Link: Knights of Tartarus Crescent Moon Games Knights of Tartarus is a role-playing game where you enter the underworld to fight off a legendary order of knights and … $3.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsKnights of Tartarus is a role-playing game where you enter the underworld to fight off a legendary order of knights and save the world. To have a chance, you will need monsters to teach you their spells, craft items, solve puzzles and even compete against your rival. FEATURES Explore an open world and travel into the magical monster dimension called Tartarus. You'll find many friends and not so friendly characters along the way. There are many regions each containing unique puzzles, treasures, and enemies. Fight against magic beasts to gain spells, crafting materials and gold. Each monster holds special and unique abilities which can be learned. Monsters also give you crafting materials for making equipment. Additionally, there are skill upgrades that can be gained by leveling up. These give you special perks like performing combo moves or becoming immune to paralysis, and much more. Great and varied soundtrack. Huge bosses that are difficult but fair. A cute dog. Information Seller:Crescent Moon Games Genre:Adventure, Role Playing Release:Jun 11, 2019 Updated:Oct 03, 2019 Version:1.07 Size:187.7 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Gameplay Trailer: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #2 anthony78, Jun 11, 2019 Have to keep an eye on this one. Spent a lot on RPGs of late with Dark Quest 2 and Devil Stone in particular but looks promising! Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #3 Gwarmaxx, Jun 11, 2019 wow, i've seen it this morning in pre order at $4.99, but in the notes there was nothing about the price, i can't spend 8 bucks right now, i'm almost broken... and Lovecraft, Dark Quest & Devil Stone to play... no way for now. metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #4 metalcasket, Jun 11, 2019 Wish you didn't mention the pre-order. Had no idea this was even up for pre-order before AKD posted this thread and I immediately sprung for it. I'm not bitter though and I'm always glad to support Josh. Game seems to be awesome. As always, I'm still very early on, but first impressions are very good. The graphics and chiptunes are authentically much that you'd be fooled for thinking this was a port (also, I love how Shadowgate-like the 'tunes are). Anotherkellydown and Gwarmaxx like this. Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #5 Gwarmaxx, Jun 11, 2019 i've seen the pre oder 'cause a guy posted on FB that was available for Android, and since i had it on my Steam wishlist, i went to check if it was available also for iOS. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #6 psj3809, Jun 12, 2019 Instant purchase from me as it’s Josh and Crecenr Moon games We moan about freemium games. Well here’s your chance to support a premium one ! icoker likes this. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #7 anthony78, Jun 12, 2019 Actually bought too many premium games lately. That’s the issue, lol. But definitely will keep this on my wish list. ste86uk likes this. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #8 psj3809, Jun 12, 2019 Nice game. Wish the dpad was bigger on the left though. Specially as there’s room But a nice NES style game Solarclipse Well-Known Member Jul 30, 2012 879 64 28 #9 Solarclipse, Jun 12, 2019 Looks like Zelda meets dragon warrior/quest! A...metrozeldaquest? I’m in. stubbieoz Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2015 1,880 358 83 Male Grey haired gamer NSW Australia #10 stubbieoz, Jun 12, 2019 Dark Quest 2 would be a perfect fit on an iPad. And does this game have a mini map, because I get lost easily. andsoitgoes likes this. jpgold Well-Known Member Sep 21, 2012 1,818 56 48 Online Ad Sales - Pandora New York, NY #11 jpgold, Jun 13, 2019 I’m not a huge fan of turn based games, but very interested in the “Zelda” gameplay part. How much of the game is turn based vs Zelda-type action? (And CM fan) psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #12 psj3809, Jun 13, 2019 So far its very Zelda like but the battles as shown in the image above are turn based. Not keen on turn based but love the retro feel to this game. Wish the d-pad was a bit bigger on the left but very happy with the purchase jpgold Well-Known Member Sep 21, 2012 1,818 56 48 Online Ad Sales - Pandora New York, NY #13 jpgold, Jun 13, 2019 Thanks for the insight. Will give it a shot then to support a premium game. Excalipur Well-Known Member Jan 5, 2017 52 2 8 #14 Excalipur, Jun 13, 2019 The Dpad needs work, otherwise this game is fantastic. Maybe an option to make it bigger would help, but I think the larger problem is you can’t slide from one direction to another, you have to lift between directions. ironsam80 Well-Known Member Dec 14, 2010 1,151 34 48 #15 ironsam80, Jun 13, 2019 ^This bsabiston Well-Known Member Nov 8, 2014 498 26 28 Austin, TX #16 bsabiston, Jun 14, 2019 Does this rotate for portrait mode? Looks like there's be room. I don't like landscape games. touchette and metalcasket like this. Excalipur Well-Known Member Jan 5, 2017 52 2 8 #17 Excalipur, Jun 14, 2019 The game is getting stuck when I use the memoria stone to forget a spell. Boardumb Administrator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Apr 14, 2009 8,964 880 113 THE BOSS Sacramento, CA #18 Boardumb, Jun 15, 2019 This all day. Especially because this is a game designed with a fixed square screen, so the extra edges in landscape mode are basically wasted anyway. I really hope they consider adding portrait support. That said, I agree with others that even in landscape the d-pad doesn't feel right. Would love options to adjust size/placement or even a virtual stick option. touchette and metalcasket like this. Solarclipse Well-Known Member Jul 30, 2012 879 64 28 #19 Solarclipse, Jun 15, 2019 Last edited: Jun 15, 2019 Had a weird thing happen leveling up as a knight early on. My attack went DOWN. I sent a screenshot to the dev, see if they have any feedback. Anyone else encounter this? Wondering about trying the mage class out anyway...UPDATE: same thing, attack going down instead of up. I would wage until update to play, since We are talking about permanent stats here I’m not sure it could be fixed in update. Between playing knight or magician, they have different attacks and enemies seem to be weaker to one or the other. I actually found my magician doing more damage in the beginning of the game, which surprised me. Seems like you get skill points every 5 levels and you can put them into class skills. Not really trees but you do have to get them in order from 4 different classes as you choose. Which is nice. So far I’m also not into the d-pad not being slide friendly. We can be retro but we don’t need to replicate limitations from another medium when they don’t add to style or art, imho. Attached Files: 3F89185B-C5E3-4A79-848D-1D8AEF1DD6FE.png File size: 174.5 KB Views: 10 touchette likes this. touchette Member Patreon Silver May 2, 2017 15 1 3 #20 touchette, Jun 15, 2019 Good point! Thanks for the heads up and the chance to avoid unnecessary frustration. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Have to keep an eye on this one. Spent a lot on RPGs of late with Dark Quest 2 and Devil Stone in particular but looks promising!
wow, i've seen it this morning in pre order at $4.99, but in the notes there was nothing about the price, i can't spend 8 bucks right now, i'm almost broken... and Lovecraft, Dark Quest & Devil Stone to play... no way for now.
Wish you didn't mention the pre-order. Had no idea this was even up for pre-order before AKD posted this thread and I immediately sprung for it. I'm not bitter though and I'm always glad to support Josh. Game seems to be awesome. As always, I'm still very early on, but first impressions are very good. The graphics and chiptunes are authentically much that you'd be fooled for thinking this was a port (also, I love how Shadowgate-like the 'tunes are).
i've seen the pre oder 'cause a guy posted on FB that was available for Android, and since i had it on my Steam wishlist, i went to check if it was available also for iOS.
Instant purchase from me as it’s Josh and Crecenr Moon games We moan about freemium games. Well here’s your chance to support a premium one !
Actually bought too many premium games lately. That’s the issue, lol. But definitely will keep this on my wish list.
Nice game. Wish the dpad was bigger on the left though. Specially as there’s room But a nice NES style game
Dark Quest 2 would be a perfect fit on an iPad. And does this game have a mini map, because I get lost easily.
I’m not a huge fan of turn based games, but very interested in the “Zelda” gameplay part. How much of the game is turn based vs Zelda-type action? (And CM fan)
So far its very Zelda like but the battles as shown in the image above are turn based. Not keen on turn based but love the retro feel to this game. Wish the d-pad was a bit bigger on the left but very happy with the purchase
The Dpad needs work, otherwise this game is fantastic. Maybe an option to make it bigger would help, but I think the larger problem is you can’t slide from one direction to another, you have to lift between directions.
This all day. Especially because this is a game designed with a fixed square screen, so the extra edges in landscape mode are basically wasted anyway. I really hope they consider adding portrait support. That said, I agree with others that even in landscape the d-pad doesn't feel right. Would love options to adjust size/placement or even a virtual stick option.
Had a weird thing happen leveling up as a knight early on. My attack went DOWN. I sent a screenshot to the dev, see if they have any feedback. Anyone else encounter this? Wondering about trying the mage class out anyway...UPDATE: same thing, attack going down instead of up. I would wage until update to play, since We are talking about permanent stats here I’m not sure it could be fixed in update. Between playing knight or magician, they have different attacks and enemies seem to be weaker to one or the other. I actually found my magician doing more damage in the beginning of the game, which surprised me. Seems like you get skill points every 5 levels and you can put them into class skills. Not really trees but you do have to get them in order from 4 different classes as you choose. Which is nice. So far I’m also not into the d-pad not being slide friendly. We can be retro but we don’t need to replicate limitations from another medium when they don’t add to style or art, imho.