3DS... perhaps the greatest device ever

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by GDSage, Jun 15, 2010.

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  1. GDSage

    GDSage Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Lovely, trolls!
  2. Stirolak26

    Stirolak26 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2010
    And you act like the app store never came into existance and changed gaming forever. Just like bintendo hopes didnt happen. Now for people to dish out over $ 30 for a handheld game it better be quality whwn you can get full console like games on the idevices like nova 2 for seven bucks. Heck nova 2 is way superior to any other fps game in terms of online multiplayer that ever has been done on non-laptop devices or handhelds. You think samus has anything on nova 2 with its crappy four player ds online play? The bar im afraid has been set too high for nintendo to get away making ports and music games or nibtendogs games for casuals these days. And those shovelware spongebob games and barby games nintendo handhelds are known for probably are done because of the app store as well.
  3. Stirolak26

    Stirolak26 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2010
    Oh and id love to see an online rts game on a nintendo system like the idevices are getti g with star collision.
  4. CaptainAwesome

    CaptainAwesome Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    The Island of Berk
    Yeeaaahhh... I have a feeling I'll want to play the real deal rather than some shoddy Gameloft clone (slightly unrelated to your argument, but whatever). And one example (CoD Zombies) is not gonna do it for me when such an amazing lineup for the 3DS has been announced.

    And why the crap are you citing screen resolutions anyway? Last time I checked "higher resolution"≠"fun".
  5. Stirolak26

    Stirolak26 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2010
    Cod zombies is more fun than any handheld fps game ive played befor it on ha dhelds. Its like left4dead (original when it shipped with only few maps and modes for a whopping $50 and still sold like hotcakes). In terms of social, mobile, and connectivity ornonline multiplayer games, the idevices will always be second to none. Almost all games ahve multiplayer in mind now and endless lasting ability and even updates by devs for instance. When is the last time any ds or even wii game got an update for free?
  6. Stirolak26

    Stirolak26 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2010
    Also, do you seriously expect to have fun playing stylus-only fps games after nova 2 showed what touch controls with a gyro could do? The only genre the new ds will dominate in are platformers and casual japanese style family games.
  7. sid187

    sid187 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2009
    i read a lot of tech blogs and some of you guys are coming so damn close to being fanboys i see on the blogs so damn annoying. laughs.. like the wise man said.. sit back and relax your self!!

    o yeah when i was in the hospital i just found out, arizona adopted medical marijuana man.. with all the old geezers living here in retirement i was shocked!! peace.
  8. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    #508 Omega-F, Dec 28, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2010
    Seriously guy, now tell me, do you seriously think that there's someone out there (that's not an uninformed kid btw) who is saying right now: damn, I wish Call of Duty Zombies would come for 3DS!!!!?

    Answer me.

    Hint: The answer is no. Why? Because that Zombies game is a C quality game that no one but iOS gamers with low standards would enjoy.

    The Nintendo 3DS is getting a Resident Evil Mercenaries game that runs on a MT Framework engine, is probably being developed by one of Capcom's best teams, will probably have a lot of features, etc. Why would anyone be "jealous" of an iOS game.

    Man, your examples are pretty poor. I also see that you skipped my comment in the other page.

    Nova 2? LOL, who the hell would like to play Nova 2 when the 3DS is likely going to have first person shooters developed by AAA studios?

    I feel like a Bully right now because is clear that I'm debating with 3 kids right here, but anyway. It's never a bad thing to inform the uninformed.

    Stirolak, you are just coming as an ignorant. No one with brains but you believes anything you say. Hell, I'm pretty damn sure that not even you believes all the bs you are spraying.

    Pack your things 3DS, you are doomed. LOL



    Oh my.
  9. Stirolak26

    Stirolak26 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2010
    The ipad version in hd looks much better than that screenshot. And there are better graphical games out already anyway.
  10. Stirolak26

    Stirolak26 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2010

    Anyway why r u even on here if ur such a nintendo fanboy go back to playing pokemon and hanging out on gamefags.
  11. Stirolak26

    Stirolak26 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2010
    "Seriously guy, now tell me, do you seriously think that there's someone out there (that's not an uninformed kid btw) who is saying right now: damn, I wish Call of Duty Zombies would come for 3DS!!!!?"

    Lol, this is pointless. No matter what examples i five you you still will believe the 3ds unlike all nintendo handhelds will be having aaa studios make aaa console effort games for it despite how crappy all the call of duties and medal of honors for nintendo handhelds have always been. And yes there are look at gamefaqs there was a huge thread on the psp forum where they got excited sout the first!!! Modern combat port by gameloft coming for it. And look how angry thwy are about ios getting old secret of mana games being ported and how many threads on the ds section kept begging for such low quality -- by todays standards -- games to be pored. Ill look for the link to the psp board hype over mdoern combat and link it btw if u dont believe me.
  12. Stirolak26

    Stirolak26 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2010
    Mario 64, zelda 64, paper mario 64, Starfox 64, etc. Are all outdated and crappy games by todays standards that have better console versions a generation ago. And btw when u keep mentioning starfox 64 did you ever try playing star batallion hd or galaxy on fire 2? U r a joke.
  13. Stirolak26

    Stirolak26 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2010
    #513 Stirolak26, Dec 29, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2010
    I know ive made a lot of posts but u seriously are sprrading lies and pissing me off there.




    and btw by ur standards that call of duty zombies sucks, by my standards -- despite all the reviews and crap -- the out of the box left4dead and even the sequel were c level games when u factor in the little content they shipped with. Gaming press etc. Doesnt rate games on quality but more on brand name (valve or rockstar).

    And star batallion is way more challenging and hardcore than starfox.
  14. swishinj

    swishinj Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
    CEO at Apple Inc.
    What's the point of the pics? To prove that the iOS has better graphics??
  15. Crazy_Possum

    Crazy_Possum Well-Known Member

    Isn't it a bit premature to make all of these judgements?
    Having good graphics is always fantastic, but they do not make a game more fun.
    No one knows the future of FPS's for the 3DS yet considering it is not even out yet.
    Both systems either have or will get many ports.
    Call of Duty as a series has made a huge name for itself. I don't see any reason for it to not sell well for any system.
    In conclusion...can't we all just be friends?:p
  16. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    #516 Omega-F, Dec 29, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2010
    Dumb comparison. Star Fox 64 3D is a remake with basically the same geometry of a N64 game but different textures and models while "star batallion" was made from the ground up. That Star Fox game is far from a graphical showcase. If you want to compare a 3DS game with that iOS game, wait for something developed from the ground up.

    Pathetic. BTW, is that image supposed to look better or what because it looks laughable.

    How old are you? I ask you this because your arguments are truly and utterly godawful.

    Funny, those "outdated" games are better THAN. EVERY. SINGLE. IOS. GAME. You have no credibility whatsoever talking about standards.

    Only if you are blind or something.

    Stirolak26, just stop it. The amount of BS that comes out everything your post is mind-blowing. Use the time you are wasting formulating your dumb arguments for saving money for that 3DS you want so bad.
  17. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Stop digging your own grave. You're comparing a direct screen capture (iPhone) with a photo of a port of a fourteen year old game.
  18. tygamr

    tygamr Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2010
    okay honestly, half of these people don't know what they are talking about. The 3ds could easily play nova 2, because it has a gyroscope, a accelerometer, buttons, and a touch screen. If nova 2 were on 3ds, it would have more control options, and possibly more interesting control combinations. Also, you can't say that nintendo copied the accelerometer and gyroscope idea from the "almighty'' iPhone, because nintendo implemented both in the nintendo wii first (before apple). Honestly, the 3ds and iPhone/iPod are two very different devices. With the 3ds lineup so far, it looks like games like aralon (which really is an awesome game) may actually end up on it. Far more of the 3ds titles shown off are hardcore than the games on the ds. Plus, a good portion of 3ds games look on par with the hd consoles. And honestly, I'm not a nintendo or an apple fanboy. I like them both. Quit being ignorant, and research the facts before you say anything dumb. :)
  19. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    I can't wait to see Nintendo really push the 3DS. So far their games are N64 pseudo-remakes, which limits them to really show the capabilities of the 3DS. The fact that they don't have much experience with more complex tech (unlike Capcom for example) is also a shame. Kid Icarus though is a good start (and, still, it's far from the system true's potential)


    Now that's incredible draw distance and ace art.
  20. Stirolak26

    Stirolak26 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2010
    Just because you like remakes, ports, games that have better console versions doesnt mean everyone shares your views. Like I said, the iPad is the fastest selling tech so far with maybe kinect being the only exception. Obviously a lot of people are happy gaming on it considering thats one of its main selling points. And no matter what you say, those ds games will never equal console or pc games and will cost just as much while the ios games will always be affordable and jut as fun if not better anyway. Plus the ios has many independent games and stuff ull never see on ds or consoles like this (probably a funner game than any of the ds games u listed):

    Ur just as guillible as a cild cause u bought into nintendos advertisement so dont ask me how old I am. And despite the fact the ipad and iphone 4 have been out for a while the ds while costing around $250 at lsunch will still have inferior hardware and graphical capabilities. No matter how many screenshots you post theyll never ewusl epic games like infinity blade or dungeon defenders (a game ialso better than any 3da game both gameplay and fun wise esp with the upcoming multiplayer). U seriously think that those ports are better than dungeon defenders on iPad or World of Goo and claim Im ignorant? The discussion is over dont make me cyber slap you.

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