Lately some good 99 cent games, and I picked up I Dig It, and I was absolutely amazed. Anyhow, which of the three should I get? All of them look fun! Or if there are others (preferably with a Lite edition) link to me! I don't like games like StoneLoop.
Hmm... This is a tough one between Zombies vs.Sheep and Car Mania. I recently picked up all three of them. Let me tell you one thing, Zombies and Me isn't even in the equation... although all of these are essentially pick up and play games, Zombies and Me became repetitive very quickly. Zombies and Sheep provides a nice "carnival" type shooting gallery. You'll be introduced to nice paper cut out graphics reminiscent of Paper Mario. You shoot zombies through a series of levels, have access to a shop to upgrade your sheep, and unlock achievements through OpenFeint. Car Mania is also a VERY good game that I picked up recently. You manage two different colors of cars, red and blue, and guide them to their respective garages. Easier said than done, however. Basically, its like Flight Control or Harbor Master, easy to pick up, but can become very hectic, especially when different types of vehicles ranging from big 18 wheelers and motorcycles appear. Then there is the mode that revolves around the exact opposite of sanity in which the purpose is to crash your cars unto an incoming train. Mayhem ensues, you get my drift . The graphics are very well polished. It has a nice cartoonish 3D effect from a bird's eye view. In my honest opinion, Car Mania gets my vote, although Zombies vs. Sheep gets a VERY close second. Although Zombies and Me isn't a bad game, it doesn't have the replayability and and fun factor present in the other two. If anything, get BOTH Car Mania, and Zombies vs. Sheep I hope I've been helpful.
Thanks. I love Flight Control, probably the best 99 cent game I have gotten (well I Dig might replace it) Yeah, I've seen a whole lot of complaints with Zombies&Me, and I think I won't get it. So its between Sheeps or Cars :/
Ya zombies and me is lame... get car mania or harbor master if you don't have it ... wait actually pipe mania! It's really fun and usually sold 10 to 20 dollars on other systems but only .99 cents right now
If you like Flight Control, chances are you'll like Car Mania. The key difference for me, however, is that Flight Control is on an open field where you can steer the planes wherever you need. Car Mania is on fixed linear paths, so you have to be more strategic on watching what cars go when to make sure its safe. It's a nice, and very enjoyable experience.
I vote Car Mania if you have to choose only one just for depth of gameplay. You have 3 unlockable modes, OpenFeint achievements giving you a lot of gameplay options. Zombies vs Sheep is definitely a fun carnival shooter with bosses and upgrades, but ultimately its all one game mode.
I know there are a lot of complaints about Zombies & Me. I have it and i really have fun with it. Try it out, you might just find that it's fun!
Wah, I seem to be the only person who adores Z&M. I think while it is repetetive, it is fun and challenging too.
Thanks guys., seems like majority likes Car Mania. But theres something about ZombiesVSheep that has me keep looking back at it