Link: IncrediMarble Art of the State LLC Build your Marble Runs! This free to play marble run construction kit with tycoon game trappings lets you build massive … Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsBuild your Marble Runs! This free to play marble run construction kit with tycoon game trappings lets you build massive marble slide towers using over 30 unique pieces. Enjoy the ASMR rolling and clacking sounds of marbles on plastic. Get mesmerized by the realistic (and sometimes supernatural) physics of a never-ending stream of marbles. Start small, earn money, spend it on upgrades to earn more, build more slides, and create the marble slide world of your dreams! You're always progressing! IncrediMarble lets you progress whether you leave the game idle or shut it off and return to it later, like most tapper and incremental games do. In-game ads will rewards you bonus earnings but are purely voluntary, there are NO MANDATORY AD POP-UPS! Support indie game development! IncrediMarble was made by one person! Watch the ads or buy the IAP to support further development of the game. You help me pay my rent! Information Seller:Art of the State LLC Genre:Arcade, Simulation Release:Oct 08, 2020 Updated:Oct 16, 2023 Version:1.7.1 Size:210.4 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #2 Anotherkellydown, Oct 8, 2020 Interested in checking this one out when it releases in the US. A total of $9.98 for the 2 IAP. No Ads / Point Bonus - $2.99. Enable Sandbox Mode - $6.99 Gotters Well-Known Member Oct 27, 2016 114 31 28 #3 Gotters, Oct 8, 2020 games that drop me into some type of editor with no explanation of what I'm even trying to do get insta deleted. ColeDaddy likes this. Asp Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2017 769 196 43 #4 Asp, Oct 8, 2020 There’s a tutorial included in the above video. It begins half way through. Really simple though, grab pieces of track from the bottom of the screen and assemble them how you like. Each piece will earn money from passing marbles so more tracks can be purchased. Money can also be spent to upgrade track sections. Pull the menu from right screen and tap on a track to upgrade. Collin Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2010 719 46 28 Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Art Director Colorado Springs, CO #5 Collin, Oct 8, 2020 Last edited: Oct 8, 2020 Yeah, that put me off for now. That, and trying to figure it out on my phone. My eyes are just getting too old. I'll have to try it later on my iPad. I'll put in the effort because I like the idea, and liked the preview article TA had. (edit) Playing on the iPad now. Holy COW, the prices of most of the pieces... from $3,456 to "$2.35 e24" for a single use of the rightmost piece. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. After the initial three free pieces you place, the prices become $50,000 for another ball emitter (limited to 5), $20 for the basic ramp, $100 for a ball catcher that gives you $2 for each ball it catches (instead of the $1 for the initial ramps), $234 for the elongated ramp, and then the prices rocket up from there. Adding the elongated ramp increases the value of the balls. The more pieces you add, and the further to the right they are on the list, the more money you "earn". However, I just bought the ramp piece that was $3,456, and the price for another one doubled to $6,912... I also don't know if there will eventually be different levels of pieces. For now they all say "Level 1" below them. I'm guessing since it's there, there will be. But I don't know what will trigger it. Wait. The swoopy icon on the right opens into a tray of options where you can level up your pieces, change colors, and delete things, but it's not clear if deleting them gives you any money back, or just what the icons do. The one with the marbles falling into the trash made all the marbles in play vanish. Hmm. At least the video ads seem to be opt in. The button to the right of your score/money amount that has the three green arrows launches an ad when you click it, and after the ad you get 5 minutes of double scoring. If ads are never forced on me, I think I might enjoy this. It's basically an idle game if you don't buy the sandbox mode. --- No idea what "Trap Marbles" and "Disable Bonus Pieces" do in the options though. (edit 2) If you watch another video before your 5 minutes are up, it adds 10 minutes to what you have remaining. Reminds me of a manual car wash. Asp Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2017 769 196 43 #6 Asp, Oct 8, 2020 Last edited: Oct 9, 2020 Enabling “trap marbles” can result in the track becoming clogged with marbles if poorly designed, especially at junctions. I haven’t seen any “bonus pieces” so not sure what that option refers to. Edit: I’ve now seen bonus pieces. They are are gold track sections that appear in fixed locations giving double goal points if used. They change location every hour. DaveKap New Member May 3, 2013 4 5 3 #7 DaveKap, Oct 13, 2020 Heya folks! I'm the guy who made the game (with a little help from a couple artist friends) and I'm really glad to see some discussion here! Haha yeah, sorry, there's a good reason for this though, I promise! For one, Breath of the Wild's complete lack of tutorialization was a huge influence on me, pushing my personal preference towards "discovering" what a game is instead of being told what it is. Secondly, I still haven't figured out how to provide a good tutorial flow to this game without spending weeks on programming it. I think I may just end up having it play an animation or movie on first launch... but again, weird flow issues and state tracking can make this hard to "get right." Lastly, I think the game is really simple. But that's just me. I play everything, so my perception of "simple" is probably skewed. To answer other questions/statements, yes, this is an idle game. The numbers go up and then they go up faster, so the pricing looking weird is just that idle/tycoon style in play. The piece deletion is called "refund mode" and as the name implies, you are fully refunded 100% whenever you delete a piece. I want to let people get creative and I don't want the question of deleting a piece to impede upon that creativity! The ads are 100% opt-in. This is, at the end of the day, a free to play game without any mandatory ads. I hope that watching the ads and getting the point booster is an incentive, though, and if you keep watching ads in succession, you can increase the point boost timer. The IAP for sandbox mode is actually a suggestion from a friend of mine who insisted that his kids would never want to play the idle game but would love to just treat it as a toy. Since it sorta completely kills the need to play the game, I made the price of it a bit higher. Hopefully you all enjoy the game and keep sharing your experiences with it! You can come to my discord at or contact me through the contact form. I know I have a lot more work to do to with the game to get it a bit friendlier to new users but there are a lot more features I want to add as well. Thanks for reading! Collin, Anotherkellydown and Asp like this. Collin Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2010 719 46 28 Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Art Director Colorado Springs, CO #8 Collin, Oct 13, 2020 Last edited: Oct 13, 2020 I eventually figured out everything I was unsure of when I was discussing my playthrough above. Do the features you have planned include being able to save different builds so that you can recall them later (or switch to them if treated as saved boards), or the ability to group parts so they can be moved as a unit? If not, I'd like to request that. The other thing I ran into was that when I started my first game I was in the middle of the play field, but I was unaware there was a boundary on both sides and top/bottom. So I got to the bottom pretty fast. I'd recommend either having the player start closer to the top of the play area, or (ideally) either have no boundaries (I'm guessing you need a bottom boundary to turn off marbles that aren't caught) or have the boundary adjust automatically – eg. if you reach what would be the bottom, but have 100 blocks of space above your structure, it shifts down accordingly. I was enjoying it, but have taken a break for a few days. I'm sure I'll come back after the next update. DaveKap New Member May 3, 2013 4 5 3 #9 DaveKap, Oct 13, 2020 I've been trying to figure out how saving builds fits into the game exactly. I want to use them in a way that benefits the play experience, not just the toy experience. However, letting you swap builds around in the middle of the normal game makes it a little too easy to min-max the game and I'd rather not make that a trivial matter. As such, I do at least want to allow save slots for the sandbox mode... which then makes it seem like I'm gating the feature behind a paywall, an impression I don't want to give! We'll see where I land but I'm always open to suggestions! Yeah, the boundary thing is tricky. I needed some kind of boundary to keep people focused; limitations force creative solutions and all that. I was also toying with the idea of using the boundary as a money-sink, letting you purchase expansions. That said, starting the player off from the top is a good call and I'll see if I can't get that in the next patch. Grouping slides together for mass movement is a difficult problem to solve, for a dozen different reasons. However, you can help by explaining what sort of interaction you'd like to see. Since 1 touch drags both move pieces and move the camera, while a 2 touch drag is purely for camera zoom, how would you incorporate a multi-selection tool? Collin Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2010 719 46 28 Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Art Director Colorado Springs, CO #10 Collin, Oct 16, 2020 I can see that. In my case I had an intricate build, but it wasn't earning as much as I wanted – a lot of low level pieces were involved – so I wanted to clear it out and start fresh. But I also would have liked to be able to hold on to it in case I wanted to show it to anyone. How about once you "store" a build, if you choose to go back in and play around with it, you don't earn any money? Or would that basically be the sandbox? If so, as a player I don't see a problem with making that a feature exclusive to the sandbox mode. You aren't hiding a feature behind a paywall since, as you point out, it could be abused in the main game mode. --- I envision it as being possible to either tap on multiple pieces, and then move them as a single unit, or to have a move marquee tool that you can tap, drag, and select everything you want to move at once, and the pieces stay grouped until you tap off of a piece. The purpose being to be able to easily relocate your build on the playfield as needed. DaveKap New Member May 3, 2013 4 5 3 #11 DaveKap, Oct 17, 2020 It seems simple at first but you have to dive deeper into the interaction to see where problems arise. Without getting into it, the conclusion is that I have to have a tool that changes how your interactions on the field work if you want to select multiple slides. That tool means more UI. More UI means a more cluttered screen. I need to figure out a better way to make these things discoverable (something that's already a problem with the UI as simple as it is) while also allowing the flexibility to add more UI as it becomes necessary. Once I solve that, making this tool becomes a lot easier. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #12 Anotherkellydown, Oct 17, 2020 When using pieces that split into two exits, it seems like the ball is only going to the right side. I’ve got a splitter at the top of one of my slides that connects to two different slides but one of them isn’t being used because of this. Any ideas? Collin likes this. Asp Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2017 769 196 43 #13 Asp, Oct 17, 2020 Tap on the spawner, then tap the randomizer button in the lower right panel. This should help. Also the dev advises on Discord that the next update will modify splitter sections to have alternating exits. Collin and Anotherkellydown like this. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #14 Anotherkellydown, Oct 17, 2020 Thanks! I didn’t even notice that little box below there! Another thing that happens almost every time I open the app is there will be one piece that’s just slightly out of alignment, enough to halt any money made on that particular slide. I don’t know if it’s something I’m doing by accident before closing out the app or if it’s a bug but it seems to happen every time. It’s usually just a plain short piece that’s one block off. Asp Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2017 769 196 43 #15 Asp, Oct 17, 2020 Was hoping it would be fixed in the recent update but I’m still seeing sections out of alignment. I’ll mention on Discord, though DaveKap should be back to this thread next week. Anotherkellydown likes this. DaveKap New Member May 3, 2013 4 5 3 #16 DaveKap, Oct 17, 2020 Alignment bugs have been a plague since development because I never have enough testers to catch them. Two things about them: 1: PLEASE go into the options -> credits -> help panel and send me your save string ([email protected]) so I can debug these situations. Do this before fixing the alignment. The more save strings I have to test, the more likely I can figure out what bug is causing the current problems. 2: You do not lose your offline earnings when this occurs. Offline earnings are calculated based on where your build was when the game last saved, not where your build is when you load up the game. Thus, the misalignment a minor inconvenience at worst. I do have one idea as to how to fix them but it's a deeper re-implementation of code that may take a while to complete. Thanks for reporting! And yeah, the marbles going down 1 side of a splitter piece is a result of Unity's deterministic physics engine. I just did a twitch stream developing the mechanism causing the exits to flip, so expect that to be in a new update soon! Collin and Anotherkellydown like this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Interested in checking this one out when it releases in the US. A total of $9.98 for the 2 IAP. No Ads / Point Bonus - $2.99. Enable Sandbox Mode - $6.99
games that drop me into some type of editor with no explanation of what I'm even trying to do get insta deleted.
There’s a tutorial included in the above video. It begins half way through. Really simple though, grab pieces of track from the bottom of the screen and assemble them how you like. Each piece will earn money from passing marbles so more tracks can be purchased. Money can also be spent to upgrade track sections. Pull the menu from right screen and tap on a track to upgrade.
Yeah, that put me off for now. That, and trying to figure it out on my phone. My eyes are just getting too old. I'll have to try it later on my iPad. I'll put in the effort because I like the idea, and liked the preview article TA had. (edit) Playing on the iPad now. Holy COW, the prices of most of the pieces... from $3,456 to "$2.35 e24" for a single use of the rightmost piece. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. After the initial three free pieces you place, the prices become $50,000 for another ball emitter (limited to 5), $20 for the basic ramp, $100 for a ball catcher that gives you $2 for each ball it catches (instead of the $1 for the initial ramps), $234 for the elongated ramp, and then the prices rocket up from there. Adding the elongated ramp increases the value of the balls. The more pieces you add, and the further to the right they are on the list, the more money you "earn". However, I just bought the ramp piece that was $3,456, and the price for another one doubled to $6,912... I also don't know if there will eventually be different levels of pieces. For now they all say "Level 1" below them. I'm guessing since it's there, there will be. But I don't know what will trigger it. Wait. The swoopy icon on the right opens into a tray of options where you can level up your pieces, change colors, and delete things, but it's not clear if deleting them gives you any money back, or just what the icons do. The one with the marbles falling into the trash made all the marbles in play vanish. Hmm. At least the video ads seem to be opt in. The button to the right of your score/money amount that has the three green arrows launches an ad when you click it, and after the ad you get 5 minutes of double scoring. If ads are never forced on me, I think I might enjoy this. It's basically an idle game if you don't buy the sandbox mode. --- No idea what "Trap Marbles" and "Disable Bonus Pieces" do in the options though. (edit 2) If you watch another video before your 5 minutes are up, it adds 10 minutes to what you have remaining. Reminds me of a manual car wash.
Enabling “trap marbles” can result in the track becoming clogged with marbles if poorly designed, especially at junctions. I haven’t seen any “bonus pieces” so not sure what that option refers to. Edit: I’ve now seen bonus pieces. They are are gold track sections that appear in fixed locations giving double goal points if used. They change location every hour.
Heya folks! I'm the guy who made the game (with a little help from a couple artist friends) and I'm really glad to see some discussion here! Haha yeah, sorry, there's a good reason for this though, I promise! For one, Breath of the Wild's complete lack of tutorialization was a huge influence on me, pushing my personal preference towards "discovering" what a game is instead of being told what it is. Secondly, I still haven't figured out how to provide a good tutorial flow to this game without spending weeks on programming it. I think I may just end up having it play an animation or movie on first launch... but again, weird flow issues and state tracking can make this hard to "get right." Lastly, I think the game is really simple. But that's just me. I play everything, so my perception of "simple" is probably skewed. To answer other questions/statements, yes, this is an idle game. The numbers go up and then they go up faster, so the pricing looking weird is just that idle/tycoon style in play. The piece deletion is called "refund mode" and as the name implies, you are fully refunded 100% whenever you delete a piece. I want to let people get creative and I don't want the question of deleting a piece to impede upon that creativity! The ads are 100% opt-in. This is, at the end of the day, a free to play game without any mandatory ads. I hope that watching the ads and getting the point booster is an incentive, though, and if you keep watching ads in succession, you can increase the point boost timer. The IAP for sandbox mode is actually a suggestion from a friend of mine who insisted that his kids would never want to play the idle game but would love to just treat it as a toy. Since it sorta completely kills the need to play the game, I made the price of it a bit higher. Hopefully you all enjoy the game and keep sharing your experiences with it! You can come to my discord at or contact me through the contact form. I know I have a lot more work to do to with the game to get it a bit friendlier to new users but there are a lot more features I want to add as well. Thanks for reading!
I eventually figured out everything I was unsure of when I was discussing my playthrough above. Do the features you have planned include being able to save different builds so that you can recall them later (or switch to them if treated as saved boards), or the ability to group parts so they can be moved as a unit? If not, I'd like to request that. The other thing I ran into was that when I started my first game I was in the middle of the play field, but I was unaware there was a boundary on both sides and top/bottom. So I got to the bottom pretty fast. I'd recommend either having the player start closer to the top of the play area, or (ideally) either have no boundaries (I'm guessing you need a bottom boundary to turn off marbles that aren't caught) or have the boundary adjust automatically – eg. if you reach what would be the bottom, but have 100 blocks of space above your structure, it shifts down accordingly. I was enjoying it, but have taken a break for a few days. I'm sure I'll come back after the next update.
I've been trying to figure out how saving builds fits into the game exactly. I want to use them in a way that benefits the play experience, not just the toy experience. However, letting you swap builds around in the middle of the normal game makes it a little too easy to min-max the game and I'd rather not make that a trivial matter. As such, I do at least want to allow save slots for the sandbox mode... which then makes it seem like I'm gating the feature behind a paywall, an impression I don't want to give! We'll see where I land but I'm always open to suggestions! Yeah, the boundary thing is tricky. I needed some kind of boundary to keep people focused; limitations force creative solutions and all that. I was also toying with the idea of using the boundary as a money-sink, letting you purchase expansions. That said, starting the player off from the top is a good call and I'll see if I can't get that in the next patch. Grouping slides together for mass movement is a difficult problem to solve, for a dozen different reasons. However, you can help by explaining what sort of interaction you'd like to see. Since 1 touch drags both move pieces and move the camera, while a 2 touch drag is purely for camera zoom, how would you incorporate a multi-selection tool?
I can see that. In my case I had an intricate build, but it wasn't earning as much as I wanted – a lot of low level pieces were involved – so I wanted to clear it out and start fresh. But I also would have liked to be able to hold on to it in case I wanted to show it to anyone. How about once you "store" a build, if you choose to go back in and play around with it, you don't earn any money? Or would that basically be the sandbox? If so, as a player I don't see a problem with making that a feature exclusive to the sandbox mode. You aren't hiding a feature behind a paywall since, as you point out, it could be abused in the main game mode. --- I envision it as being possible to either tap on multiple pieces, and then move them as a single unit, or to have a move marquee tool that you can tap, drag, and select everything you want to move at once, and the pieces stay grouped until you tap off of a piece. The purpose being to be able to easily relocate your build on the playfield as needed.
It seems simple at first but you have to dive deeper into the interaction to see where problems arise. Without getting into it, the conclusion is that I have to have a tool that changes how your interactions on the field work if you want to select multiple slides. That tool means more UI. More UI means a more cluttered screen. I need to figure out a better way to make these things discoverable (something that's already a problem with the UI as simple as it is) while also allowing the flexibility to add more UI as it becomes necessary. Once I solve that, making this tool becomes a lot easier.
When using pieces that split into two exits, it seems like the ball is only going to the right side. I’ve got a splitter at the top of one of my slides that connects to two different slides but one of them isn’t being used because of this. Any ideas?
Tap on the spawner, then tap the randomizer button in the lower right panel. This should help. Also the dev advises on Discord that the next update will modify splitter sections to have alternating exits.
Thanks! I didn’t even notice that little box below there! Another thing that happens almost every time I open the app is there will be one piece that’s just slightly out of alignment, enough to halt any money made on that particular slide. I don’t know if it’s something I’m doing by accident before closing out the app or if it’s a bug but it seems to happen every time. It’s usually just a plain short piece that’s one block off.
Was hoping it would be fixed in the recent update but I’m still seeing sections out of alignment. I’ll mention on Discord, though DaveKap should be back to this thread next week.
Alignment bugs have been a plague since development because I never have enough testers to catch them. Two things about them: 1: PLEASE go into the options -> credits -> help panel and send me your save string ([email protected]) so I can debug these situations. Do this before fixing the alignment. The more save strings I have to test, the more likely I can figure out what bug is causing the current problems. 2: You do not lose your offline earnings when this occurs. Offline earnings are calculated based on where your build was when the game last saved, not where your build is when you load up the game. Thus, the misalignment a minor inconvenience at worst. I do have one idea as to how to fix them but it's a deeper re-implementation of code that may take a while to complete. Thanks for reporting! And yeah, the marbles going down 1 side of a splitter piece is a result of Unity's deterministic physics engine. I just did a twitch stream developing the mechanism causing the exits to flip, so expect that to be in a new update soon!