Found this tonight and enabled it on my iPad 2 (also works with iPad 1). I've been waiting for this for sometime and it's awesome!! Hers the link: Some tips: When "closing iTunes" after you've backed up, don't eject the device, just close iTunes. Just cancel the ibackup register and it'll still let you edit The springboard path is there it just may be in a different place than what the example shows. When you find it double click and it'll open. When you save it doesn't say anything like "data saved" it just saves then click the exit button (not the close button) and restore from the backup by pushing control t All apps are work with it....if you have a lot of apps in the tray (like 3 rows) some apps take a split second to load when 4 finger switching between apps YouTube a video on iOS multitouch gestures for a brief rundown of all of the features !!!!I'm on 4.3 and it works also works with 4.3.1!!!!! !!!!!you will not be able to see the gestures in the settings app. They are automatically enabled after this procedure. To turn them off simply reverse the process or restore!!!!! Hope this isn't against the rules, just not sure if anyone new this method. Using 4 fingers never felt so good
I don't blame you....I heard when you actually get Xcode all said and done it's actually 10 gigs. That's just what I heard though. But many people have windows...maybe you could borrow a friends and enable it for them in return.
You might want to check and see if you have a developer folder already on your machine, if not you can get Xcode off the OS install CD. You don't need the latest version of Xcode to enable developer mode. I did this a while ago and forgot I had the gestures enabled entirely until I saw this thread.