3DS... perhaps the greatest device ever

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by GDSage, Jun 15, 2010.

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  1. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    3DS also showed some augmented reality games using its 3D camera

  2. Kamazar

    Kamazar Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    Reason #35 to get a 3DS noted. *scribbles on paper pad*
  3. K.D!

    K.D! Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008

    I find this a better read! Again, the only guy who has a really bad result was someone with a weak eye. I'm not really sure how Nintendo are going to get around that issue to be honest. It's a shame admittedly. Thankfully, my eyesight is fine but it's not really the 3D effect thats getting me the most excited... I think the increased horespower and killer lineup are what will take my attention away from my iPhone (though in all honesty, I don't do a 'great' deal of gaming on it these days anyway).

    Thats just me of course :)
  4. Brazilian Rider

    Brazilian Rider Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2009
    Honestly, the thing that makes me want to buy the 3DS the most is the fact that Nintendo is basically catering (at least the first couple titles) to it's hardcore gamers and their loyal fans for years... Starfox 64 was the first videogame I ever played, and it was probably one of if not THE best games I've ever played.
  5. Eduku

    Eduku Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    This. The 3D is a nice bonus too ;)
  6. Kamazar

    Kamazar Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    This. The Wii titles drove me absolutely insane with the gimmicky movements and the adorable graphics, which don't get me, I like, but sometimes they go overboard (eg. Kirby's Epic Yarn being all in pastel). The DS really didn't excite me either with the occasional good RPG, and 1st platformers that always got 90+%, and the Brain Age games. But once I heard the Ocarina of Time, Star Fox 64, Metal Gear Solid, Kid Icarus, Street Fighter, and Professor Laten (sorry about the confusion when I said Tales of Symphonia, I would've sworn I saw it somewhere) I was drooling.
  7. dumaz1000

    dumaz1000 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2010
    Yes, Nintendo is finally providing an answer for the PSP fanbase, as well as an alternative. The fact that Nintendo isn't simply making another silly, gimmicked-based handheld directed solely towards kids and/or extremely casual gamers, is what I think would excite most people. They are addressing hardcore gamers here. They are addressing adult gamers here. Nintendo has rarely done either of these things, and not just with their handhelds either. Nintendo does very little normally to attract/appeal to hardcore adult gamers, even with their console systems.

    This is a departure, for sure. Apple must have something to do with it their sudden change in philosophy here. Of course, the idevice appeals to casual gamers. But there is a strong line-up of idevice games that also appeal to hardcore adult gamers and this must be cutting into Nintendo's market share.

    The increased power and the impressive lineup of hardcore, adult-oriented games has grabbed my attention. I have barely picked up a handheld device outside of an iphone or ipod touch in almost 2 yrs. The Nintendo DS and the PSP are dissappointments and failures to me. And I bought the PSP the day it came out too. I stuck with it exclusively for several years.

    This system may actually sway me away from the idevice, which is saying something, since I must own at least 300 apps by now, if not more.
  8. Eduku

    Eduku Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    I don't think I've ever seen the words 'Nintendo DS' and 'disappointments and failures' in the same sentence. The DS was a massive success for Nintendo, don't know about the PSP for Sony though.
  9. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Yeahh, I don't understand that note about the DS. What made the DS such a success is because it provided content for everyone, not just for made up terms such as casuals. Nintendo has always been the same within this respect, they always created IPs targeted to as wide an audience as possible. This did not change with the DS nor the Wii so I don't recognise this other Nintendo people speak of with regards to game creation.
  10. Aurora

    Aurora Well-Known Member

    Good to see this time a Nintendo device won't be dominated by those Mario/Sonic crap, and will have proper games like MGS, Resident Evil, and Splinter Cell for a change.
  11. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    What pray tell is a proper game? How is a Mario platformer not a proper game, where does one draw the line? I mean, I suspect Super Mario 64 was considered a proper game so what exactly happened between then and now which make Mario games unproper?

    Metal Gear was released in the 80's on the MSX, is that considered a proper game whereas Super Mario Bros. on the NES the opposite?

    I can never truly understand these mindsets...
  12. Kamazar

    Kamazar Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    So anything that doesn't include a gun and dark, gritty color palettes isn't a proper game? Ok, guy, ok.
  13. ipod's rock

    ipod's rock Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2010
    Does anybody know if you can play normal DS games on it?:confused:
  14. bmn02102

    bmn02102 Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2010
    The Mario series was pretty crap for a while (Mario Sunshine/Luigi's Mansion, up until New SMB), but's it's gotten much better lately. Play Super Mario Galaxy 1 or 2 - you'll probably be pleasantly surprised.

    Sonic is crap though, I'll give you that. :p
  15. SJP99

    SJP99 Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    Ipod Touch game player person like thing????
    11th dimension
    hmm.....youd think you would, but it would have black border on the top screen
  16. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Compatible with all DS games, I knew I forgot to add something to the first post. Also, the word is Nintendo will allow you to carry over any DSiWare purchases if you happened to own a DSi.
  17. Brazilian Rider

    Brazilian Rider Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2009
    I LOVED Mario Sunshine and really enjoyed Luigi's Mansion!

    Those two also got great reviews... :confused:
  18. Aurora

    Aurora Well-Known Member

    I don't consider stuff like those proper games because I get very annoyed at the ugly designs, annoying sound effects (ESPECIALLY the annoying "maaaaaario!" or that sound he makes when he touches a toad), lack of story/music and its kiddy theme. I could probably list a hundred reasons why I hate those games, but I'm not going to bother because people are just going to post ridiculous things like "I love games with chubby little mustache dudes". I don't really care if there are lots of Mario fans around. It's my opinion and it stays there.
  19. bmn02102

    bmn02102 Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2010
    Luigi's Mansion was decent but far too short. It barely had more rooms than Super Mario Galaxy had levels (that's actual LEVELS, not stars, which there were usually 3 or 4 of per level).

    Mario Sunshine had uninspired locations, bland levels that were generally far too small for the number of missions they had, tedious missions, and a difficulty curve that resembled the path of a drunkard on the way home from his local bar. Everything relied way too much on the water gimmick too.
  20. ipod's rock

    ipod's rock Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2010
    Good just making sure. Just like the DSi could not play GBA games (Big mess up)

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