Link: Cave Ranger Cascadia Games LLC When the Bitty Gang steals the town's livelihood and takes it underground, a lone, brave cowboy must come to the rescue.… $1.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsWhen the Bitty Gang steals the town's livelihood and takes it underground, a lone, brave cowboy must come to the rescue. Cave Ranger is an 8-bit inspired, retro platform game. Rescue sheep, fight outlaws, and face down dangerous critters. With a whip and pistol at his disposal, the cave ranger must traverse old mines, water reservoirs, and even a saw mill! It is a lighthearted, laid back western, full of platformer fun. Full support of Xbox, PS4, and MFi gamepads Information Seller:Cascadia Games LLC Genre:Action, Adventure Release:Feb 24, 2023 Updated:Mar 30, 2023 Version:1.0.7 Size:237.8 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube Channel Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #2 Anotherkellydown, Feb 24, 2023 I loved 2-bit Cowboy. The video reminds me of that great little game but with color. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #3 psj3809, Feb 24, 2023 Yeah loved the original. Completed that just bought the new game. Not keen on the controls. The four way directional type of stick on the left so far seems clumsy. But all their previous games I’m fine with so might just be with me I’ll keep trying ! Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #4 Anotherkellydown, Feb 24, 2023 I noticed the controls right away too. Wish they were resizable and whatnot. The buttons are pretty small on my 11 Pro Max. For 2 dollars I’m not disappointed. I’ll keep trying to beat the first level later on work break. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #5 anthony78, Feb 24, 2023 Thought about picking this up but maybe I ought to wait to see if they update the controls. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #6 psj3809, Feb 25, 2023 Last edited: Feb 25, 2023 Played more and I’m on level 4 now. But so far the levels are boring. Kill 15 snakes and now kill 15 scorpions. When you’re on a ladder you can’t seem to press left and jump or right and jump. Got a bit more used to the controls but seems the same cave area with ladders and boring missions. Such a shame Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #7 Anotherkellydown, Feb 25, 2023 Yeah, totally agree. Same formula with different monsters to kill and same background. There’s nothing there to draw me back in. Draven2222 Well-Known Member Dec 16, 2013 297 47 28 #8 Draven2222, Mar 3, 2023 Hmm, sounds disappointing as i loved 2-Bit,MightyAphid. i'll probably give this one a miss. ;( Btw do controllers work with it? Cascadia Games have supported them in all their previous titles, but yet again "no mention" of controller support anywhere, even their main site. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #9 Anotherkellydown, Mar 3, 2023 My Mad Catz MFi controller works. I didn’t even think to try it for some reason but it makes the controls a LOT better. Jumping from ladders is still a bit awkward even after the update: you have to move off of it then jump in midair rather than just being able to jump right off the ladder while still on it. Level 4 and it’s still just “kill this many monsters” or “save this many animals”, etc. I had lost some hope after Aphid but I tried this just in case it was a fluke. Looks to me like the quality/creativity from Cascadia is dwindling. I hope I’m wrong though. cascadiagames Active Member Sep 30, 2013 29 10 3 #10 cascadiagames, Mar 6, 2023 Last edited: Mar 6, 2023 There's now a 1.0.3 update that allows you to jump off a ladder while climbing. I have at least one more update planned. I agree that the first Mighty Aphid game launched substandard. I've updated it 9 times since then. I definitely don't want people to buy something that doesn't have a certain quality level to it. In fact, every game (except 2-bit Cowboy and Wacky Wheels, which were made with an old, dead game engine) has been updated in the past few months. I was surprised to see so much nostalgia for 2-bit. FWIW, the next "big" game for us is Guts 'n Grunts. Though I might release another smaller game between now and then. Anotherkellydown likes this. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #11 psj3809, Mar 6, 2023 That new game looks great. Instant purchase for me hope there’s another gameboy style 2 bit cowboy sequel. Loved that game (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Yeah loved the original. Completed that just bought the new game. Not keen on the controls. The four way directional type of stick on the left so far seems clumsy. But all their previous games I’m fine with so might just be with me I’ll keep trying !
I noticed the controls right away too. Wish they were resizable and whatnot. The buttons are pretty small on my 11 Pro Max. For 2 dollars I’m not disappointed. I’ll keep trying to beat the first level later on work break.
Played more and I’m on level 4 now. But so far the levels are boring. Kill 15 snakes and now kill 15 scorpions. When you’re on a ladder you can’t seem to press left and jump or right and jump. Got a bit more used to the controls but seems the same cave area with ladders and boring missions. Such a shame
Yeah, totally agree. Same formula with different monsters to kill and same background. There’s nothing there to draw me back in.
Hmm, sounds disappointing as i loved 2-Bit,MightyAphid. i'll probably give this one a miss. ;( Btw do controllers work with it? Cascadia Games have supported them in all their previous titles, but yet again "no mention" of controller support anywhere, even their main site.
My Mad Catz MFi controller works. I didn’t even think to try it for some reason but it makes the controls a LOT better. Jumping from ladders is still a bit awkward even after the update: you have to move off of it then jump in midair rather than just being able to jump right off the ladder while still on it. Level 4 and it’s still just “kill this many monsters” or “save this many animals”, etc. I had lost some hope after Aphid but I tried this just in case it was a fluke. Looks to me like the quality/creativity from Cascadia is dwindling. I hope I’m wrong though.
There's now a 1.0.3 update that allows you to jump off a ladder while climbing. I have at least one more update planned. I agree that the first Mighty Aphid game launched substandard. I've updated it 9 times since then. I definitely don't want people to buy something that doesn't have a certain quality level to it. In fact, every game (except 2-bit Cowboy and Wacky Wheels, which were made with an old, dead game engine) has been updated in the past few months. I was surprised to see so much nostalgia for 2-bit. FWIW, the next "big" game for us is Guts 'n Grunts. Though I might release another smaller game between now and then.
That new game looks great. Instant purchase for me hope there’s another gameboy style 2 bit cowboy sequel. Loved that game