Link: One Finger Death Punch II Doublethink Games Attention please, you are surrounded. Take any weapons available nearby. Using Kung fu to defeat all enemies. Becoming … $2.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsAttention please, you are surrounded. Take any weapons available nearby. Using Kung fu to defeat all enemies. Becoming the most awesome Kung fu master - fast as lightning. One Finger Death Punch II - the world's fastest brawler. As a sequel of One Finger Death Punch, players will find the classic two-button mechanic as in the origin One Finger Death Punch. During the past 5 years, Silver Dollar Games, the development studio, has been working hard to improve the game mechanics in order to bring more surprise for players worldwide. Speed and precision are key in this whirlwind fighting frenzy, as players maintain control over the 26 different unlockable skills, frenetic gameplay, and classic Kung fu-inspired animations. Features -One Finger Death Punch II is the official sequel of One Finger Death Punch with the awesome gameplay experience as the origin One Finger Death Punch and more! -Players can control their own stickman to fight in the game. -Unique gameplay experience - most fluent gameplay experience will be brought to you -with only two buttons! -Once players complete the tutorial levels and learn the basics, they'll see that this is the most intense two-button game ever made. -With 1000 different animations available, literally, anything is possible -particularly when players unlock each of the 26 available skills. Having these skills available simultaneously is a major design challenge that encompasses the core of what OFDP2 is trying to achieve. Seeing the game with all 26 skills is a spectacle unique to OFDP2. Gameplay -Easy to learn -Challenge your game skill - fast reaction -Our only goal was to create fun -More than 400 levels -26 Skills Information Seller:Doublethink Games Genre:Action, Arcade Release:Jul 02, 2020 Updated:Nov 18, 2020 Version:1.3.0 Size:647.5 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #2 metalcasket, Jul 1, 2020 THIS IS AWESOME! *clap, clap, clapclapclap* No surprise, but this is perfect on mobile. Flawless. Definitive. That is all. solarnya and Anotherkellydown like this. allsopj84 Active Member Jun 13, 2018 40 5 8 Male #3 allsopj84, Jul 1, 2020 This game looks incredible. Does it have cloud saving? solarnya Well-Known Member Jul 22, 2015 907 287 63 Male Close to Tokyo, Japan #4 solarnya, Jul 2, 2020 I've confirmed but this doesn't have cloud save it seems sadnessly. However it's great game. Good to have in my pocket. Disturbinguk Member Apr 21, 2016 10 2 3 #5 Disturbinguk, Jul 2, 2020 Works fine on my iPhone 8. But first level on iPad Air 2 you just get sound and a black screen. Tried reinstalling but still happens. Sucks as it’s fun and looks good would Just of liked to play on bigger screen Deckard74 likes this. amusing Grace Well-Known Member Dec 23, 2008 1,685 8 38 Music, Muse, Magick Berlin, Germany #6 amusing Grace, Jul 2, 2020 Last edited: Jul 2, 2020 Looks great on Air3, but i trigger the Pause menu way to often by accident during a fight if i hold my iPad the usual way. Works great if i use the upper half for inputs. Edit: in case anyone wonders, tutorial is 16 levels long. Unlocks start after that The attention to detail just makes me smile while playing, great game! Qwertz555 Well-Known Member May 22, 2010 2,318 29 48 #7 Qwertz555, Jul 2, 2020 Any negatives? Yep, i found some. No music/sfx volume sliders, and the menu button in the left down corner is simply super miss-placed!!! Otherwise...BRILLIANT, but for real, BRILLIANT GOTY STUFF for me!!! ironsam80 Well-Known Member Dec 14, 2010 1,151 34 48 #8 ironsam80, Jul 2, 2020 By having the device in the native language the game starts in Chinese (or something like that) without an option to change the language in settings (or i missing something)... D1vi8 Well-Known Member May 22, 2014 234 5 18 Belgium #9 D1vi8, Jul 2, 2020 How do you change language. My language is Dutch. I want the game to be English but it is Chinese. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #10 anthony78, Jul 2, 2020 Hmm, I’m in the US and it’s all English. Dude is hard to understand but seems like the main points as far as the tutorial are highlighted on the screen as well. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #11 anthony78, Jul 2, 2020 Bought this and loving it but is this the full game from console / PC? I see other modes like Gauntlet shown but even after completing the tutorial, just have levels available to play. No other modes. Or do they open later? sugimulm Well-Known Member Aug 28, 2010 2,457 46 48 The last time zone for iOS game releases :( #12 sugimulm, Jul 2, 2020 Is this a high score chaser or is there more? metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #13 metalcasket, Jul 2, 2020 It’s not a high score chaser. sugimulm likes this. Jstorm Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2020 1,082 474 83 Male Employed Earth #14 Jstorm, Jul 2, 2020 You can try changing the language from the iOS side. It’s a bit long to explain here, but in short you need to add English in the region settings and the specify English as the language for the App ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 20, 2010 4,234 131 63 Male Sojourner Washington D.C. #15 ColeDaddy, Jul 2, 2020 I typically ignore these types of games,, freakin' wow...this is absolutely fun. I had to mentally break away from it so I could get back to work. You need to get this game, STAT! solarnya likes this. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #16 Anotherkellydown, Jul 2, 2020 Yeah this is good fun. A great reaction based arcade game. I remember playing the first one a long time ago. I finished the tutorial and couldn’t believe the map that opened up. Seems to be loads of content to play through. I was also pleasantly surprised at the ability to upgrade skills with points earned through playing. The narrator is really good too. The options menu doesn’t really describe what some of the buttons do but I think I figured out that the (1) adds a trail to your punches and the (2) adds blood? anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #17 anthony78, Jul 2, 2020 So no one has the answer as to if they removed the gauntlet mode from this version? sugimulm Well-Known Member Aug 28, 2010 2,457 46 48 The last time zone for iOS game releases :( #18 sugimulm, Jul 2, 2020 thank you Casket, will pick up dragon4ever Well-Known Member Apr 19, 2009 242 10 18 #19 dragon4ever, Jul 2, 2020 Is it just me or does this game burn through your battery? ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 20, 2010 4,234 131 63 Male Sojourner Washington D.C. #20 ColeDaddy, Jul 2, 2020 I have no idea. Someone else can chime in of they know otherwise (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
THIS IS AWESOME! *clap, clap, clapclapclap* No surprise, but this is perfect on mobile. Flawless. Definitive. That is all.
I've confirmed but this doesn't have cloud save it seems sadnessly. However it's great game. Good to have in my pocket.
Works fine on my iPhone 8. But first level on iPad Air 2 you just get sound and a black screen. Tried reinstalling but still happens. Sucks as it’s fun and looks good would Just of liked to play on bigger screen
Looks great on Air3, but i trigger the Pause menu way to often by accident during a fight if i hold my iPad the usual way. Works great if i use the upper half for inputs. Edit: in case anyone wonders, tutorial is 16 levels long. Unlocks start after that The attention to detail just makes me smile while playing, great game!
Any negatives? Yep, i found some. No music/sfx volume sliders, and the menu button in the left down corner is simply super miss-placed!!! Otherwise...BRILLIANT, but for real, BRILLIANT GOTY STUFF for me!!!
By having the device in the native language the game starts in Chinese (or something like that) without an option to change the language in settings (or i missing something)...
Hmm, I’m in the US and it’s all English. Dude is hard to understand but seems like the main points as far as the tutorial are highlighted on the screen as well.
Bought this and loving it but is this the full game from console / PC? I see other modes like Gauntlet shown but even after completing the tutorial, just have levels available to play. No other modes. Or do they open later?
You can try changing the language from the iOS side. It’s a bit long to explain here, but in short you need to add English in the region settings and the specify English as the language for the App
I typically ignore these types of games,, freakin' wow...this is absolutely fun. I had to mentally break away from it so I could get back to work. You need to get this game, STAT!
Yeah this is good fun. A great reaction based arcade game. I remember playing the first one a long time ago. I finished the tutorial and couldn’t believe the map that opened up. Seems to be loads of content to play through. I was also pleasantly surprised at the ability to upgrade skills with points earned through playing. The narrator is really good too. The options menu doesn’t really describe what some of the buttons do but I think I figured out that the (1) adds a trail to your punches and the (2) adds blood?