The Elder Scrolls: Blades Bethesda From Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Skyrim, comes The Elder Scrolls: Blades – a classic dungeon cr… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsFrom Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Skyrim, comes The Elder Scrolls: Blades – a classic dungeon crawler reimagined. The Blades, the Empire’s top agents, are forced into exile. On the run, you return to your hometown to find it destroyed. KEY FEATURES: QUEST and Experience stunning dungeon adventures. CREATE and customize your city, restoring it to greatness. CONQUER your friends and rivals in epic one-on-one Arena battles. CREATE any character you want and discover unique weapons, armor, and abilities. MASTER the never-ending Abyss with a cutting-edge combat system. Works with: iPhone SE, 6S, 7, 8, X, XS, XR, 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, Ipad Mini 4, Mini 5, iPad Air 2, Air 2019, iPad 2017-19, iPad Pro DOES NOT SUPPORT: iPhone 5s, 6, 6 Plus, iPad Air, Mini 2, Mini 3, iPod Touch Information Seller:Bethesda Genre:Adventure, Role Playing Release:Mar 31, 2019 Updated:Mar 07, 2023 Version:1.31 Size:1.2 GB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal NyxTowa Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Nov 13, 2018 72 10 8 Female Norway #2 NyxTowa, Mar 28, 2019 NOTE: You gotta sign up and wait for invite to play since this is EARLY ACCESS You will get a notification when you can play agreen437 Well-Known Member Jun 12, 2014 1,703 222 63 #3 agreen437, Mar 28, 2019 Ok thanks oftheheavens Well-Known Member Aug 2, 2009 58 0 6 #4 oftheheavens, Mar 28, 2019 How fast are invites going out? squarezero Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Dec 10, 2008 13,716 1,240 113 Male Chief Strategy Officer Salem, Massachusetts, USA #5 squarezero, Mar 28, 2019 I got mine last night — I preordered pretty much as soon as it was possible, so that may have made the difference. I’m enjoying this, but folks should not expect an open Skyrim experience. Quests are short (though not as bite size as in the typical Korean/Chinese social RPG — more like 15-20 mins) and focused more on combat and resource collection than on exploration. The objectives do vary (there are rescue missions, for example) and the environments are nicely interconnected (for example, you may look down a balcony and see the a room you can visit below). Dungeons have secret areas, so it pays to pay attention. One nice feature is that at the end of quest you can choose to keep exploring. Combat is simple but pretty good, especially by Elder Scrolls standards. There’s a timing/skill component based around parrying and critical hits, and you can wield magic and weapons at the same time (like Skyrim). I wish the enemies aggroed more easily — sometimes it gets kind of silly getting someone to notice you. There is no stealth (so far anyway) and I have yet to see a ranged weapon. Smaller creatures are more difficult to hit, as you would expect, which I appreciate. There are a number of ways to get loot, some more IAP driven than others. There’s stuff you find while exploring, then there are chests of different qualities, often hidden in out of the way places. Basic chests open in seconds, but as you go up in quality wait times add up. You can also buy or craft stuff from a blacksmith (more on this below). Crafting takes time, as does equipment repair. As you would expect, all these wait times can be skipped, as you would expect, with gems you can purchase (you do get some from gameplay, though). Frankly, I expected the IAP to be more onerous: there’s no stamina meter (well, there is, but not the free-to-play kind), you can collect up to 20 unopened chests, there are no timers associated with character leveling, etc. Seems to me that you’ll be able to play solo without spending money. I was surprised to find a pretty robust town building mechanic. When the game starts, your home town has been burned to the ground, and you have to collect resources and rescue citizens to repopulated it. That includes a blacksmith and other stores, which can be leveled up as your town gains reputation. I’m not usually a fan of this kind of gameplay, but I have to admit that it’s fun to walk around your town and see the progress you’ve made. By the way, the visuals on my XS are very good — certainly better than Skyrim on Switch. This is not open world, so the comparison is not quite fair. Being build specifically for the platform (rather than a ported) makes a difference. Performance is smooth, too. Overall, this is both more and less than I expected. The closest comparison is something like Dead Trigger 2, but with more depth and variety. Compared to Ravensword 2, this is a fairly shallow experience, but it’s certainly entertaining — at least in the 2 hours or so I’ve put into it. houseofg and Asp like this. Rosso Well-Known Member Dec 17, 2010 236 12 18 #6 Rosso, Mar 28, 2019 I have an iPad Air (gen. 1). It is listed in the compatible list. However after loading the game states "device not supported". might that be a problem with my device OR because I havent got an invite yet??? thanks for any help on this!!! sakara214ever Well-Known Member May 10, 2012 1,262 168 63 #7 sakara214ever, Mar 28, 2019 I have seem many people on facebook commenting the same thing even with newer devices. Although i found no explanation on why this is happening djstout Well-Known Member Jul 21, 2011 2,685 105 63 Sportscaster & football (soccer) coach Taiwan & Japan #8 djstout, Mar 28, 2019 Not available in Japan.... phred Well-Known Member Mar 21, 2010 271 3 18 #9 phred, Mar 28, 2019 I had registered for the closed beta, but never got an invitation. I downloaded this, and was able to play. I never got a notification that I was eligible. Dema9o9uehutq Member Mar 28, 2019 21 13 3 Male #10 Dema9o9uehutq, Mar 28, 2019 Same. I got the notification from the app store that my pre-order was ready but when I signed in I was able to play it under my Early Access. But Bethesda never emailed me that I could. So far I'm loving it. Feels like the next best thing to a new Infinity Blade game and I really like the base building aspect and the little bit of a story line. Feels like there are some mysteries to uncover. For a F2P AAA game I couldn't ask for much more. IAP aren't bad and I already bought a pack to support the devs. No timers other then the chests that feel like Clash Royal. They don't stop you from playing more and the 10 capacity isn't bad and can be upgraded for very few gems to 20. Bethesda is showing they are good at creating a F2P game with IAP that are not predatory. dukat111 Well-Known Member Mar 23, 2010 514 94 28 #11 dukat111, Mar 28, 2019 I got a notification from Bethesda that my pre-order was ready but when I sign in with my Bethesda account it says they are letting people in slowly and stops me from doing anything else. Taeles Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Aug 5, 2011 1,253 37 48 #12 Taeles, Mar 28, 2019 Last edited: Mar 28, 2019 I didnt get any emails or notifications. I pre-ordered back when the option first came available, jumped on the early access sign up. No emails, no notifications, last night at 11pm est i went in the app store and there it was in my purchase history with cloud/arrow icon to 're-download' the game. -shrugs- This games chest system needs a serious rethink Bethesda, please. For those curious this is how the chest system works. While running dungeons and also sometimes as quest rewards you receive loot chests. They come in a variety of quality colors and the better the quality color the better the randomly generated loot inside is likely to be. The problem is you can only be 'unlocking' one chest at a time. And the better the quality, the longer the timer (timer length jumps up dramatically, like grey chests are 5 seconds, silver next tier up 3 HOURS). And then there is a limited amount of chests you can hold on you at a time, and you can only upgrade that chest-carry-limit with real money crystals. Also there is no sell option to clear your inventory of lower quality chests to make room for better ones. All that means, if your in a dungeon and you see a chest but are at max chest-carry-limit, you can't loot the new one (edit : your given the option to crystal insta-open the new found chest, abandon it, or increase your inventory). And since you can only 'unlock' one at a time you will be coming back to the game every 3 hrs (for silver quality, longer for better quality chests) to unlock and start the next unlock. A suggestion to bethesda : 1. all chests silver or better are actively 'unlocking' at the same time but at half normal speed. 2. you have unlock 'slots' you can place chests in, these placed chests work on their unlock at normal speed 2a. these slots are crystal purchaseable 3. random keys found in dungeons to insta-unlock a chest 4. crystal option to speed up unlocks (already exists) 5. a monthly crystal subscription that along with daily crystals doubles the unlock speed of slotted chests Just my 2 cents. houseofg likes this. sakara214ever Well-Known Member May 10, 2012 1,262 168 63 #13 sakara214ever, Mar 28, 2019 This is the most f&cked up release of a game i can remember on ios from the time i got my first ios game back in 2010. An early access that still remains early access even after release, a mail i never got but i am able to play the game even though i never got invited and a loading screen followed by a short battle i played almost 10 times that seems like a nightmare. Coming from such a big company like bethesda makes it even worst. Delays upon delays an so on about the release date in the App store. Reading many comments at the official facebook page many people are pissed of about the compatibility for their devices either from the misleading "your device is compatible" from the appstore or the false compatibility they had before the game released. Many others never applied for closed beta but were able to play almost immediately and others that signed up the moment they were able to do so months ago can not play the game even now. I myself never got an email that i can play the game but i opened it two hours ago i tried to sign in and it let me play. Still waiting for that email lol. As far as the game goes i like it. I do not care that it is not open world movement is kinda difficult but nothing seriously bad. I am early in the game but i love the visuals. Hope it stays simple and beautiful as it is now. anthony78 likes this. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #14 anthony78, Mar 28, 2019 Agreed. I applied for access long ago. Never got an email and can’t get in. Really bizarre roll out. sakara214ever likes this. Taeles Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Aug 5, 2011 1,253 37 48 #15 Taeles, Mar 28, 2019 After their other online releases and issues early on it dosent suprise me that they are both going 'early access' route and staggering the invites. For the latter they are probably closely monitoring the servers, god knows what a bad online game release is like when half the world (sarcasm) decides they want to play on day one. The former? They've learned their lesson with Fallout 76's on going incomplete state and misadvertised state of the game. Early Access just means, 'expect bugs and changes over time'. houseofg likes this. gmattergames Well-Known Member Mar 1, 2013 607 42 28 #16 gmattergames, Mar 28, 2019 I preorder but never signed up for anything otherwise. AppStore Notified me game was available. Short download. Started with combat tutorial followed by message to keep notifications on and they’d let me know when I can play. agreen437 Well-Known Member Jun 12, 2014 1,703 222 63 #17 agreen437, Mar 28, 2019 Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2019 I got in finally got in about 1pm First impression graphics look amazing even from iPad Pro 2017 That 120 hz refresh rate this game takes full advantage of it I can believe how smooth it is Even for an almost 2 years old iPad sakara214ever Well-Known Member May 10, 2012 1,262 168 63 #18 sakara214ever, Mar 29, 2019 Wow!!! I just realized after 5 hours of gameplay that you can actually play the game both on portrait and landscape mode. On portrait you use touch controls and on landscape you use virtual joystics to move. Lol NyxTowa Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Nov 13, 2018 72 10 8 Female Norway #19 NyxTowa, Mar 29, 2019 Loving this game so far Taeles Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Aug 5, 2011 1,253 37 48 #20 Taeles, Mar 29, 2019 Landscape lets you use both I wish I could turn off touch movement when in landscape mode and using joysticks. I’m constantly accidentally moving myself around. You can turn off joystick if you want to use touch movement in settings, we just need the vice versa Spoiler Random Funfact : If this game takes place post oblivion (it does) then the Lord fellow in your town near the main gate who is insane and talking to you like he is out of time is actually the player character from oblivion after the player beats the shimmering isles expansion. Another fun fact, he’s so insane that he is breaking the 4th wall rule when he says he knows you but not you as you are now. He is referring to you, the player, in front of your apple device who he met in oblivion shimmering isles expansion, but not you, this new character in blades. Silly man heh agreen437, Vash85, squarezero and 1 other person like this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
NOTE: You gotta sign up and wait for invite to play since this is EARLY ACCESS You will get a notification when you can play
I got mine last night — I preordered pretty much as soon as it was possible, so that may have made the difference. I’m enjoying this, but folks should not expect an open Skyrim experience. Quests are short (though not as bite size as in the typical Korean/Chinese social RPG — more like 15-20 mins) and focused more on combat and resource collection than on exploration. The objectives do vary (there are rescue missions, for example) and the environments are nicely interconnected (for example, you may look down a balcony and see the a room you can visit below). Dungeons have secret areas, so it pays to pay attention. One nice feature is that at the end of quest you can choose to keep exploring. Combat is simple but pretty good, especially by Elder Scrolls standards. There’s a timing/skill component based around parrying and critical hits, and you can wield magic and weapons at the same time (like Skyrim). I wish the enemies aggroed more easily — sometimes it gets kind of silly getting someone to notice you. There is no stealth (so far anyway) and I have yet to see a ranged weapon. Smaller creatures are more difficult to hit, as you would expect, which I appreciate. There are a number of ways to get loot, some more IAP driven than others. There’s stuff you find while exploring, then there are chests of different qualities, often hidden in out of the way places. Basic chests open in seconds, but as you go up in quality wait times add up. You can also buy or craft stuff from a blacksmith (more on this below). Crafting takes time, as does equipment repair. As you would expect, all these wait times can be skipped, as you would expect, with gems you can purchase (you do get some from gameplay, though). Frankly, I expected the IAP to be more onerous: there’s no stamina meter (well, there is, but not the free-to-play kind), you can collect up to 20 unopened chests, there are no timers associated with character leveling, etc. Seems to me that you’ll be able to play solo without spending money. I was surprised to find a pretty robust town building mechanic. When the game starts, your home town has been burned to the ground, and you have to collect resources and rescue citizens to repopulated it. That includes a blacksmith and other stores, which can be leveled up as your town gains reputation. I’m not usually a fan of this kind of gameplay, but I have to admit that it’s fun to walk around your town and see the progress you’ve made. By the way, the visuals on my XS are very good — certainly better than Skyrim on Switch. This is not open world, so the comparison is not quite fair. Being build specifically for the platform (rather than a ported) makes a difference. Performance is smooth, too. Overall, this is both more and less than I expected. The closest comparison is something like Dead Trigger 2, but with more depth and variety. Compared to Ravensword 2, this is a fairly shallow experience, but it’s certainly entertaining — at least in the 2 hours or so I’ve put into it.
I have an iPad Air (gen. 1). It is listed in the compatible list. However after loading the game states "device not supported". might that be a problem with my device OR because I havent got an invite yet??? thanks for any help on this!!!
I have seem many people on facebook commenting the same thing even with newer devices. Although i found no explanation on why this is happening
I had registered for the closed beta, but never got an invitation. I downloaded this, and was able to play. I never got a notification that I was eligible.
Same. I got the notification from the app store that my pre-order was ready but when I signed in I was able to play it under my Early Access. But Bethesda never emailed me that I could. So far I'm loving it. Feels like the next best thing to a new Infinity Blade game and I really like the base building aspect and the little bit of a story line. Feels like there are some mysteries to uncover. For a F2P AAA game I couldn't ask for much more. IAP aren't bad and I already bought a pack to support the devs. No timers other then the chests that feel like Clash Royal. They don't stop you from playing more and the 10 capacity isn't bad and can be upgraded for very few gems to 20. Bethesda is showing they are good at creating a F2P game with IAP that are not predatory.
I got a notification from Bethesda that my pre-order was ready but when I sign in with my Bethesda account it says they are letting people in slowly and stops me from doing anything else.
I didnt get any emails or notifications. I pre-ordered back when the option first came available, jumped on the early access sign up. No emails, no notifications, last night at 11pm est i went in the app store and there it was in my purchase history with cloud/arrow icon to 're-download' the game. -shrugs- This games chest system needs a serious rethink Bethesda, please. For those curious this is how the chest system works. While running dungeons and also sometimes as quest rewards you receive loot chests. They come in a variety of quality colors and the better the quality color the better the randomly generated loot inside is likely to be. The problem is you can only be 'unlocking' one chest at a time. And the better the quality, the longer the timer (timer length jumps up dramatically, like grey chests are 5 seconds, silver next tier up 3 HOURS). And then there is a limited amount of chests you can hold on you at a time, and you can only upgrade that chest-carry-limit with real money crystals. Also there is no sell option to clear your inventory of lower quality chests to make room for better ones. All that means, if your in a dungeon and you see a chest but are at max chest-carry-limit, you can't loot the new one (edit : your given the option to crystal insta-open the new found chest, abandon it, or increase your inventory). And since you can only 'unlock' one at a time you will be coming back to the game every 3 hrs (for silver quality, longer for better quality chests) to unlock and start the next unlock. A suggestion to bethesda : 1. all chests silver or better are actively 'unlocking' at the same time but at half normal speed. 2. you have unlock 'slots' you can place chests in, these placed chests work on their unlock at normal speed 2a. these slots are crystal purchaseable 3. random keys found in dungeons to insta-unlock a chest 4. crystal option to speed up unlocks (already exists) 5. a monthly crystal subscription that along with daily crystals doubles the unlock speed of slotted chests Just my 2 cents.
This is the most f&cked up release of a game i can remember on ios from the time i got my first ios game back in 2010. An early access that still remains early access even after release, a mail i never got but i am able to play the game even though i never got invited and a loading screen followed by a short battle i played almost 10 times that seems like a nightmare. Coming from such a big company like bethesda makes it even worst. Delays upon delays an so on about the release date in the App store. Reading many comments at the official facebook page many people are pissed of about the compatibility for their devices either from the misleading "your device is compatible" from the appstore or the false compatibility they had before the game released. Many others never applied for closed beta but were able to play almost immediately and others that signed up the moment they were able to do so months ago can not play the game even now. I myself never got an email that i can play the game but i opened it two hours ago i tried to sign in and it let me play. Still waiting for that email lol. As far as the game goes i like it. I do not care that it is not open world movement is kinda difficult but nothing seriously bad. I am early in the game but i love the visuals. Hope it stays simple and beautiful as it is now.
After their other online releases and issues early on it dosent suprise me that they are both going 'early access' route and staggering the invites. For the latter they are probably closely monitoring the servers, god knows what a bad online game release is like when half the world (sarcasm) decides they want to play on day one. The former? They've learned their lesson with Fallout 76's on going incomplete state and misadvertised state of the game. Early Access just means, 'expect bugs and changes over time'.
I preorder but never signed up for anything otherwise. AppStore Notified me game was available. Short download. Started with combat tutorial followed by message to keep notifications on and they’d let me know when I can play.
I got in finally got in about 1pm First impression graphics look amazing even from iPad Pro 2017 That 120 hz refresh rate this game takes full advantage of it I can believe how smooth it is Even for an almost 2 years old iPad
Wow!!! I just realized after 5 hours of gameplay that you can actually play the game both on portrait and landscape mode. On portrait you use touch controls and on landscape you use virtual joystics to move. Lol
Landscape lets you use both I wish I could turn off touch movement when in landscape mode and using joysticks. I’m constantly accidentally moving myself around. You can turn off joystick if you want to use touch movement in settings, we just need the vice versa Spoiler Random Funfact : If this game takes place post oblivion (it does) then the Lord fellow in your town near the main gate who is insane and talking to you like he is out of time is actually the player character from oblivion after the player beats the shimmering isles expansion. Another fun fact, he’s so insane that he is breaking the 4th wall rule when he says he knows you but not you as you are now. He is referring to you, the player, in front of your apple device who he met in oblivion shimmering isles expansion, but not you, this new character in blades. Silly man heh