Cats are Liquid - ABP Last Quarter Studios Oy Cats are Liquid - A Better Place is a 2D platformer about a liquid cat and her friends. - Slide across rooms as an ice … Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsCats are Liquid - A Better Place is a 2D platformer about a liquid cat and her friends. - Slide across rooms as an ice block, float like a cloud, hookshot around with your tail, and utilize a bunch of other abilities! - Explore 120 different rooms. - Experience the story and find out how and why the world came to be. - Create your own rooms with the included editor! You play as the cat, in a place created just for you and your friends. You get to go on a nice adventure with them where nothing goes wrong and everything is perfect, as long as your friends stay there, right by your side. Over the course of the game, you get to explore 120 rooms and discover new abilities like the hookshot and light burst. A world editor is included. Information Seller:Last Quarter Studios Oy Genre:Adventure Release:Dec 12, 2019 Updated:Oct 19, 2023 Version:1.2.14 Size:285.1 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Anotherkellydown likes this. Royce Well-Known Member Mar 22, 2011 4,240 180 63 #2 Royce, Dec 12, 2019 I’ve been looking forward to this release. The first one really hooked me. I actually just noticed it never got a thread so I suppose I’ll make one for that too. W8rd3 Well-Known Member Aug 21, 2017 123 49 28 Human paper weight In a human dwelling #3 W8rd3, Dec 12, 2019 I like it so far gameplay-wise but is there no option to turn off ads? Royce Well-Known Member Mar 22, 2011 4,240 180 63 #4 Royce, Dec 12, 2019 Unfortunately no, but the first one only had ads at the end of each world (10 levels), so it didn’t bother me terribly. Are there more this time. I’ll drop an ad removal iap suggestion on them either way. djstout and W8rd3 like this. Snooptalian Well-Known Member Sep 12, 2009 1,936 8 38 #5 Snooptalian, Dec 14, 2019 Fun game. Wish you could move the controls though. They’re in the middle of the screen on my iPhone XS Max. I like them at the bottom. Royce Well-Known Member Mar 22, 2011 4,240 180 63 #6 Royce, Dec 14, 2019 I’m on the developer’s discord, and in addition to being my very first complaint about this game, it seems to be a common one. I think he will patch it. The controls on the first game were flawless and super natural feeling. These ones work but they’re not great. Snooptalian likes this. orangecan Well-Known Member Aug 9, 2011 2,000 150 63 #7 orangecan, Dec 14, 2019 Same point for me about the controls otherwise this is a nice little thing, I’d happily pay for an iap removal but as it is I’ve only seen one at the end of the first world. Be nice to slip the dev a few quid for it though. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
I’ve been looking forward to this release. The first one really hooked me. I actually just noticed it never got a thread so I suppose I’ll make one for that too.
Unfortunately no, but the first one only had ads at the end of each world (10 levels), so it didn’t bother me terribly. Are there more this time. I’ll drop an ad removal iap suggestion on them either way.
Fun game. Wish you could move the controls though. They’re in the middle of the screen on my iPhone XS Max. I like them at the bottom.
I’m on the developer’s discord, and in addition to being my very first complaint about this game, it seems to be a common one. I think he will patch it. The controls on the first game were flawless and super natural feeling. These ones work but they’re not great.
Same point for me about the controls otherwise this is a nice little thing, I’d happily pay for an iap removal but as it is I’ve only seen one at the end of the first world. Be nice to slip the dev a few quid for it though.