3DS... perhaps the greatest device ever

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by GDSage, Jun 15, 2010.

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  1. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    Hmmmm, that's true. It wouldn't make too much sense to have achievements just for specific games. I hope Nintendo really adds something similar to a gamertag, because achievements, for me, do increase replay value dramatically.
  2. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Oh, I don't like leaving on a sour note so here is something that may raise the spirits.

    The Metal Gear Solid game being developed for 3DS and directed by the creator Kojima? It might not turn out to be a port of MGS3 but rather be a brand new MGS game. Kojima was asked about the tech demo and whether the actual game will be MGS3 or something new and he declined to comment.

    Interesting to say the least.
  3. ManofAegis

    ManofAegis Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2010
    California, USA
    #83 ManofAegis, Jun 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2010
    I suppose the Nintendo 3DS looks promising. I was pretty unsatisfied with the DS lite though and eventually sold it. And I never bothered with the DSi cause it didn't seem worth the money.

    I'm more of a Xbox 360 gamer (games like Alan Wake, Gears of War, Call of Duty, Fable, etc.), but seeing games like a new Paper Mario (a series that I simply love), Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Sims 3, a new Mario Kart, and another Professor Layton (another awesome series) come to the system, I believe I might want to try the device out.

    If the 3DS is going to be capable of handling much better graphics, then it should have games from the AppStore transfered to the system, but greatly improved. Some games, for example, could include many of the Gameloft games, EA games, Chillingo games, and etc.

    When the DSi came out, I thought it would be the "Portable Wii" with many social additions such as friend lists, customizable avatars, achievements, and etc, but it didn't. But, I wonder if the 3DS is going to become more social, and is going to include a Mii-like system in the 3DS. If you look at the new 3DS Mario Kart pictures, you see Miis hopping up and down and cheering which could possibly indicate the ability to creat Miis. Just a thought... :rolleyes:

    Hmm... It's rather strange how there are so many DS systems coming out. I mean the DSi came out like last year or something, then DSi XL just came out, and now the 3DS? If you ask me, the DSi should have been the 3DS so people wouldn't be wasting money on the lesser systems such as the DSi XL. But, then again, the different systems could suit different people's taste in gaming (like the larger screen on the DSi XL).

    Also, I'm guessing that the price for the 3DS would probably be around $220 or more. It would make sense, since the DSi XL is like $190 dollars or so, the DSi is $170, and the DS lite is $130 and the DS is like $80.
  4. SJP99

    SJP99 Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    Ipod Touch game player person like thing????
    11th dimension
    In terms of pricing:

    1. The dsicosts $169 dollars and has some not-so-modern hardware(processer, screens,etc) the 3ds has better than psp visuals and whatever is under the hoods its more exspensive than the old arm7 in fact most everything is a big improvment

    2. The screens are 3D without glasses which is one of the fisrt cases this has been used in consumer hardware and is a new technology, so the 3d screen cant be cheap.

    Im guessing it will be over 200 dollars. Depends, could be more or less...
  5. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Who the hell sells a portable gaming system because it's not social enough? You play games on it. If you wanna be social, go stand in a park and play it.
  6. kugi_igi

    kugi_igi Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2009
    3DS is definitely the greatest handheld device right now
    for mobile phones it's iPhone 4 but with handheld gaming console it's 3DS
    but if Sony will announce later this year PSP 2
    with touch-screen capability that is as good as iDevice,on-par graphics with ps3 or 360,dual analog or even gyro/accelo then it might change my perspective
    but then 3D gaming is still a nice edition in 3DS ;)
  7. Scaramoosh

    Scaramoosh Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2010
    The problem with the PSP is it is basically striped down games from the PS2. Tbh I don't want that from a handheld, I want games suited for portable gaming. Nintendo offers that and Sony still don't understand. What gets me is people want an all in one device these days, thats why they game on mobile phones. Sony makes Mobile phones so why don't they make a PSP mobile phone? That's what they have to do to beat the Iphone and 3DS.
  8. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    The 3DS is not going to retail for more than $200. Nintendo has always made it a principle to price their handhelds in an affordable bracket, the last thing they are going to do is repeat the mistake of the PSP and have it over $200. It would also make it more expensive than the Wii which Nintendo certainly would not want.
  9. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I don't want an all-in-one device until battery tech improves. I'd rather carry a phone, a DS and an MP3 player and have them last three times as long. Especially since the iPod Shuffle is basically nothing anyway, zero extra weight with the advantage of a dedicated battery.
  10. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Yeah, I don't think Nintendo will want to go down that road anyway. As you said it destroys the battery life something Nintendo has always seen as a priority.

    Still, they are not blind to what is happening elsewhere. To remedy lack of 3G (Nintendo are not fond of charging subscriptions to consumers) they have made a Tracking mode especially as part of the 3DS operating system. Put it on sleep mode and whenever you come into contact with a WIFI spot or another 3DS your own 3DS will analyse and then pick up data relevant to it. So if you have a Mario Kart 3DS save and you come into contact with WIFI or another 3DS you 3DS will pick up new updates (if the other 3DS has it), new (their) ghost time trials and other info automatically and without your knowledge until you open the 3DS up again.

    It's a smart workaround of the always-on functionality.
  11. The Game Reaper

    The Game Reaper Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    The Emerald Isle
  12. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    This is madness, it keeps gettting better...


    Basically, every advantage mobile platforms ever had the 3DS is making sure to close those gaps as much as possible.
  13. Brazilian Rider

    Brazilian Rider Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2009
    So... my friends can buy the game, or I can rent the games, and then I can just copy them onto the 3DS?

    I don't really believe this to be honest...
  14. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    #94 GDSage, Jun 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2010
    No, it won't work like that. This is Nintendo we're talking about. If they go ahead with any sort of feature like this it will come with protection so it cannot be abused.

    Plus, it is real. This is Nikkei, the very ones that leaked details of the 3DS and previous JPN products.

    EDIT: If you think about it this is a really smart move on Nintendo's part. You take a major benefit of flash cards (ability to store games on one system without carrying your game cards) and make it an official part of the OS. It's a positive pro-active stance against flash cards / piracy, unlike DRM / closed features.
  15. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    "...Next was Resident Evil. This is when I ran into my first issue. I started off the cutscene with the 3DS resting on the table, but in my hands. It was a bit further away from my face then it typically would be when playing. The impact was horrendous. It felt like I had gone permanently cross eyed. It made my stomach flop slightly and my eyes quickly tried to correct what they were seeing. I used the slider on the face of the 3DS to turn the 3D down but it didn't help. They I tried moving the 3DS slightly closer and suddenly the game's images synched and the world was amazingly deep.

    I tried putting the screen even closer to my face, moving it way too close and the image went double again. Tilting the 3DS or moving it to either side made the image fuzzy.

    There is, I learned, a 3D sweet-spot for the 3DS, a bubble in which the image is perfect and deep. Outside the bubble things go wrong."

    I'm still supporting the 3DS but this is something to consider. I get the feeling I'll spend quite a bit of time with the 3D turned off.
  16. Kamazar

    Kamazar Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    This is Nintendo we're talking about. They've gotten their initial impressions, and until release, they'll be doing everything to fine-tune the console. It's been a loooong time since they've hit and miss.
  17. SJP99

    SJP99 Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    Ipod Touch game player person like thing????
    11th dimension
    im glad this is a successor to the ds. all new hardware. something that i might want to buy instead of an itouch 4
  18. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I'm under the impression this is a basic flaw in the technology they've chosen, not just how they've utilized it. Unless they change the way the whole 3D effect works I think there are gonna be a number of people who just aren't comfortable sticking to the sweet spot instead of their natural playing position.
  19. Chapperz :D

    Chapperz :D Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2009
    why are there so many things i now want to buy?! I have no love for 3D at all, i'm gonna say. but the capabilities and the games for this thing look amazing. I mean were talking, kid icarus, mario , splinter cell, resident evil , metal gear solid, ocarina of time, paper mario, star fox,final fantasy,ninja gaiden and assassins creed just to name a few. i'm actually blown away. I have pretty much hated nintendo recently for having lots and lots of crappy titles and about 2 good ones a year that are very good. But this is different.

    Screw Microsoft kinect, that will fail. hate the idea.looks inaccurate as hell and the games look aweful. playstation move doesn't look so bad but i'm not to bothered. still don't like the nintendo wii. But the 3ds, well i don't care for the 3D, but the actual product, now i like that.
  20. Eduku

    Eduku Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    I'd rather have a flaw like that than having to stand to play a game.

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