iPhone 7 Wonders (By Repos Production)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by BigDich, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. skoptic

    skoptic Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2015
    I just saw a video on YouTube and yes, there are significant UI improvements, thanks.
  2. Vampire-Jekyll

    Vampire-Jekyll New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    Wait a minute... This isn't coming to phones?
  3. skoptic

    skoptic Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2015
  4. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    I am surprised they weren't available upon launch. Based on how long it took for this to produce, it had better be soon than later!
  5. DTK

    DTK Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2014
    Berlin Germany
    #25 DTK, Nov 15, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
  6. gaberaph

    gaberaph Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    Agreed :( was looking forward to this for ages and I thought that after waiting an age to play it, it would come highly polished and designed *slaps own head with a fish*
  7. ChromaTick

    ChromaTick Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    Was expecting so much more from this game. Sadly, based on everything I've read and seen, I won't be purchasing this one.
  8. skoptic

    skoptic Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2015
    Yes a real shame, I don’t mind random games being botched but to botch one that has ‘won more awards than any other game’ Is such a shame and missed opportunity :(

    The UI did improve during beta but unless concerns raise in the SP review are in some way addressed it’s a bit of a non starter. Sadly I doubt the dev team have the wherewithal, looking at time in development and released app state.
  9. nkarafo

    nkarafo Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    Same here. No polishing, no extra animations, effects, etc. Internet connection required! What else?
  10. wwkuwl

    wwkuwl New Member

    Jan 19, 2015
    Have to echo what many others have said here. I was so excited when it was announced, and with the amount of waiting we had to do for it, it was an instabuy for me.

    Sadly, the end product feels like a beta release. It's rough around the edges, for sure with things that aren't really excusable like low-res/non-retina graphical elements and clunky instructional language. Beyond that, the multi-player is obviously lacking as has been pointed out and the AI is far too weak to be enjoyable.

    These complaints would be lessened if it didn't already have such a long development cycle, but as it stands, it's a weak offering. I have grave concerns that lack of solid early uptake will cause the developer to abandon the game entirely and leave us with the kind of half-baked implementation that Alhambra is right now.

    I'll say that the app functions just enough to scratch a quick 7 Wonders itch, and I can enjoy a game. But without having a challenging AI or being able to challenge my friends that are beyond a beginner skill level, it's just a tease.
  11. 61050

    61050 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2013
    iphone please, thanks! :D
  12. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    Gave this game a go. I had never played the board game before though had read lots of what I perceived to be praise about it but now that I look back I think it was mostly anticipation for the searingly never approaching release date.

    Anyway, gave it a go, and wow is this not quite what I thought it was going to be. This statement is not meant to be a bad one at all as it really depends on what you're in to but man, a game with the AI can be completed in 5 minutes! If you got in there an did analysis paralysis on everyone's resources and what you think they're trying to go for then yeh you might be able to stretch it out to 10 minutes against the AI, tops. Really shorter than what I thought it was.

    I found the tutorial serviceable though didn't see any available notes in game for revisiting how the scoring works. That's not so detrimental as the information is easily gained exploring online, though still, for years in development I could've expected a button for reveal a couple of pages showing how the scoring works within the game. But again, the tutorial I think covers basically everything because it really is a fairly simplistic game.

    The AI really isn't anything fierce. Once you grab hold of how the scoring works, you'll be able to find ways of getting a lead on the AI fairly easily.

    The game really is just a resource management and drafting kind of game. Since the hands are passed around between players after you draw, you do often ha e to consider what your opine net might take which could give them the edge, and perhaps make the unfortunate decision of having to take the card for yourself to block their move. So there is something there. Particularly in the later stages when it's down to the final draws.

    I feel like this could've been a good game to pick up and play in short rounds because the gameplay really is so short yet you have to be aware of others moves and do some analysis on what your opponents might be going for. It's also cool the way turns are played simultaneously, so I can imagine in real life around a table there'd be a fair bit of poker face going on amongst veteran players during drafting rounds. Yet, the UI which is what this game needed in order to make it a staple really has let it down. That said, I found the UI serviceable, just not really enjoyable. The information is there. The symbols are small but you'll get used to it. It's just that it's not presented in an aesthetically pleasing manner at all. It looks like it was just slapped together. So odd for a game that spent years in development.

    Really astounds me that this game, with matches that take 5 minutes and plays fairly straightforward took so many years to develop.

    I suspect it could've been a neat little resource manager but like everyone has said, it's unpolished.
  13. Disco Driscoll

    Disco Driscoll Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2012
    I had similar experience with another game (I'm in the uk). Only ever asked for one refund ever, because the game was buggy, and then got a window up every purchase afterwards for about six months telling me I wasn't entitled to a refund.
  14. hedgey

    hedgey Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2012
    Was excited to see this go universal this morning.

    I'm excited to get a chance to give this one a try.
  15. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Also happy to stumble upon the universal update.
    I am going to have to get my head around these rules. But once I do I think I might order the table top game too
  16. PBSNellie

    PBSNellie Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2013
    Southern CA
    Has this improved? There have been several updates over the last year, but I haven't heard anyone commenting on whether it improved the app/game overall.
  17. skoptic

    skoptic Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2015
    It’s very solid now - I was on from original beta and it is a long way from that. Well worth every penny in my book :)

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