Aww... you wouldn't be advocating such a thing if you knew how some people treat "junior members" around here.
So this thread is about how the older members want recognition for being on a forum? It's just a title.
Here is a bold new suggestion: Everyone with a 10+ post avg per day gets the title, 'Will die a lonely virgin'.
I love that idea! An even bolder suggestion: Give them their own "under-18" section of the forum. Maybe call it something like the "junior" forum. That way, those of us who are interested in reading comments with substance don't have to wade through all the thousands and thousands of useless comments from kids in middle school...
It's actually more about how the forum has turned into a pissing contest for 14-year-old boys...they seem to think that the more posts they have, the higher their status here. Sad. They need to get a life...
Seriously. I seriously hate the vast majority of users on here. I wish there was a place as up to date on app store news as TA is that actually had intelligent posters.
I think that simply eliminating displaying the number of posts would go a long way toward solving the problem. There would be less incentive for posting garbage if it wouldn't increase the visible post count. It's helpful to be able to see the "join date," and interesting to see the poster's location. I think that continuing to display "senior" or "junior" member is a good idea, but it should be based on something other than number of posts...
Like....intelligence?? Or maybe age.... just kidding. Seriously though, I think that even a senior or junior tag, takes away from "discussing games". Personally I don't really care how long any of you have been here, whether I like you or not...
In some forums, it's kind of fun to reach a "new level" in the post count hierarchy. I think perhaps the difference is usually that there are a whole bunch of different titles that people are able to buzz through pretty quickly, AND that the particular forums that I'm thinking of just happen to have strict moderation and mature members. The fact that there are, what?, 3 titles makes it not very interesting or fun to reach a new level, and actually using the titles "junior member" and "senior member" make teenagers think these are, like... our jobs. Maybe we should just change the titles to things that will evoke less adolescent rooster crowing. Like maybe different fruits or perhaps crescendoing variations of "no life loser"?
I run a game via a forum, and I have titles that go up to 25,000 posts. And I have people who have reached it. 100 300 750 1250 5000 7500 10000 12500 18000 25000 No one is considered a "senior" member unless they have at least 1250+ posts. I mean, really.
Wow...really?? There must be an awful lot of geeky 14-year-old boys hiding in their basements glued to their computer screens pumping out garbage posts...desperately trying to increase their fragile self-esteem by reaching greater and greater post counts! Gee...sounds like such fun!
I think the problem here is because of the whole "junior"/"senior" thing, period. Do you think we'd ever see people writing, "Those damn Yellows, they never search!" or "Wahh, only Red members deserve promo codes!"? I'm telling you guys, these teenagers actually think Arn has personally hired them to work here by bestowing them with the ever so prestigious title of "Senior Member". "Senior! Like in high school! The Seniors are always the coolest!"