend that I enjoy being old school about this. I don't... Or maybe I do, dunno. ;P Good job! Looking forward to losing many hours here. Worth my money.
Is there an easy way to switch between melee and Magic skills? When I use fireball it unequips my weapons and i have to re-equip them?
You can add them to the hot bar around the screen (both spells and weapons), by going to your equipment screen/spell screen and dragging the weapon/spell you want either down to the center bottom of the screen to bind it to the bottom bar, or just over to the left or right side of the screen to bind it to one of the two side bars. ****************** Also, just for the sake of mentioning this again for anyone who missed it, you can uncheck the option to close the menu when you take damage so that you won't get stuck being hit while moving stuff around in your inventory or browsing through the spells or whatever... It's in the main option menu.
No disrespect to the developer but I cannot help to notice each time I see this thread my brain seems to replace a certain letter in their title with another letter that is 4 letters away. Sorry but have been in the industry way too much. But back to the game, in regards to between 1st game and 2nd one since I have an iPad 4 and thus waiting for patch, is anything changed in regards to controls? I really got the hang of the 1st one after a process of trial and error (and some deaths initially) initially. Thus are they the same, different or a variation of the 2??
In a totally different dungeon. Reil, even points you in the right direction. Rule of thumb for exploring. If you get killed a lot, come back later. Second rule... Go everywhere and explore.
My mistake,Yes it is. I thought we were talking about another dungeon, and after a while they start to blend together. There is a box with the curve top and a circle and it, using your hand icon fills the circle Ed makes it lighter color. The stone remains in your inventory but that is what is placing the stone down. Aside of the town where you get the hook, what other towns are there? I cannot find anywhere to upgrade my daggers.
Ok, thanks! So I guess I did place the stone without knowing it! Allthough when I go to Greil now, I am telling hil I didn't do anything with the stone? For your questions, go to You can find a map there with all locations.
Do you mean when you turn on that blue light that seemingly does nothing? Anyone know how to open that gate in the cave where it says on the sign that it opens from the other side? If they mean other side of the gate (?) I've wandered over and over and cannot get further north than the gate. I still feel fairly aimless in this game, and this is coming from someone who grew up on the Ultima series!
When you slot stones or place them. The box that the stone goes into lights up. Looks like nothing happens but circle has a color change. Stone is still in inventory. More than likely that is the exit from the dungeon after the boss or a a shortcut for later. That has been the case for all the dungeons I have seen. For example, the ones north east of town are all connected. There are 3 entrances so far and the middle one has you coming out a gate like that and exits out of the west most entrance. The east learn one is on the other side of the mountains and has a ton of undead. Bit difficult for me currently. I feel you on the lack of direction, but I feel like I am given a quest and told totals care of it. I don't know how, but that's the fun of it. I just want dungeon maps because some of them are so big, I actually have to chart them on paper to remember.
Dungeon maps would be phenomenal, especially given that I often leave off for the day in one, and come back trying to remember where the heck I am, where I've been, or what I was doing!
First of all I loved the first! Definitely going to pick this up. However I've heard some bugs being thrown around. Is the game worth playing in the current state or should I wait a bit for updates for a better experience? Also if we want to make the game better it would be good to compile the known bugs and glitches into one list for the developer to address, rather than having to sort through the thread and possibly miss some
I am more involved with this game than other iOS game. First time in a while that that has occurred. Worth every cent in its current state.
Thanks for the reply. I'm aware of binding and unbindIng. However, what if I wish to use two weapons at once and then switch to fireball? Bind the weapons side by side, hit fireball and then tap both weapons? Seems clumsy and inefficient, but is that the only way?
Loving this a, but here's how I think it would be even better: - Respec potion - Dungeon map - Fast travel