Link: Cavern Adventurers Kairosoft Co.,Ltd In a faraway fantasy kingdom, everything was peaceful... Until monsters started pouring out of a hole in the ground! Pu… $6.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsIn a faraway fantasy kingdom, everything was peaceful... Until monsters started pouring out of a hole in the ground! Put together a team of adventurers to secure, explore, and develop a vast underground network of caves in this cavern management simulator. Your adventurers will face all kinds of challenges in the underground, but there's no obstacle you can't deal with if you know how. Place torches to light up the darkness, build bridges to traverse gorges, and use explosives to clear away large rocks! To create a truly great cave, you'll have to stay on your toes and pay attention to the time of day. When the sun's up, organize your miners to discover new areas and build new fixtures. And when night falls, send in your adventurers to show those monsters who's boss! The deeper you dig, the better the treasure you'll find - just how deep can you go? All that fame can come at a price. As your cave becomes more popular, thieves will appear to try and make off with its treasures. Keep your booty safe by laying devious traps around the entrance! Not all monsters are bad. Some of them might even become your friends and fight alongside you! Once you make an entire floor safe, merchants will be able to move in and set up shop there. With a cut of the profits for you, of course! Keep developing the space and earning gold, and pretty soon you'll have the finest cave in all the land! In this quirky management sim, fun, adventure, and riches are lurking right under your nose... Or should we say, right under your boots? -- Supports drag to scroll and pinch to zoom. Search for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visit us at Be sure to check out both our free-to-play and paid games! Kairosoft's pixel art game series continues! Follow us on X (Twitter) for the latest Kairosoft news and information. Information Seller:Kairosoft Co.,Ltd Genre:Adventure, Simulation Release:Jan 17, 2024 Updated:Mar 05, 2024 Version:1.31 Size:73.4 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal ShinHadoukin Well-Known Member Feb 20, 2015 972 143 43 #2 ShinHadoukin, Jan 18, 2024 Looks great. Anybody know what battles consist of? ste86uk Well-Known Member May 9, 2012 6,774 1,003 113 #3 ste86uk, Jan 18, 2024 I thought it looks good too, they do make some addictive games that’s for sure. Bloodangel likes this. candyjet Well-Known Member Aug 25, 2010 183 12 18 #4 candyjet, Jan 18, 2024 Well, I took one for the team and bought this without seeing any reviews first. The pixelated graphics are so awful that I find the game unplayable. I really don’t get this retro graphics thing. Why have a high end device, then end up squinting to try to work out what on earth you’re looking at? Refund requested after persevering until headache started. CJ Rocco SE Well-Known Member Jun 16, 2020 267 258 63 Male Modern Mime Artist Austria #5 Rocco SE, Jan 18, 2024 There is a big and very important difference between you not getting that retro graphics thing and awful graphics. Pixel art is a style and art form you can or cannot like, but is doesn’t have to do with any quality standards. Also, most pixel art games age way better than stuff that‘s trying to look state-of-the-art in one year, but looks incredibly dated just a few years later. But that‘s just one additional thought. gaberaph, Grinless, Ijipop and 2 others like this. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #6 psj3809, Jan 18, 2024 Yeah I’m a huge fan of pixel art. Don’t always need stunning graphics in a game. One reason so many of us still play older games as they’re so playable forget the old skool graphics had a look at this and no way does it have such bad graphics at all. Seen many much much worse ! all because you have a high end device doesn’t mean you need some 3 gig download all because the graphics are stunning. All about gameplay to me gaberaph and Grinless like this. candyjet Well-Known Member Aug 25, 2010 183 12 18 #7 candyjet, Jan 18, 2024 I found that the pixel graphics detracted from the gameplay because I couldn’t work out what I was looking at. I didn’t like it one bit. Each to his own. Hope you enjoy it. CJ ste86uk Well-Known Member May 9, 2012 6,774 1,003 113 #8 ste86uk, Jan 18, 2024 Haven’t played it yet but it looks pretty much like all the other Kairosoft games to me. I’m not big pixel art fan but I don’t have any problems with it either. They made it so things were still clear what was what on their other games so hopefully it is here too and maybe Candy just isn’t use to playing them? elcrazy Well-Known Member Sep 19, 2017 707 562 93 #9 elcrazy, Jan 18, 2024 I have never played a Kairosoft game but always mean too. They all look fun but I am afraid of the time management needed. Feel like I will lose interest quickly. This one actually looked good enough I almost bought it lol. i don’t mind pixel graphics at all. They can be done very nicely. I do agree at times it can be hard to tell what you may be looking at. But that depends on the game and style of the pixel graphics. Pixel does stand the test of time. That is why NES games are still so fun and playable today while most PS1 games like Syphon Filter are now completely unplayable even though at one time it was the top graphics and gameplay. For iPhone I am just looking for something to kill time and have fun. I am never looking for crazy graphics although it’s always nice. But again mobile is about entertainment before graphics. And file size is an issue. To each their own for sure. But I wouldn’t beat a pixel game up based on pixel graphics. Kairosoft actually seems to have nice pixel colors and graphics. Wemac Well-Known Member May 24, 2011 102 1 18 Game Reviewer #10 Wemac, Jan 19, 2024 Could you have the discussion on art style elsewhere and maybe get back to commenting about this game in particular? Has anyone tried it? Worth the money for someone who likes kairosoft games? My only fear is that the game is a rehash of other kairosoft productions. Some of the games are mostly the same with a new genre. (Ie. ramen shop, burger shop, cafe etc) This seem unique tho? Stronsay Well-Known Member Aug 6, 2015 987 230 43 #11 Stronsay, Jan 19, 2024 Been trying this for a few hours now. It’s good but it’s not right. Icons and stats all over the screen which I’d like to study but am interrupted every 15 seconds with pop-up messages obscuring the whole view. Some are tutorial related, some are warnings, some about recruiting adventurers, new monsters, visiting merchants. It’s non-stop. Day/Night cycles are so fast there’s not enough time to do much in either. Graphics have already been mentioned. For a layout with many small details the giant pixels are a poor choice. On the plus side there’s a fun, engrossing game going on here, but messy design is doing its best to stop anyone from seeing it, or indeed playing it. Top marks though for auto-switching between portrait/landscape. triwolf Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Sep 5, 2012 83 10 8 #12 triwolf, Jan 19, 2024 This. I’ve played maybe 4 or 5 Kairosoft games before and while they are cute and fun the gameplay is generally uninventive. It feels fresh at first, then you stumble across obscure mechanics. You look them up on some guide, realize you’ve done it all wrong and start over. And Kairosoft games do feel like the same simulation game with a different theme each time. That’s what’s stopping me from getting this. Anyone has impressions about the gameplay of this one compared to previous games? elcrazy likes this. Stronsay Well-Known Member Aug 6, 2015 987 230 43 #13 Stronsay, Jan 19, 2024 The few Kairosoft games I’ve played have all been similar and easy to get into. This one seems very different in style and a nightmare so far. The main screen is such a muddle I struggle to understand what’s happening. One of those games I have to force myself to go back to. But I get the impression that once I’ve got it figured there’s a great game buried under the interface. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #14 psj3809, Jan 20, 2024 You dont post at the forum for 6 months and then you post that slightly rude message ? we are chatting about the game. Graphics are a huge part of a game. Is it that annoying you saw a few posts on pixel art and you couldn’t just scroll past ? kairosoft have that certain art style so we were discussing it. Some people like it some don’t. I wouldn’t personally dismiss a game due to its graphics Ijipop and elcrazy like this. Rosso Well-Known Member Dec 17, 2010 236 12 18 #15 Rosso, Jan 20, 2024 H how rude and disrespectful is that? Wont even comment this further. Good you'll get your money back... candyjet Well-Known Member Aug 25, 2010 183 12 18 #16 candyjet, Jan 20, 2024 Sorry, but I don’t understand. I have been neither rude nor disrespectful, simply very disappointed. The game was pretty much unplayable because I couldn’t make out what I was looking at. On that basis, it wasn’t fit for purpose and I’m entitled to a refund under U.K. law. On a wider note, the effect is that I will no longer pay for a premium game until some reviews have come in. I’m simply being honest. CJ candyjet Well-Known Member Aug 25, 2010 183 12 18 #17 candyjet, Jan 20, 2024 This is the sort of thing I’m on about. What on earth am I looking at? Attached Files: 2FE7E4AA-D14F-4F3A-AEAC-EE9AA3C7FE60.jpeg File size: 102.9 KB Views: 27 Stronsay Well-Known Member Aug 6, 2015 987 230 43 #18 Stronsay, Jan 20, 2024 I’ve got this! From right to left, two level one adventurers are trying to enter an area of purple haze. They can’t enter the purple haze as it will blow their minds. Fighters can defeat the purple haze but only after dark. Next day a member of freight staff will bring that treasure chest to the surface. It contains good things. Adventurers can then fight some level two monsters shown by the crossed swords. The way is now clear for diggers to continue digging. I discovered the instruction manual (23 pages) hidden in the menus. It all makes perfect sense now. candyjet Well-Known Member Aug 25, 2010 183 12 18 #19 candyjet, Jan 20, 2024 Thanks, but what about that black splodge on the left with the cloud behind it. Is it passing gas? Stronsay Well-Known Member Aug 6, 2015 987 230 43 #20 Stronsay, Jan 20, 2024 The black splodge is a monster drawn with 3 pixels standing in front of a stain on the wall. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) 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Well, I took one for the team and bought this without seeing any reviews first. The pixelated graphics are so awful that I find the game unplayable. I really don’t get this retro graphics thing. Why have a high end device, then end up squinting to try to work out what on earth you’re looking at? Refund requested after persevering until headache started. CJ
There is a big and very important difference between you not getting that retro graphics thing and awful graphics. Pixel art is a style and art form you can or cannot like, but is doesn’t have to do with any quality standards. Also, most pixel art games age way better than stuff that‘s trying to look state-of-the-art in one year, but looks incredibly dated just a few years later. But that‘s just one additional thought.
Yeah I’m a huge fan of pixel art. Don’t always need stunning graphics in a game. One reason so many of us still play older games as they’re so playable forget the old skool graphics had a look at this and no way does it have such bad graphics at all. Seen many much much worse ! all because you have a high end device doesn’t mean you need some 3 gig download all because the graphics are stunning. All about gameplay to me
I found that the pixel graphics detracted from the gameplay because I couldn’t work out what I was looking at. I didn’t like it one bit. Each to his own. Hope you enjoy it. CJ
Haven’t played it yet but it looks pretty much like all the other Kairosoft games to me. I’m not big pixel art fan but I don’t have any problems with it either. They made it so things were still clear what was what on their other games so hopefully it is here too and maybe Candy just isn’t use to playing them?
I have never played a Kairosoft game but always mean too. They all look fun but I am afraid of the time management needed. Feel like I will lose interest quickly. This one actually looked good enough I almost bought it lol. i don’t mind pixel graphics at all. They can be done very nicely. I do agree at times it can be hard to tell what you may be looking at. But that depends on the game and style of the pixel graphics. Pixel does stand the test of time. That is why NES games are still so fun and playable today while most PS1 games like Syphon Filter are now completely unplayable even though at one time it was the top graphics and gameplay. For iPhone I am just looking for something to kill time and have fun. I am never looking for crazy graphics although it’s always nice. But again mobile is about entertainment before graphics. And file size is an issue. To each their own for sure. But I wouldn’t beat a pixel game up based on pixel graphics. Kairosoft actually seems to have nice pixel colors and graphics.
Could you have the discussion on art style elsewhere and maybe get back to commenting about this game in particular? Has anyone tried it? Worth the money for someone who likes kairosoft games? My only fear is that the game is a rehash of other kairosoft productions. Some of the games are mostly the same with a new genre. (Ie. ramen shop, burger shop, cafe etc) This seem unique tho?
Been trying this for a few hours now. It’s good but it’s not right. Icons and stats all over the screen which I’d like to study but am interrupted every 15 seconds with pop-up messages obscuring the whole view. Some are tutorial related, some are warnings, some about recruiting adventurers, new monsters, visiting merchants. It’s non-stop. Day/Night cycles are so fast there’s not enough time to do much in either. Graphics have already been mentioned. For a layout with many small details the giant pixels are a poor choice. On the plus side there’s a fun, engrossing game going on here, but messy design is doing its best to stop anyone from seeing it, or indeed playing it. Top marks though for auto-switching between portrait/landscape.
This. I’ve played maybe 4 or 5 Kairosoft games before and while they are cute and fun the gameplay is generally uninventive. It feels fresh at first, then you stumble across obscure mechanics. You look them up on some guide, realize you’ve done it all wrong and start over. And Kairosoft games do feel like the same simulation game with a different theme each time. That’s what’s stopping me from getting this. Anyone has impressions about the gameplay of this one compared to previous games?
The few Kairosoft games I’ve played have all been similar and easy to get into. This one seems very different in style and a nightmare so far. The main screen is such a muddle I struggle to understand what’s happening. One of those games I have to force myself to go back to. But I get the impression that once I’ve got it figured there’s a great game buried under the interface.
You dont post at the forum for 6 months and then you post that slightly rude message ? we are chatting about the game. Graphics are a huge part of a game. Is it that annoying you saw a few posts on pixel art and you couldn’t just scroll past ? kairosoft have that certain art style so we were discussing it. Some people like it some don’t. I wouldn’t personally dismiss a game due to its graphics
H how rude and disrespectful is that? Wont even comment this further. Good you'll get your money back...
Sorry, but I don’t understand. I have been neither rude nor disrespectful, simply very disappointed. The game was pretty much unplayable because I couldn’t make out what I was looking at. On that basis, it wasn’t fit for purpose and I’m entitled to a refund under U.K. law. On a wider note, the effect is that I will no longer pay for a premium game until some reviews have come in. I’m simply being honest. CJ
I’ve got this! From right to left, two level one adventurers are trying to enter an area of purple haze. They can’t enter the purple haze as it will blow their minds. Fighters can defeat the purple haze but only after dark. Next day a member of freight staff will bring that treasure chest to the surface. It contains good things. Adventurers can then fight some level two monsters shown by the crossed swords. The way is now clear for diggers to continue digging. I discovered the instruction manual (23 pages) hidden in the menus. It all makes perfect sense now.