Yea this looks really cool can't wait to get some time to try it. Is there a name for these types of games? Undercroft is one of my fav iOS games but I never know what type of game to call it.
Just being curious. Why isn't this one getting enough attention? I am downloading now to see for myself but i was wondering.
Classy game! But there appears to be a number of things going wrong, even before I get out of the tutorial dungeon. So note these comments are purely for the tutorial dungeon, but I wanted to get my initial comments out to you asap since time really is of the essence here. 1. Enemies can move in battle but I can't, so I have to wait until they walk to me to actually engage them in battle. As a mage I rely primarily on range attacks so unless I can move myself in position manually I am relying either on luck or on preknowledge of the dungeon layout. 2. Inventory is really small. I shouldn't have to throw out items in the tutorial dungeon, or drop them and come back to pick them up later. 3. Controls are finicky. I often have an easier time picking up objects far away than crouching in front of the items to pick them up. Seems like this should be fixed. 4. Adding stats is really quick at level up. You hold the button and it adds the numbers but doesn't allow you to take it back, in case you changed your mind or made a mistake by holding too long. I'm loving the art and the work that's gone into this game. GDC is a great time to release games since you'll be getting press so maybe you should fix some of the issues before the press gets wind of it. :|
Are there different classes to choose from? Or, is it different types of mages? Are there tanks? Archers? Rogues? That kind of stuff?
1. Hold down the portrait of your character out of battle and your battle options will appear, you can shoot fireballs or whatever. 2. I wonder if it expands, my second guy has more room than the first. Maybe a stat. 3. A little odd for me sometimes too 4. True. Think carefully
I can answer your first question. You can move in battle by selecting the move button (looks like a pair of feet) near the bottom right of the screen.
@RLennon: You can fully customize your character to add more points towards what you want ...the classes are Mage, warrior, rogue, and is it bard? I'm not sure but its strongest attribute is charisma. So when you create your character you can choose attribute strengths throwing everything into one class or somewhere in the middle having a little of everything ( a warrior Mage, a bardish Mage etc)
So far seems like a worthy entry to the genre, ftp or otherwise. Turnbased mechanic is a bit clunky and seems like I'm constantly drilling into action menus to do the same thing every turn; like the entire process, combat flow and UI could be more intuitive and refined. The auto map teleporting is a cool concept. Initial levels are interesting, the graphics decent, but due to the install size, I'm not sure if it will survive on my device very long.
I am sorry I do not know how to embed video :-( however, this is video walkthrough for the Crypt.
Great game. Any chance of a cloud save? Would love to move between my iPad and iPhone when playing this... Is the update being submitted or being released today btw?
This seems like a really good first person dungeon crawler. If for no other reason you should give this a download to support the business model. The inital download is just like a demo, giving you the first four levels for free. Then you get the option to continue more levels for a cost with an option to purchase all levels for a 30% saving. There are no other iap's. Developers that give us games with this sort of purchase option should be fully supported. Otherwise every developer will just give us mobile gamers freemium rubbish. I have not played the game enough yet to comment on how good the gameplay is but my inital impressions are very positive.
Awesome. Once the update finishes I'm going to play it straightaway. I love the music mechanic they took from Bard's Tale. I even chose strength and charisma chiefly for this reason.
So on the first level right where you start, the map shows a secret area. Anyone figured out how to get in to it at all? I can't see any switches on nearby walls etc. Reluctant to move down a floor until I've completely finished this one though!