Link: Lineweight Team17 USA Play the first chapter of Lineweight for FREE! In-app purchase is required to unlock the full content. Thank you for tak… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsPlay the first chapter of Lineweight for FREE! In-app purchase is required to unlock the full content. Thank you for taking the time to download and try our game. *GOLD MEDAL INTERACTIVE DESIGN* - INDIGO AWARDS 2019 *GOLD MEDAL BOOK DESIGN* - INDIGO AWARDS 2019 *SILVER MEDAL MOBILE GAMES* - INDIGO AWARDS 2019 *NOMINEE* - INDIECADE 2019 *NOMINEE* - INDIECADE EUROPE 2019 A face, a sunset, a moment in time—our lives are the emotions we feel, and the stories we tell. These are our stories. Lineweight is a brand new experience from Cipher Prime. Each of its five chapters showcases a story with a specific emotional focus, illuminated with the studio's signature stylings of color, light, and music. Every moment, word, and image is controlled by your swipe, marrying storytelling and graphic design in a unique union we can't wait to share with you. Information Seller:Team17 USA Genre: Release:Nov 11, 2020 Updated:Nov 15, 2020 Version:1.0.1 Size:342.3 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Asp Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2017 769 196 43 #2 Asp, Nov 13, 2020 I feel kind of sorry for the developers of Lineweight. It’s brilliant in its own way; imaginative, artistic, refusing to toe the line. It would have been a huge amount of work putting it together and getting it to run as smoothly as it does, and most likely for very little return. They should have made an RPG instead. Never mind. In a parallel universe somewhere it will be game of the week. ste86uk Well-Known Member May 9, 2012 6,774 1,003 113 #3 ste86uk, Nov 13, 2020 Literally just got off trying this and sadly deleted it right away. It seemed interesting and very different to things I’ve played or should I just say used on the App Store before. But when I finished the first chapter I just thought would I really want to pay for more? metalwastebasket Well-Known Member Jan 5, 2017 161 55 28 #4 metalwastebasket, Nov 13, 2020 You'll notice right at the end of the free portion, it says this could very well be the last Cipher Prime game ever made. That could be interpreted two ways, IMO... 1) It becomes a success and saves the studio from closing shop, or 2) Sales don't really matter to them and they just want to end their current journey in a blaze of glory (bowing out with a game that actually means something to them). I don't know if it's up to us to say where we think their resources should have gone, but I do generally agree with you and @ste86uk in that what I played certainly is unique, but I'm sitting on the decision to buy the IAP in the mean time. Asp and ste86uk like this. Asp Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2017 769 196 43 #5 Asp, Nov 13, 2020 Maybe wait for the one dollar sale, which could be next week. In total there are five chapters of five minutes each. All in the same style. Short stories on themes of love and loss, so a fitting swansong if this is the developers’ final game. It’s fine work but probably not commercial. DariusGuerrero Well-Known Member Jul 25, 2016 389 195 43 Male Game Developer #6 DariusGuerrero, Nov 13, 2020 To be fair though, making an RPG takes a whole lot more resources to make than Line Weight. Or is this meta commentary on the state of the gaming community? But you're right. An RPG would have been given much more attention and it the studio was in its last legs would have been the best gamble. Final Fantasy did save Square Enix before. That's depressing. But as a game developer I think I interpreted that last screen with the latter explanation. They know that what they did is extremely niche. Maybe they think it's not something that will drive up a huge audience but it's not important to them, and maybe they don't even have financial problems of sort. I think they just want to part ways after ten games and the final message, in my interpretation, comes from satisfaction and contentment. They must have just wanted to release this game as a personal expression of their experiences so far and they made it so that it would resonate with themselves, their loved ones, and those who can relate to them. Asp likes this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
I feel kind of sorry for the developers of Lineweight. It’s brilliant in its own way; imaginative, artistic, refusing to toe the line. It would have been a huge amount of work putting it together and getting it to run as smoothly as it does, and most likely for very little return. They should have made an RPG instead. Never mind. In a parallel universe somewhere it will be game of the week.
Literally just got off trying this and sadly deleted it right away. It seemed interesting and very different to things I’ve played or should I just say used on the App Store before. But when I finished the first chapter I just thought would I really want to pay for more?
You'll notice right at the end of the free portion, it says this could very well be the last Cipher Prime game ever made. That could be interpreted two ways, IMO... 1) It becomes a success and saves the studio from closing shop, or 2) Sales don't really matter to them and they just want to end their current journey in a blaze of glory (bowing out with a game that actually means something to them). I don't know if it's up to us to say where we think their resources should have gone, but I do generally agree with you and @ste86uk in that what I played certainly is unique, but I'm sitting on the decision to buy the IAP in the mean time.
Maybe wait for the one dollar sale, which could be next week. In total there are five chapters of five minutes each. All in the same style. Short stories on themes of love and loss, so a fitting swansong if this is the developers’ final game. It’s fine work but probably not commercial.
To be fair though, making an RPG takes a whole lot more resources to make than Line Weight. Or is this meta commentary on the state of the gaming community? But you're right. An RPG would have been given much more attention and it the studio was in its last legs would have been the best gamble. Final Fantasy did save Square Enix before. That's depressing. But as a game developer I think I interpreted that last screen with the latter explanation. They know that what they did is extremely niche. Maybe they think it's not something that will drive up a huge audience but it's not important to them, and maybe they don't even have financial problems of sort. I think they just want to part ways after ten games and the final message, in my interpretation, comes from satisfaction and contentment. They must have just wanted to release this game as a personal expression of their experiences so far and they made it so that it would resonate with themselves, their loved ones, and those who can relate to them.