(Added 05 sept) New website is up: http://www.marcham-3d.co.uk Hello everyone, long time no post so i'll cover the details. Live in the UK, southern. Willing to work part time to help any sized project or a full time job if available, can work from home or travel a bit, looking for anything really no matter how big or small. Education ( 2006 2009 ) 3D Computer Games Art, Teeside University, Middlesbrough. Learned how to model, unwrap, texture and animate using 3DSmax. Used Unreal Editor for UT2.5 and UT3 for level design. Worked in a team for a final year project as main 3D modeller. ( 2004 2006 ) Sequential Illustration, Swindon College, Swindon. Learned drawn animation methods and storytelling by images and comics. Earned a Distinction for final project my making a small animated game using free software that was playable at a final year show, animated characters using sprites. ( 2001 2004 ) Art & Design, Reading Art & Design, Reading. (now Themes Valley Uni) Learned general art skills related to drawing and painting. -------- If you have any interest then feel free to email me at [email protected] or reply here, if you would also like to see more work or the images in a bigger format feel free to ask. You can find more at http://www.marcham-3d.co.uk
Indeed, very nice! I'm impressed You seem to be skilled at 2d as well, from looking at some of the pictures you have here!
Thanks, a while ago I had some work stolen from my flat however so I lost about a year's worth of drawings Updated first post with location.
Edited my email so it's click-able now. Still available for any projects which need 3D work, I have plenty of spare time on my hands.
Finished the work I had so I am available again, please feel free to ask anything even if it's simple work.
Just like to say that I have my work up online now at http://www.marcham-3d.co.uk , it's in the process of having work and video's uploaded over the coming week.
I worked on it and have some moving examples for what I wanted but it never came to be, a shame I know
A job I am on is on hold currently so I am available again, if you want any cheap work or assets made i'm your man