Kingdom Adventurers Kairosoft Co.,Ltd A once-prosperous kingdom lies overrun by monsters and wreathed in an ominous fog. Now is the time for the descendants o… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsA once-prosperous kingdom lies overrun by monsters and wreathed in an ominous fog. Now is the time for the descendants of the king to take back this land. Raise the kingdom from the dust and give birth to a new civilization! Recruit warriors, mages, and other skilled adventurers to your cause. Dispel the fog to open up new areas to explore. Take a break in between battles to build up your town. Add Weapon Shops, Item Shops, Inns, and more! Keep adding facilities to make your kingdom a better place to live. Gather allies, train your warriors, and take on powerful foes! -Sheepy -- All game progress is stored on your device. Save data cannot be restored after deleting or reinstalling the app. Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visit us at Be sure to check out both our free-to-play and our paid games! Kairosoft's pixel art game series continues! Follow us on Twitter for the latest Kairosoft news and information. Information Seller:Kairosoft Co.,Ltd Genre:Role Playing, Simulation Release:Sep 04, 2019 Updated:Mar 18, 2025 Version:2.57 Size:95.7 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Kingdom Adventurers by Kairosoft Co.,Ltd Bloodangel Well-Known Member Jan 19, 2011 1,824 46 48 Retail England #2 Bloodangel, Sep 4, 2019 Cool! Hope this is as good as their other classic games, and just as addictive..... and not ruined by iap stubbieoz Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2015 1,880 358 83 Male Grey haired gamer NSW Australia #3 stubbieoz, Sep 4, 2019 Game has diamonds iap’s and ads. I tried the game for a few minutes but found the tutorial somewhat confusing, though admittedly these sort of games are not my usual fare. redribbon Well-Known Member Jun 11, 2010 2,799 53 48 entepreanur,programmer #4 redribbon, Sep 5, 2019 i second this. i was about to upload the gameplay on my channel but i ended up cancel it because of the reason above and the overlapping text on the screen. Ringerill Well-Known Member Dec 13, 2012 315 170 43 #5 Ringerill, Sep 5, 2019 What in the heck happened to Kairosoft? They always had these premium games and at one point they decided to try out the free to download and test but premium IAP at the end anyway. I could understand that because it allowed people to try out the game before really buying it. Then they introduced the internet connection but it seemed justified because there were daily challenges, time limited events, a mechanic of friends and coop. And now we have arrived at this: F2P, internet connection, premium currency, timers... Basically everything we hate about F2P games is here. I have tried it out for an hour just to be sure and it definitely feels strange for a Kairosoft game. The main idea is to build your kingdom, increase your population, create a commerce, discover the land around your and fight some monsters. It feels a little bit like their Dungeon Village game. You can build special houses for your villagers to produce certain resources, have an income of money, etc. Then you can either let your villagers do whatever they want and gather some resources inside your kingdom or your can send them to discover new land, open chests, fight monsters and dig for treasures. I have no idea how big the map actually is because there is a fog of war and you have to venture out to remove it. I guess this will allow to discover new NPCs, dungeons, etc. I have no idea what the internet connection is for apart from the adds on the bottom of screen... Gems as premium currency don't seem mandatory but I didn't play enough to realise how really the "timers" can get. I am definitely not happy about these changes after playing almost all of their games but I will try to continue playing it and post my final impressions to let you know if at one point you reach a pay wall to play normally or if the IAPs are just optional and simply help to progress faster. malaheart, Beth and stubbieoz like this. Ringerill Well-Known Member Dec 13, 2012 315 170 43 #6 Ringerill, Sep 6, 2019 Well after playing for several hours I feel like I understand what to expect in the long run. I will try to be as impartial as I can because I might end up deleting the app... For those who don't want to read everything, a TLDR will be available at the end First let's describe more in detail what the game is about and what you will be expected to do. You begin on an island in your town. The town is small and the terrain outside is covered in fog. You have multiple resources at your disposal: Wood, Ore, Grass, Food, and Rubies. There is also a premium currency (Diamonds) and an energy system. To progress, you have to recruit people in your town and each one of them has a special job (farmer gather wood and food, guard defends the town and explore outside, etc.). They technically can all do the basic tasks like gathering resources and fighting but some special jobs are still required (like researching new buildings with the Researcher). Each character has their own stats that are divided in 3 categories that I will call: Characteristics (HP, Stamina, Mana), Combat(Attack, Def, Speed, Luck) and Craft(All different stats for gathering resources and building/crafting things). You can upgrade these stats by either letting them do what they want and they will earn XP on their own, or you can give them consumable items. Each character also comes with a Lifespan and that is something you have to be really careful about. When you explore, you can be beaten by a monster. This leaves you in a vulnerable state for 2 minutes. At that time, a character from inside your town will run and rescue you by bringing you back in the town for recovery. However, if no one is available or if he doesn't manage to get you in these 2 min, you will lose a Lifespan point. And when all your lifespan points are lost, the character PERMANENTLY DIES!!! I stress this out because this is what happened to me when I sent all my character to explore and my Farmer died making my unable to gather resources efficiently... I guess that to compensate that, you are given at start a Royal character with unlimited Lifespan and I guess he can do all the tasks by himself if you happen to lose all the other people of your town. So, do not send out everyone at first! Always keep someone inside who will be able to bring everyone back if needed. The main objective is to discover what lies behind the fog and to do that, you have send your people outside to explore, using energy for that. The farther you send them from your town, the more Energy it costs. When they are outside, they have an area of effect being basically a 4 direct tiles movement cross. They will begin clearing the centre and move farther little by little. Doing that, they will dig up some monsters, resources, treasures and bags that you will be able to store in your town. About the combat, it is done automatically and the speed of your attacks, the damage, etc. are based on your stats and equipment. You will encounter monsters of different level and Bosses (that you can raid to unlock new characters or buildings). Sometimes also, a Cave will appear outside the town and you will have to clear it because it spawns monsters on a regular basis. In my opinion, it was better to save it because it was free XP without going too far outside the town. Also, there is a system of time based on the phases of the moon. Once the moon becomes full, monsters will raid your village. I don't know if it scales with time, with the Town's level, the number of bosses you beat or the amount of fog you have cleared, but it doesn't pose a particular threat apart from the reparation of your walls which just takes time but doesn't cost any resources. And this is basically it. You will explore the island, discover new people and bosses, unlock new buildings, storage rooms and houses. The more you explore and fight monsters, the more points your town gets and when it levels up, you gain 50 diamonds (premium currency) and a slot for a character. You will be able to find monsters eggs to hatch your own monsters and they will help defending the town or raiding a boss. From the tutorial description, it seems that you will be able to discover other people and make friends with them to get help in clearing bosses and I guess also exchanging resources (not sure about that). You will gather new specialisations, new items and equipment and I also think that you will be able to build more town later on (I though about that because by default, my town was name "Town No. 1" so I guess more town will be available). It all looks great but then why do I want to uninstall this game? Well let's separate it is several points. First of all, TIMERS! They are everywhere... Want to upgrade a building? Timer. Want to research something? Timer. Want to accelerate time because your characters takes too long to do a job (basically just accelerate the speed of your character moving)? Timers again... At first, research takes 1 min and upgrading building take 2 min. But soon, you will need to wait 30 min for upgrades and if you want to research a second building (like a house or a storage because you definitely need those), you will have to wait for 4 to 24 hours before researching them again. And the next time your research them, it won't take 2 minutes but 1h30min... Second, the ENERGY! To gather resources and items and to unlock new buildings and mechanics, you will have to explore, because the resources you get from your town are limited. To do that, you will send your folks outside using energy but their active area will be minuscule compared to what you want to do. At first, the cost will be 2 energy, but soon it will become 8. Also to fight some Bosses, you will be able to bring with you 2 people on top of your Royal guy/girl. But they each will cost Energy, depending of their level. At the end, I sent 2 people who cost 11 energy each (22 in total and this number is enormous, you will understand later) and ended up losing against the boss anyways, meaning that I will have to use around 25-30 energy to actually beat him. And now try to guess how quick the energy refills. I have no idea but it seems that it might take more than 4 hours to recharge it. Maybe I didn't understand something right, maybe this is the time it needs to refill all the energy but it sure doesn't feel like that... It feels more like 1 point every 20 min. So it means that to restore 22 energy, I have to wait ~7 hours? There also seems to be a way to mine for energy but I didn't find a way to research and build it because I couldn't get the needed resource for it. I didn't have problems at first because sometimes when you level up your town, you get a full refill of your energy. But at one point, I just got stuck and didn't want to wait for the whole day... Third, RESOURCES! You begin with a town where you have overgrown grass and trees but once you clear them, you will have nothing. Maybe they respawn after some time but if you construct many buildings, they won't have a place to respawn anyways. To get more resources, you have to explore and dig, but that uses energy... Then after you have dug a certain area, it becomes barren and you can't dig it up again (I have seen a tip during the loading screen saying that some items lets you restore the area you dug but I guess it will be rare and/or premium). And apart from the regular resources, you have some special ones that you can get only by exploring (planks, nails, fruits, etc). These items are used to upgrade your town, your buildings, your characters. And by judging the speed at which the amount of special items required to upgrade building increases with each level, I think you will reach a wall pretty fast. Fourth, IAPS/DIAMONDS! This is the first time I see a premium currency in a Kairosoft game. Diamonds are used for many things: speed up a timer (research, building, upgrading), refilling energy, fill the resources you lack and most importantly, unlocking packs. You are able to open packs containing new characters, buildings, equipment, items, buffs, potions, etc. But it cost an astronomical amount. 400 diamonds do open a pack with a character in it but I can get a bad one. And then, like a regular fashion with collectible starred card games, to upgrade a certain grade of character (from D to A), you have to consume other character, making me wonder how such a thing is possible. Maybe later on it would be possible to recruit them with special Cooper coins? TL,DR? Nice game resembling the dungeon game from Kairosoft but with some bad F2P gimmicks including timer, IAP and pack openings to upgrade characters. The beginning is fun but it seems like a certain limit will be reached where you have to just leave the game and wait for the energy to refill. Because when there is no energy, you can just look at your screen aimlessly without any activity. At least, previous games played well this ratio of idle waiting and active input. This one tends more toward the idling. Still, the game seems to be focused on the long term planning so maybe, just maybe, it becomes fun and enjoyable after several days of effort. During the writing of this review, I still decided to give it one last try. As the data is only saved locally (making me wonder even more for the need of the internet connection...), once I deleted the game, the data was restored. I will try to reach a stage where I can mine Energy and have a steady income of resources and then I will be really sure that IAPs are not mandatory. Still the fact that the data is not stored anyway make me uncomfortable. This means that even if you do IAPs, as soon as you want to restart the game or if you lose your data by mistake, you can't do anything to bring that back since there isn't even a save slot system anymore. jabbasoft and stubbieoz like this. Ringerill Well-Known Member Dec 13, 2012 315 170 43 #7 Ringerill, Sep 9, 2019 So, after playing for the whole week-end, I finally can add more insight on the game and correct some previous statements. Still, I ended up deleting the game for probably personal reasons (some mechanics that don't stick with me mainly) but I will try to make a small tutorial (see after the summary) on what to do to achieve a seeming independence in term of resources, characters, diamonds and energy. Still, be warned that the F2P kicks in but can be avoided if you have enough patience. First, some corrections. I have stated previously that the Energy, Premium currency (Diamonds) and Resources become scarce and you will have to wait for an unreasonable amount of time. This is true and not... If you do the right choices at the right moments, you can play for several days without waiting for that much time and you still can get Diamonds by playing the game. However, you have no idea about all these mechanics (not even in the tutorial manual) so I had to play for 2 days straight to actually realise these existed... The Energy can be farmed by additional buildings that will work even when the game is closed. Instead of the Town's main building generating 10 Energy (+2/lvl) in 4 hours, you can build mines that will get you 50 Energy in 2 hours(-X/upgrade level, still unclear how much). One Energy mine can be unlocked after defeating a certain boss and others can be researched, although you will have to wait for more than 20 hours for it to recharge and the researching time will also increase every time. Meaning that with 2 upgraded mines Mines you can achieve an income of 1-2 Energy per minute and maybe 2-3/min after you build a third Mine and a second Town's Centre. Some storing facility can also be built to increase the maximum amount of Energy you can have. It is not that useful at the beginning but soon you will need more than 20 Energy just to explore (and 100+ Energy to fight a boss with full squad of 4 and Friend). And don't forget that you will use Energy for exploring, clearing caves and bosses and gathering resources. The Resources will be farmable via 2 ways: in-town farming and out-town farming. You will unlock facilities to farm food, grass and wood (ore and mystic ore probably much later) inside the town using some special character and items to recharge these facilities (they fade away and you have to replant seeds, put some bait in the traps and replant grass). After beating certain bosses, you will also unlock 2 out-town facilities to allow you townsmen to gather resources outside the town but also and most importantly to rebuild the soil you dug up thus creating a synergy where people will dig->cover->dig, etc... The Diamonds are surprisingly easy to get at the beginning of the game. You will have several ways to do that: - Share a picture once (you actually don't have to because it considers as done as soon as you click on share so you can cancel the sharing). - View videos and get 10 Diamonds from time to time. - Kill monsters for the first time for 2 Diamonds. - Complete Achievements to get 40/80/?? for Cooper/Silver/Gold grades. These achievements are easy at first like play X hours, kill X monsters/bosses, etc. - Complete Daily quests that will give you either Diamonds (25/50 depending on the difficulty) or Coupons that you can use to draw packs instead of using diamonds. Quests can vary between gather X resources, kill X monsters (general or special), destroy X Caverns, etc. With Diamonds, you can draw packs of diverse rarity. These packs can contain Characters (400 Diamonds), Equipments (150), Facilities (50), Items (10). You can buy 10 of them in one go but no discount will be applied which is unusual... Now, if you really want to have a stable income, you really have to know certain things in advance if you want to play nicely in the first 2 days without waiting too long. Here is what I could recommend you in a disordered Tutorial: - Put you first Town Centre more in the north. This way, you will have more fences, will be closer to the fog for exploration (requiring less energy per run), be closer to the desert and rocks (meaning more Ore and Mystique Ore) but also when your town will expand, you will not lose a potential space for expansion and construction. - Use Diamonds to buy Characters and try to unlock an A rank. Characters have specialities allowing to either be good at combat, craft items (food, equipment, skills, furniture...) or perform special activities (move items between towns, revive characters, research faster, raise monsters). Ranks also have increased level caps stats meaning that a lvl 1 Rank A Cook is better than a lvl 15 Rank D Guard... Also special jobs are required to use some facilities such a farms and ranches to produce wood and food. - Try to get your hands on a Cook as fast as possible! This will allow you to build a kitchen as his house and he will produce food. The more you upgrade the kitchen, the higher level the food might be produced (food is used as a consumable to level up your stats and skills). This combos perfectly with the Simple Oven and Fireplace facilities where your townsmen can produce food unlocked in the kitchen. Just level up your crafting skill with your cook, upgrade the kitchen and let him unlock new types of food. When the kitchen is high enough, just delete shelves with poor food and rebuild them again to let him create new dishes. - You can use Diamonds to try your luck with Facilities but it might happen that you unlock a facility without having the corresponding job to actually use it. However a supplementary Energy mine might be nice. - Use your Energy with the knowledge that it will be replenished when you level up your Town in the first 7-10 levels. This way, if you focus on mainly reach bosses in the fog and kill them, you will have an unlimited amount of energy in the first levels. So before upgrading the town, just use all your energy on gathering special resources around the town that you might need. - Kill bosses as a priority and just avoid the Giant Boar boss while you can and try to unlock some A rank characters to take him. Each time you defeat a boss you gain a large number of XP for your town, you remove the fog from the region, unlock a character, unlock a golden chest (that you have to open by exploring it) and sometimes you can find a special building. Chests are really important because it is there that you might find some facilities like Energy mines. Special building are also important because it's there that you will have access to Achievements, Daily quests, Friends, etc. It's not only useful to gather Diamonds but Friends can also help you tremendously defeating big bosses if you lack strong characters. Also it seems like friends got your help 5 times, you get a special ticket to draw a special pack containing a mix of other packs but at a lower grade. - Build your building in a clever way and pay attention to eventual combo bonuses (like any Kairosoft games). You won't be able to move your buildings, but you can always destroy and reconstruct them if you have the materials for it. It doesn't cost more time or resources each time but it is still a pain at the beginning... Basically just know that you will have to build a huge amount of storage facilities so plan a corner in town that will be filled by them and leave some open space for houses as they take a large area. - Don't forget to register your score in Rankings (via the raking board available after beating a boss). This will allow you to enter the raking system and you will be awarded some prizes (diamonds, items, facilities...). And don't forget to do it every time before closing the game. You first have to register your score (based on the number of enemies you beat, minus the damage you took) but it will not be updated automatically and you will have to update it manually every time your score goes up. Makes me wonder why the heck is an online connection is required apart from loading the add banner... - After each boss' chest you are awarded a Courage Crown and for each challenge you are given a Trophy. Even if the description says it is just for decoration purposes, this is a lie -_-. In the Menu, you will find a Treasure settings. This is the place where you can exchange your crowns and trophies for permanent upgrades (increase HP, Vigor, Attack, Def of all residents, decreased time for research and construction cost, etc.). What I might suggest as a priority is to use the 2% reduction of Diamonds price, Decreased Research time Exploration energy cost and Resources building cost. Even if you will go from 400->397 diamonds per character, it is still something... - Obvious but still, only send high ranking characters or Royal character for explorations at first. Or if you do, try to always have someone free in the town to get you up before 2 minutes if you don't want to lose your character. Be careful, when you explore at night, monster will wake you up and might kill you but your characters will still be asleep and won't be able to revive you... - When you unlock the Diamond store you also receive 3 coupons for Characters packs (and you should have around 800 diamonds). I think it can be achieved after 1-2 hours of gameplay so I feel free to try you chance with 5 packs and if you don't get any Rank A character, just delete and restart the game. I know it doesn't sound fun but 5 packs is akin to 2.000 diamonds and if you are lucky you might end up with 2 rank A like me and it will tremendously help you in getting resources and clearing bosses. Or you can continue to struggle with lower ranks but in this game (like all the collectible games in fact), ranks will decide everything... So in definitive, if you know what you are doing from the start you still can have a decent amount of fun out of this game. If you like competitiveness (Rankings, PvP), RPG, sim-city like town management and a Kairosoft game mixed together, it will work for you. If you are persistent, you can unlock rare characters and buildings but also don't be afraid of starting the game over if you messed up. You might really get stuck by mistake with poor character's jobs and progress at a slow rate if you are unlucky... However keep in mind some points! The Energy will become a limit at some point and even if you have a steady income there will be phases where you will have to leave the game just to get enough to continue exploring or to beat a boss. Also, remember that resources are collected only when you are in-game. If the game is closed, NPCs won't collect anything, only energy will be produced... You also might end up with poor luck and draw only copies of existing jobs and that can really be frustrating sometimes. If you plan to join the online features (registering your score in the raking, invite and help friends, participate in PvP, etc.) be also prepared to wait for random amount of time each time because the server seem to be runing on a potato... Even when not actively looking for any online features, I had to wait for 3-4 minutes before starting the game, just because... But then every time you will try to do anything online-related, you will have to wait for a connection with the server and it might just fail saying that your connection is bad (because apparently a 10Mb/sec Wifi connection is not enough...). Also, I tried this PvP system, it took several minutes to launch and failed miserably without any warning, thus wasting 20 Energy for nothing. I hate connection problems but I hate it even more when the error message says it comes from me. Myndaen and jabbasoft like this. Ringerill Well-Known Member Dec 13, 2012 315 170 43 #8 Ringerill, Sep 9, 2019 EDIT: Sorry, the previous message was so long it got double posted for no reason... So here is the apology edit (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Cool! Hope this is as good as their other classic games, and just as addictive..... and not ruined by iap
Game has diamonds iap’s and ads. I tried the game for a few minutes but found the tutorial somewhat confusing, though admittedly these sort of games are not my usual fare.
i second this. i was about to upload the gameplay on my channel but i ended up cancel it because of the reason above and the overlapping text on the screen.
What in the heck happened to Kairosoft? They always had these premium games and at one point they decided to try out the free to download and test but premium IAP at the end anyway. I could understand that because it allowed people to try out the game before really buying it. Then they introduced the internet connection but it seemed justified because there were daily challenges, time limited events, a mechanic of friends and coop. And now we have arrived at this: F2P, internet connection, premium currency, timers... Basically everything we hate about F2P games is here. I have tried it out for an hour just to be sure and it definitely feels strange for a Kairosoft game. The main idea is to build your kingdom, increase your population, create a commerce, discover the land around your and fight some monsters. It feels a little bit like their Dungeon Village game. You can build special houses for your villagers to produce certain resources, have an income of money, etc. Then you can either let your villagers do whatever they want and gather some resources inside your kingdom or your can send them to discover new land, open chests, fight monsters and dig for treasures. I have no idea how big the map actually is because there is a fog of war and you have to venture out to remove it. I guess this will allow to discover new NPCs, dungeons, etc. I have no idea what the internet connection is for apart from the adds on the bottom of screen... Gems as premium currency don't seem mandatory but I didn't play enough to realise how really the "timers" can get. I am definitely not happy about these changes after playing almost all of their games but I will try to continue playing it and post my final impressions to let you know if at one point you reach a pay wall to play normally or if the IAPs are just optional and simply help to progress faster.
Well after playing for several hours I feel like I understand what to expect in the long run. I will try to be as impartial as I can because I might end up deleting the app... For those who don't want to read everything, a TLDR will be available at the end First let's describe more in detail what the game is about and what you will be expected to do. You begin on an island in your town. The town is small and the terrain outside is covered in fog. You have multiple resources at your disposal: Wood, Ore, Grass, Food, and Rubies. There is also a premium currency (Diamonds) and an energy system. To progress, you have to recruit people in your town and each one of them has a special job (farmer gather wood and food, guard defends the town and explore outside, etc.). They technically can all do the basic tasks like gathering resources and fighting but some special jobs are still required (like researching new buildings with the Researcher). Each character has their own stats that are divided in 3 categories that I will call: Characteristics (HP, Stamina, Mana), Combat(Attack, Def, Speed, Luck) and Craft(All different stats for gathering resources and building/crafting things). You can upgrade these stats by either letting them do what they want and they will earn XP on their own, or you can give them consumable items. Each character also comes with a Lifespan and that is something you have to be really careful about. When you explore, you can be beaten by a monster. This leaves you in a vulnerable state for 2 minutes. At that time, a character from inside your town will run and rescue you by bringing you back in the town for recovery. However, if no one is available or if he doesn't manage to get you in these 2 min, you will lose a Lifespan point. And when all your lifespan points are lost, the character PERMANENTLY DIES!!! I stress this out because this is what happened to me when I sent all my character to explore and my Farmer died making my unable to gather resources efficiently... I guess that to compensate that, you are given at start a Royal character with unlimited Lifespan and I guess he can do all the tasks by himself if you happen to lose all the other people of your town. So, do not send out everyone at first! Always keep someone inside who will be able to bring everyone back if needed. The main objective is to discover what lies behind the fog and to do that, you have send your people outside to explore, using energy for that. The farther you send them from your town, the more Energy it costs. When they are outside, they have an area of effect being basically a 4 direct tiles movement cross. They will begin clearing the centre and move farther little by little. Doing that, they will dig up some monsters, resources, treasures and bags that you will be able to store in your town. About the combat, it is done automatically and the speed of your attacks, the damage, etc. are based on your stats and equipment. You will encounter monsters of different level and Bosses (that you can raid to unlock new characters or buildings). Sometimes also, a Cave will appear outside the town and you will have to clear it because it spawns monsters on a regular basis. In my opinion, it was better to save it because it was free XP without going too far outside the town. Also, there is a system of time based on the phases of the moon. Once the moon becomes full, monsters will raid your village. I don't know if it scales with time, with the Town's level, the number of bosses you beat or the amount of fog you have cleared, but it doesn't pose a particular threat apart from the reparation of your walls which just takes time but doesn't cost any resources. And this is basically it. You will explore the island, discover new people and bosses, unlock new buildings, storage rooms and houses. The more you explore and fight monsters, the more points your town gets and when it levels up, you gain 50 diamonds (premium currency) and a slot for a character. You will be able to find monsters eggs to hatch your own monsters and they will help defending the town or raiding a boss. From the tutorial description, it seems that you will be able to discover other people and make friends with them to get help in clearing bosses and I guess also exchanging resources (not sure about that). You will gather new specialisations, new items and equipment and I also think that you will be able to build more town later on (I though about that because by default, my town was name "Town No. 1" so I guess more town will be available). It all looks great but then why do I want to uninstall this game? Well let's separate it is several points. First of all, TIMERS! They are everywhere... Want to upgrade a building? Timer. Want to research something? Timer. Want to accelerate time because your characters takes too long to do a job (basically just accelerate the speed of your character moving)? Timers again... At first, research takes 1 min and upgrading building take 2 min. But soon, you will need to wait 30 min for upgrades and if you want to research a second building (like a house or a storage because you definitely need those), you will have to wait for 4 to 24 hours before researching them again. And the next time your research them, it won't take 2 minutes but 1h30min... Second, the ENERGY! To gather resources and items and to unlock new buildings and mechanics, you will have to explore, because the resources you get from your town are limited. To do that, you will send your folks outside using energy but their active area will be minuscule compared to what you want to do. At first, the cost will be 2 energy, but soon it will become 8. Also to fight some Bosses, you will be able to bring with you 2 people on top of your Royal guy/girl. But they each will cost Energy, depending of their level. At the end, I sent 2 people who cost 11 energy each (22 in total and this number is enormous, you will understand later) and ended up losing against the boss anyways, meaning that I will have to use around 25-30 energy to actually beat him. And now try to guess how quick the energy refills. I have no idea but it seems that it might take more than 4 hours to recharge it. Maybe I didn't understand something right, maybe this is the time it needs to refill all the energy but it sure doesn't feel like that... It feels more like 1 point every 20 min. So it means that to restore 22 energy, I have to wait ~7 hours? There also seems to be a way to mine for energy but I didn't find a way to research and build it because I couldn't get the needed resource for it. I didn't have problems at first because sometimes when you level up your town, you get a full refill of your energy. But at one point, I just got stuck and didn't want to wait for the whole day... Third, RESOURCES! You begin with a town where you have overgrown grass and trees but once you clear them, you will have nothing. Maybe they respawn after some time but if you construct many buildings, they won't have a place to respawn anyways. To get more resources, you have to explore and dig, but that uses energy... Then after you have dug a certain area, it becomes barren and you can't dig it up again (I have seen a tip during the loading screen saying that some items lets you restore the area you dug but I guess it will be rare and/or premium). And apart from the regular resources, you have some special ones that you can get only by exploring (planks, nails, fruits, etc). These items are used to upgrade your town, your buildings, your characters. And by judging the speed at which the amount of special items required to upgrade building increases with each level, I think you will reach a wall pretty fast. Fourth, IAPS/DIAMONDS! This is the first time I see a premium currency in a Kairosoft game. Diamonds are used for many things: speed up a timer (research, building, upgrading), refilling energy, fill the resources you lack and most importantly, unlocking packs. You are able to open packs containing new characters, buildings, equipment, items, buffs, potions, etc. But it cost an astronomical amount. 400 diamonds do open a pack with a character in it but I can get a bad one. And then, like a regular fashion with collectible starred card games, to upgrade a certain grade of character (from D to A), you have to consume other character, making me wonder how such a thing is possible. Maybe later on it would be possible to recruit them with special Cooper coins? TL,DR? Nice game resembling the dungeon game from Kairosoft but with some bad F2P gimmicks including timer, IAP and pack openings to upgrade characters. The beginning is fun but it seems like a certain limit will be reached where you have to just leave the game and wait for the energy to refill. Because when there is no energy, you can just look at your screen aimlessly without any activity. At least, previous games played well this ratio of idle waiting and active input. This one tends more toward the idling. Still, the game seems to be focused on the long term planning so maybe, just maybe, it becomes fun and enjoyable after several days of effort. During the writing of this review, I still decided to give it one last try. As the data is only saved locally (making me wonder even more for the need of the internet connection...), once I deleted the game, the data was restored. I will try to reach a stage where I can mine Energy and have a steady income of resources and then I will be really sure that IAPs are not mandatory. Still the fact that the data is not stored anyway make me uncomfortable. This means that even if you do IAPs, as soon as you want to restart the game or if you lose your data by mistake, you can't do anything to bring that back since there isn't even a save slot system anymore.
So, after playing for the whole week-end, I finally can add more insight on the game and correct some previous statements. Still, I ended up deleting the game for probably personal reasons (some mechanics that don't stick with me mainly) but I will try to make a small tutorial (see after the summary) on what to do to achieve a seeming independence in term of resources, characters, diamonds and energy. Still, be warned that the F2P kicks in but can be avoided if you have enough patience. First, some corrections. I have stated previously that the Energy, Premium currency (Diamonds) and Resources become scarce and you will have to wait for an unreasonable amount of time. This is true and not... If you do the right choices at the right moments, you can play for several days without waiting for that much time and you still can get Diamonds by playing the game. However, you have no idea about all these mechanics (not even in the tutorial manual) so I had to play for 2 days straight to actually realise these existed... The Energy can be farmed by additional buildings that will work even when the game is closed. Instead of the Town's main building generating 10 Energy (+2/lvl) in 4 hours, you can build mines that will get you 50 Energy in 2 hours(-X/upgrade level, still unclear how much). One Energy mine can be unlocked after defeating a certain boss and others can be researched, although you will have to wait for more than 20 hours for it to recharge and the researching time will also increase every time. Meaning that with 2 upgraded mines Mines you can achieve an income of 1-2 Energy per minute and maybe 2-3/min after you build a third Mine and a second Town's Centre. Some storing facility can also be built to increase the maximum amount of Energy you can have. It is not that useful at the beginning but soon you will need more than 20 Energy just to explore (and 100+ Energy to fight a boss with full squad of 4 and Friend). And don't forget that you will use Energy for exploring, clearing caves and bosses and gathering resources. The Resources will be farmable via 2 ways: in-town farming and out-town farming. You will unlock facilities to farm food, grass and wood (ore and mystic ore probably much later) inside the town using some special character and items to recharge these facilities (they fade away and you have to replant seeds, put some bait in the traps and replant grass). After beating certain bosses, you will also unlock 2 out-town facilities to allow you townsmen to gather resources outside the town but also and most importantly to rebuild the soil you dug up thus creating a synergy where people will dig->cover->dig, etc... The Diamonds are surprisingly easy to get at the beginning of the game. You will have several ways to do that: - Share a picture once (you actually don't have to because it considers as done as soon as you click on share so you can cancel the sharing). - View videos and get 10 Diamonds from time to time. - Kill monsters for the first time for 2 Diamonds. - Complete Achievements to get 40/80/?? for Cooper/Silver/Gold grades. These achievements are easy at first like play X hours, kill X monsters/bosses, etc. - Complete Daily quests that will give you either Diamonds (25/50 depending on the difficulty) or Coupons that you can use to draw packs instead of using diamonds. Quests can vary between gather X resources, kill X monsters (general or special), destroy X Caverns, etc. With Diamonds, you can draw packs of diverse rarity. These packs can contain Characters (400 Diamonds), Equipments (150), Facilities (50), Items (10). You can buy 10 of them in one go but no discount will be applied which is unusual... Now, if you really want to have a stable income, you really have to know certain things in advance if you want to play nicely in the first 2 days without waiting too long. Here is what I could recommend you in a disordered Tutorial: - Put you first Town Centre more in the north. This way, you will have more fences, will be closer to the fog for exploration (requiring less energy per run), be closer to the desert and rocks (meaning more Ore and Mystique Ore) but also when your town will expand, you will not lose a potential space for expansion and construction. - Use Diamonds to buy Characters and try to unlock an A rank. Characters have specialities allowing to either be good at combat, craft items (food, equipment, skills, furniture...) or perform special activities (move items between towns, revive characters, research faster, raise monsters). Ranks also have increased level caps stats meaning that a lvl 1 Rank A Cook is better than a lvl 15 Rank D Guard... Also special jobs are required to use some facilities such a farms and ranches to produce wood and food. - Try to get your hands on a Cook as fast as possible! This will allow you to build a kitchen as his house and he will produce food. The more you upgrade the kitchen, the higher level the food might be produced (food is used as a consumable to level up your stats and skills). This combos perfectly with the Simple Oven and Fireplace facilities where your townsmen can produce food unlocked in the kitchen. Just level up your crafting skill with your cook, upgrade the kitchen and let him unlock new types of food. When the kitchen is high enough, just delete shelves with poor food and rebuild them again to let him create new dishes. - You can use Diamonds to try your luck with Facilities but it might happen that you unlock a facility without having the corresponding job to actually use it. However a supplementary Energy mine might be nice. - Use your Energy with the knowledge that it will be replenished when you level up your Town in the first 7-10 levels. This way, if you focus on mainly reach bosses in the fog and kill them, you will have an unlimited amount of energy in the first levels. So before upgrading the town, just use all your energy on gathering special resources around the town that you might need. - Kill bosses as a priority and just avoid the Giant Boar boss while you can and try to unlock some A rank characters to take him. Each time you defeat a boss you gain a large number of XP for your town, you remove the fog from the region, unlock a character, unlock a golden chest (that you have to open by exploring it) and sometimes you can find a special building. Chests are really important because it is there that you might find some facilities like Energy mines. Special building are also important because it's there that you will have access to Achievements, Daily quests, Friends, etc. It's not only useful to gather Diamonds but Friends can also help you tremendously defeating big bosses if you lack strong characters. Also it seems like friends got your help 5 times, you get a special ticket to draw a special pack containing a mix of other packs but at a lower grade. - Build your building in a clever way and pay attention to eventual combo bonuses (like any Kairosoft games). You won't be able to move your buildings, but you can always destroy and reconstruct them if you have the materials for it. It doesn't cost more time or resources each time but it is still a pain at the beginning... Basically just know that you will have to build a huge amount of storage facilities so plan a corner in town that will be filled by them and leave some open space for houses as they take a large area. - Don't forget to register your score in Rankings (via the raking board available after beating a boss). This will allow you to enter the raking system and you will be awarded some prizes (diamonds, items, facilities...). And don't forget to do it every time before closing the game. You first have to register your score (based on the number of enemies you beat, minus the damage you took) but it will not be updated automatically and you will have to update it manually every time your score goes up. Makes me wonder why the heck is an online connection is required apart from loading the add banner... - After each boss' chest you are awarded a Courage Crown and for each challenge you are given a Trophy. Even if the description says it is just for decoration purposes, this is a lie -_-. In the Menu, you will find a Treasure settings. This is the place where you can exchange your crowns and trophies for permanent upgrades (increase HP, Vigor, Attack, Def of all residents, decreased time for research and construction cost, etc.). What I might suggest as a priority is to use the 2% reduction of Diamonds price, Decreased Research time Exploration energy cost and Resources building cost. Even if you will go from 400->397 diamonds per character, it is still something... - Obvious but still, only send high ranking characters or Royal character for explorations at first. Or if you do, try to always have someone free in the town to get you up before 2 minutes if you don't want to lose your character. Be careful, when you explore at night, monster will wake you up and might kill you but your characters will still be asleep and won't be able to revive you... - When you unlock the Diamond store you also receive 3 coupons for Characters packs (and you should have around 800 diamonds). I think it can be achieved after 1-2 hours of gameplay so I feel free to try you chance with 5 packs and if you don't get any Rank A character, just delete and restart the game. I know it doesn't sound fun but 5 packs is akin to 2.000 diamonds and if you are lucky you might end up with 2 rank A like me and it will tremendously help you in getting resources and clearing bosses. Or you can continue to struggle with lower ranks but in this game (like all the collectible games in fact), ranks will decide everything... So in definitive, if you know what you are doing from the start you still can have a decent amount of fun out of this game. If you like competitiveness (Rankings, PvP), RPG, sim-city like town management and a Kairosoft game mixed together, it will work for you. If you are persistent, you can unlock rare characters and buildings but also don't be afraid of starting the game over if you messed up. You might really get stuck by mistake with poor character's jobs and progress at a slow rate if you are unlucky... However keep in mind some points! The Energy will become a limit at some point and even if you have a steady income there will be phases where you will have to leave the game just to get enough to continue exploring or to beat a boss. Also, remember that resources are collected only when you are in-game. If the game is closed, NPCs won't collect anything, only energy will be produced... You also might end up with poor luck and draw only copies of existing jobs and that can really be frustrating sometimes. If you plan to join the online features (registering your score in the raking, invite and help friends, participate in PvP, etc.) be also prepared to wait for random amount of time each time because the server seem to be runing on a potato... Even when not actively looking for any online features, I had to wait for 3-4 minutes before starting the game, just because... But then every time you will try to do anything online-related, you will have to wait for a connection with the server and it might just fail saying that your connection is bad (because apparently a 10Mb/sec Wifi connection is not enough...). Also, I tried this PvP system, it took several minutes to launch and failed miserably without any warning, thus wasting 20 Energy for nothing. I hate connection problems but I hate it even more when the error message says it comes from me.
EDIT: Sorry, the previous message was so long it got double posted for no reason... So here is the apology edit