Link: LEAGUE OF WONDERLAND SEGA CORPORATION 2 minute 1-on-1 battles in real-time! Characters from well-known fairy tales, history and myths come to life. Make a cu… Free Buy Now Watch Media Details2 minute 1-on-1 battles in real-time! Characters from well-known fairy tales, history and myths come to life. Make a customized deck of 8 cards. Use Heroes to destroy your opponent’s Towers within 2 minutes. Victory by destroying 2 towers first! Will you attack, defend or sacrifice your units? Think fast, that’s the only way to victory! Point 1 Experience 2 minute battles like never before, with intensely fast-paced and strategic battles right from the start! Point 2 Draw your way to victory with the Draw Shot! This is a skill that you draw to activate. Effects vary from piercing and area attacks to buffs and debuffs. When and where to use them, that’s all up to you! Point 3 Play to your audience! Use the Viewer to watch other players battle in real-time! Bet on the winner and claim your reward! Introduction Do you know what happens to famous and beloved characters from fairy tales, history, and mythology when their stories are over? Well actually, there’s a place they are drawn to. A place they can shine once more and partake in epic battles where the crowds go wild. This place is called... League of Wonderland Lead these characters to victory, fight for glory and become the best in the League of Wonderland! Overview Title: LEAGUE OF WONDERLAND Genre: Real-time-strategy Keyword: PvP / Action / Strategy / Real time card battle Information Seller:SEGA CORPORATION Genre:Action, Strategy Release:Sep 30, 2019 Updated:Feb 03, 2020 Version:1.4.0 Size:154.8 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in