Game Trailers for the TouchArcade YouTube Channel

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by DariusGuerrero, Jul 25, 2024.

  1. DariusGuerrero

    DariusGuerrero Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2016
    Game Developer
    So, I came across the TouchArcade channel recently: TouchArcade - YouTube

    The TA channel has 37k subscribers and can grow exponentially.

    And I had this idea that why not have TouchArcade upload game trailers for upcoming iOS games like how IGN, Game Trailers, and other YouTube channels have built their channels on game trailers alone?

    Perhaps devs can opt in using a form to submit trailers via a dropbox or drive link along with their game descriptions and suggested tags and thumbnail so that TA doesn't really have to put any more effort for the upload. Devs would want this for more exposure of their game and TA is very reputable in the mobile game scene.

    I feel it's a great idea if it's feasible logistically and can grow the TA community even more.
    Stronsay likes this.

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