$80 a pop marketing

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by poisenden, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. poisenden

    poisenden Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2012
    #1 poisenden, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
    Hi, I can get you banner ads, app reviews, iTunes reviews, press release placement, valuable seo, video app reviews and more. All for $80

    My successes -
    Stick Run reached number 1 globally.

    email me at [email protected]
  2. Pman

    Pman Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2010
    Seems like a good deal. Only 1 app was successul though?
  3. Simengie

    Simengie Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Wow the link to the game says it is free but when the store loads it actually is 0.99. Bad panda. Sniff test says it smells. If 80 bucks can make you climb to the top then all the companies spend millions are getting ripped off.
  4. ThreeCubes

    ThreeCubes Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
    #4 ThreeCubes, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
    What did stick run an rank in US?
  5. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I agree. He keeps mentioning that one game but no others. In the past hes offered a low cost for a site review (Obviously will be a positive review whatever the game is) and now this low cost as well.

    Hmmm, as you say the sniff test says it smells in my view
  6. poisenden

    poisenden Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2012
    To address this -

    First, I'm not sure how to change the signature.

    I'm not sure how many US downloads, but quite bit. I would say it's our third biggest country.

    Our app did incredibly well in Argentina, Finland, and Chile, making it number 1.
    $80 is worth a shot. The service will work the best if the game or app hasn't been released so we can work with it from the ground up securing app reviews ratings, etc. and exploiting the launch day bounce.
  7. im sorry but when someone uses terms like "$80 a pop", I cant take them seriously....
  8. Simengie

    Simengie Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    You don't know how to change a signature on a forum? Not a good way to promote yourself as savvy.

    Your game is 897 in the US Arcade chart today the 13th of January 2013. Not on any other charts in the US. Since the US is the the large revenue market that is not so great. Also according to App Annie the highest Stick Run ever ranked in the US was 263 Arcade and 299 Action. Not overly impressive. In other words it did not get you on the App Store charts which people do look at and download from in the largest market for iOS apps (the US).


    For anyone thinking about using this please go over to prMac.com and buy 3 press releases with optional free release +7 days from the paid one. Set them up properly so that they cover 6 weeks of press releases keeping your game in the spot light somewhat. That would be Paid Release then 7 days later free release then repeat a week later and so on. At 22.95 for each paid +1 free option you come out with change for a 6 pack.

    Also start threads on TA, iPhone Forum and Mac Rumors. Take your time and write up good post and make sure the press releases are well written. Politely bump the threads about once every 5 to 7 days. That effort will get you a lot. If you want to skip the 6 pack then go to fiverr.com and spend 5 or 10 dollars and get your app link tweeted or Facebook posted out to a few thousand random folks as well.

    That advice will cost you $79 and have at least 6 weeks of coverage and visibility being generated outside of just the App Store.

    Now, the most important parts. Have a great Icon, Awesome Screen Shots , decent write up and finally a game that is actually good. Having a game that is actually good is really the important part.

    I took the time to write this response because I want people to understand just what you can do with $80 on your own. Learn a bit, identify what resources you can access and make a plan to execute on.

    Maybe poisenden has a solid plan for how he will use the $80 and I invite him to post a more detailed explanation of what is done for that money. Like what sites are the banner ads on so I can see what Google says their daily traffic is. How long will the banner ads run and how many times an hour will they come up in rotation? I suspect the video reviews are on a Youtube channel so you know what channels are they so you can see how many viewers/subscribers the channel has. Want people to actually use a service that is listed as this cheap and not think it smells like crap then you need to have success with more than one app and be very up front and complete with what people get.
  9. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Find it quite depressing how many of these 'marketing services' seem to basically give dodgy reviews in the app store, spam (or 'lightly bump') their own threads.

    For a 'normal user' i hate it that the app store is full of fake reviews, i mean there must be so many other similar services which leave 5/5 reviews on the app store time after time for payment. Big shame.
  10. poisenden

    poisenden Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2012
    I do have a solid plan, but I'm not going to tell it to you. Would Coca-Cola tell you their secret recipe? No! But Pepsi came up with a similar one. That's what marketing is all about.

    Basically you need two things for success -
    Great app with broad appeal.
    Great marketing plan.

    You can't simply submit a great app, and expect top tier results. While it's possible, even if you have the best app, nobody will know about it. The same is with marketing.

    I have had a few people believe in the value of my service, and it worked great for them.

    In essence - It's a lot of luck.
  11. originalcopy

    originalcopy Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2009
    do you market mac apps too?
  12. poisenden

    poisenden Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2012
    Unfortunately, not yet. But we may add it in the future.

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