3DS... perhaps the greatest device ever

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by GDSage, Jun 15, 2010.

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  1. K.D!

    K.D! Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    Why? Because kids of 6yrs and under are being advised to play it without the 3D effect? I'm 28 and I'll probably be playing most of my games on it with the 3D off. Like a lot if people, I'm more interested in the increased power than I am the whole '3D Effect'.

    Anyway, if you ask me, any kid under the age of 6yrs who's spoiled enough to have a (possibly) £200 gaming device deserves to have their eyeballs fried!
  2. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    #642 Omega-F, Jan 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
    1) No. Dead Space looks good (for an iPhone game anyway) but it has pretty simplistic geometry and the lighting is flat. There's not much going on, and I'm pretty sure the framerate will be average.

    Dead Space looks like a Dreamcast/early PS2 game while Resident Evil is much more like a scaled down version of a current gen title. Heck, RE is not even half done and it already looks that good.

    2) Haha, just no. The only thing better than aiming with a joystick is aiming with a mouse. Other than that, is still the best way to play any shooter type of game. The touch screen of the Nintendo 3DS is the third alternative (or maybe the Wii-Remote if it is properly implemented.)

    Nintendo games have pretty much always been like that. Anyone can see the ending of, say, Super Mario 64. Getting the 120 stars? Considerably less people.
  3. lord-sam

    lord-sam Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Haha, very true. But I was looking from the perspective that the media will likely rip it to shreds somehow.
  4. K.D!

    K.D! Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    It wouldn't surprise me. After all, we all still remember the iPhone 4 antennae 'scandal'. I was there on launch date to pick up my iPhone 4 and, to be honest, didn't really notice much of a problem. It was never a 'big deal' in the first place but the press naturally turned it into something bigger because minor issues don't sell papers/magazines, so I'd expect them to behave similarly when the 3DS launches. Like the iPhone 4, it won't put me off picking one up though.
  5. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    #645 GDSage, Jan 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2011
    Except 1) the 3DS can be turned off and locked out by a passcode and 2) this is merely Nintendo's way of avoiding trouble from a "you sneezed on me I'm gunna sue you!" world. Eye specialists have already stated that there's actually no grounds to 3D screens damaging childrens eyes, in fact it would actually help their development of 3D perception.


    Nintendo announced Game Coins for 3DS
    Nintendo has just incentivised carrying a 3DS around with you. The OS of the 3DS has a cross-game feature called Game Coins (yep, those Mario coins), which are used to buy and unlock miscellaneous content provided by games. You accumulate coins via the built-in pedometer, so the more you carry your 3DS, the more coins you gain. It seems coins will also be earned through the playing of games (achievement-like).

    Basically, it seems to take all the often seen game-external reward schemes seen across the internet, such as registering to a developers site for bonus content, liking us on facebook for more content and connectivity actions like playing RE6 to unlock costumes for REPortable, and makes it part and parcel of the 3DS system, thus encouraging users to carry it around more often.

    Of course, this is Nintendo so the content is likely to be low-tier stuff. They are hardly going to allow devs to lock away levels, etc through this method.

    This will be combined with the StreetPass functionality, where every game you play saves data on the 3DS system, ready for exchanges with other passing by 3DS users. This data can be hi-scores, time trials, virtual gifts, and when another 3DS with the same game saves passes by, the data is automatically and wirelessly exchanged. So you make new friends (via Mii's), see new hi-scores to challenge and beat and new gifts to incorporate into your game. All this can happen when playing any game or in sleep mode, as no games need to be inserted to allow this functionality.

    Hand in hand, those are two features that certainly encourage more portable play for dedicated handhelds.

    Nintendogs + Cats details

    - With the stronger processing of the 3DS, the devs were able to model the eyes of the pets with polygons (so the eyes can be animated) and apply effects (like per-pixel lighting) to give the pets more lifelike behaviour. The devs also used patterned fur shading to give the pets a very fluffy look

    - With the portrait camera of the 3DS, the pets in Nintendogs can continually remember the face of people who play with them. You eventually won't have to even call them. They'll come to you just when you show your face to the camera. Additionally, they will act cautiously (even bark) if they see a face they don't recognise

    - Another new feature is the ability to take 3D pictures of your pet. These pictures can be saved to SD and exchanged with other players via Street Pass.

    - Nintendogs+cats also has support for the 3DS's AR (augmented reality) feature. You'll be able to use the included AR cards to make your dog or cat appear in real locations.
  6. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    Coins stuff sound nifty. I love to walk, so I'd definitely make use of this function a lot. It sounds like achievements, but integrated with real life.
  7. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    #647 GDSage, Jan 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011
    So, this wil be the software that will be included with the 3DS operating system.

    Mii Studio
    - Create your own Mii
    - More options in face, eyes, hair, expressions than Wii version
    - Create your Mii via selecting options
    - Or use 3DS cameras to have a Mii generated from a face

    Mii Plaza
    - A plaza for all the Mii's you've connected with
    - When making friends online or StreetPass, their Mii drops into the plaza
    - Information tied to the Mii includes their name, stats and last game played

    Mii Photo
    - Uses the augmented reality features of 3DS
    - 3DS uses packed-in AR cards to produce a Mii in a real-life location
    - AR card sets the position and angle of the Mii relative to the environment
    - You can move your Mii into position and even strike a variety of poses
    - The AR Mii can interact with the environment (bump into real objects)
    - You can then take a 3D photo of this picture and share it with others

    3DS Camera
    - Take portrait photos (internal portrait camera) or 3D photos (external 3D camera)
    - Store on SD card and share with other 3DS users
    - Use the slide pad to control the zoom / panning functions
    - Take photo of you and the person in front to combine into a unique person
    - Take portrait photo and use the backdrop in front of you for that photo
    - Stretch, warp or draw on snapped photos

    3DS Sound
    - Edit and even combine recordings made with the 3DS microphone
    - Store on SD card and share recordings with other 3DS users
    - 2GB gives you 180 recordings
    - Playback music (AAC), even manipulate the music in a variety of ways
    - See the popularity of songs from the people you've connected to

    Augmented Reality Games
    - Use the six packed-in AR cards to play a variety of games
    Games include:
    - Target Shooting: Place an AR card on a surface. A dragon emerges and begins to attack you with firepower. Object of game is to physically move around the Dragon to avoid its attacks, and shoot back at it via the gyro controls
    - Target Practice: Place an AR card on a surface. A small forest environment emerges, complete with target boards dotted around it. Aim of game is to move your targeting aim (via gyro controls) and shoot the target boards against the clock
    - More built-in AR games to be revealed

    Face Shooting
    - Take part in a ball shooting game using friends / family faces for enemies
    - Position persons face into guidelines and take a photo
    - The game renders a 3D model of persons face
    - Face is then used as an enemy in the game
    - Rendering software alters the expressions of the 3D faces as they come near you or you shoot at them

    Internet Browser (Opera)
    - Multitasking: Can switch to the browser as you play a game
    - Greater specs of 3DS makes for a faster / smoother experience
    - Top screen uses zoomed in view, touch screen uses zoomed out view
    - As you scroll down, the zoomed out view of the touch screen scrolls into the zoomed in view of the top screen, vice-versa when you scroll up
  8. Watabou

    Watabou Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2008
    I don't really want to create a new thread for this but I have a question.

    I have a DS Lite that barely works(the l and r buttons are wonky and I don't have a WEP connection so basically I can't use the internet on it).

    Do you guys think I should wait for the 3DS or should I just buy the DSi? I'm not really sure because while it would be great to have the 3DS since some good games are being announced for it, and it is more future proof, people are saying the price for it is going to be close to $300 which is too much for me at the moment.

    So what should I do?
  9. K.D!

    K.D! Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    #649 K.D!, Jan 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011
    Whilst I highly doubt it'll be $300 ($250 has been the guesstimate), I would say hold out on making any decisions until Jan 19th which is when the US, and European, launch details are unveiled including price and launch lineup. At least then you'll have a better idea as to which option will be more suited to you.
  10. Watabou

    Watabou Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2008
    Cool. I didn't know about the Jan 19 event. I'm really hoping that the price is close to $200. I really couldn't justify paying $250 for it when I can easily get a PS3 by saving more.
  11. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    $200? Not happening..... until maybe 2014.
  12. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    Remember that there will be a huge Nintendo conference regarding 3DS this upcoming Wednesday. Official price, launch games, and more will oficially be announced there. I'll be making a new 3DS thread just to have information a little more organized.

    There will be live blogs of the event on the net.
  13. dumaz1000

    dumaz1000 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2010
    #653 dumaz1000, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
    The 3DS is going to be far more hardcore than anything that Nintendo has done in the past. Needless to say, the PSP2 is going to be way hardcore. These are gaming systems aimed at adults. Gaming systems designed for dedicated gamers (something that the iDevice is not). The 3DS and PSP2 are going to be targeting potential gamers who likely already own a Ps3/360. The higher price point won't leave most of the people that Nintendo's targeting here to question which buy, home console or handheld. Since most own a home console to begin with, the real question will be which to buy, 3DS or PSP2.
  14. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    That is hardly news, not least because that's going to be the case for at least some people with all types if 3D, no matter where it is.

    Anyway, every impression at Nintendo World already spoke of this. The reason some experienced that is because they enabled the 3D to its maximum output (where the distance of multiple levels of depth is widened). Because the objects in the foregrounds and backgrounds change so much in a game it can make the maximum output tiring after a while.

    That's why the depth slider is there to begin with (and why every other company thinking of moving into 3D will also need a slider). It allows you to customise the 3D depth to your particular sight. All impressions stated that after they tuned the 3D to their sight, all issues with the maximum output went away.

    In any case, on neogaf it was already confirmed that the so-called poll wasn't from a newspaper but a glam rag and it failed to disclose how many people it actually polled.
  15. K.D!

    K.D! Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    Kingdom Hearts 3D, which now has the official title of: Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance...

  16. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Still, it's not going to stop the fact that, come launch, a few people are going to be caused a degree of discomfort by the 3D effects. And some less reputable media outlets will jump on this, claiming the customers have been ripped off, that even though there's a slider to turn the 3D off, that turning off the 3D on a device called a 3DS defeats the point of it.

    If I were a betting man, I'd bet everything I have on that happening. Tech blunders are tasty news these days, especially when half the facts are left out, and the ones left in are blown way out of proportion.
  17. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I'm more concerned about the region locking. I own quite a few DS games that weren't released in the UK.
  18. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Same here. But then if I really really want to play them I could just dig out my ancient crusty phat DS
  19. csklimowski

    csklimowski Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    #660 csklimowski, Jan 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
    3DS > sliced bread.

    Hell, 3DS > bread in general.

    And bread is pretty darn awesome.

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