Note: Mild spoilers below only applies to PLAN.B. The stuff you get at the end of your run is just flavour text based on your score and has no in game impact. The only thing that carries over between runs is your score total Spoiler and .SAVE (I think as I'm not sure what this does) and only if you escape Spoiler or .QUIT .
It stops anything from spawning other than the ones from the programs you've opened and the initial ones in the room. I personally never use it, though I could imagine it would make the last couple of rooms a whole lot easier.
"Delay" can actually be quite good. It basically freezes all spawning programs for a couple of turns, allowing you to knock off a few before they're able to spawn. Great when just entering a level but useful at other times as well. I use it fairly often, especially in later levels.
yep, I really like .DELAY, .PULL and .HACK at the minute, but I'm still rubbish. What a game, though. For some reason PLAN B has taken me back to CLASSIC and it's sucked me right back in. Cracking game.
No, I was referring to .CALM. I use Delay all the time. Another great tool for the endgame when you can use your last siphons on opening up 9+ points, then Delay those suckers and strut your way to the end. Most points so far is 95, but I do need to work on multiple runs. The trouble is, I've turned this into my own go-to zone out and switch off game along with Threes, so I'm too used to being sloppy and risky.
Yea. Another very cool thing is that he found a way to store all that info in your single score entry in Game Center. I have been playing plan.b a bit, I am going to have to go back classic soon and try to catch up to you
Great stuff, Andrew - enjoyed that. Didn't hear how to get to that secret mode though. I still think it's a speed run and I could in theory check the internet but I'll just keep plugging away. Once I beat xjaff's streak score on Classic (this may never happen) I'll jump onto Plan B. What a game!! I don't mind a spoiler by the way if someone wants to tell me about this secret mode/level. The game's years old now so I'm sure you won't be breaking anyone's heart.
I haven't listened to that podcast yet - holding off because I like exploring and trying to find stuff so I am hesitant and want to avoid spoilers. I did find a secret in the game, not sure if it is the only one. Before I come right out and say exactly what it is, I will tell you how I found it and what information I came across that helped me figure it out. And then maybe you can piece it together. Somehow, I was aware there was a secret in the game and I set out to find it. Not even knowing what I was looking for, I spent weeks looking for it. Trying different things, different approaches, trying to observe and pay attention to every detail that I could within the game. Nothing worked, I was totally stumped. I play only on iOS. At some point I read a review of the game, and from that I found two key pieces of information that I would never have found by only playing the game on iOS. Spoiler The first bit of information was that the game was originally called 86856527 The second bit was a screenshot of the game in the review. It looked like it was from PC or some other platform, I noticed it was slightly different than what I see when I play on iOS. I attached a screenshot here from the Steam page for 868-hack which has this subtle difference. Eventually these two things clicked for me and led me to the secret. I never would have figured it out by solely playing on iOS, this outside information was critical for me. So I thought I would share this info before going directly to the answer, maybe this will help you also figure it out. If you are still stumped no worries let me know, and I will share the rest
wow, xjaff. I think I know what it might be!! On that podcast, where there is hardly any spoilers so don't worry, they talked about 86856527 or whatever the number is and I didn't have a clue what they were talking about. I also only play on iOS. Cannot wait to try later. Fantastic stuff. What a game!!
Someone just wrote a blog post the other day about how to get the secret level so the information is finally out there if you do want to spoil yourself about it. Now I finally know how I'm going to avoid using it.