Game Title : Trial By Trivia Platform : Mobile Unleash your inner trivia champion now! Embark on an engaging intellectual journey with "Trial by Trivia." Test your knowledge and decision-making skills in a captivating environment where every card presents a unique statement. As you progress, the challenge intensifies, keeping you hooked with intriguing facts and compelling questions. Features: 1. Simple Controls. Swipe left or right to decide whether the statement is true or false. 2. Unlock a plethora of achievements as you unlock more topics. 3. Enjoy uninterrupted gameplay anytime, anywhere—no internet connection needed. 4. 25+ Unique Topics to unlock. 5. Stay engaged with a seamless and addictive gameplay flow. Get ready to exercise your brain, make swift decisions, and revel in the satisfaction of mastering an array of trivia. Whether you're a seasoned trivia enthusiast or a casual gamer looking for a mental workout, "Trial by Trivia" is tailor-made for you![/appinfo]