Battle Souls TaleSoft Studio[/SIZE]"]TaleSoft Studio Genres: Games Entertainment Adventure Role Playing GAME CENTER ENABLED Free Supported Devices: iPhone4-iPhone4 iPad2Wifi-iPad2Wifi iPad23G-iPad23G iPhone4S-iPhone4S iPadThirdGen-iPadThirdGen iPadThirdGen4G-iPadThirdGen4G iPhone5-iPhone5 iPodTouchFifthGen-iPodTouchFifthGen iPadFourthGen-iPadFourthGen iPadFourthGen4G-iPadFourthGen4G iPadMini-iPadMini iPadMini4G-iPadMini4G iPhone5c-iPhone5c iPhone5s-iPhone5s iPadAir-iPadAir iPadAirCellular-iPadAirCellular iPadMiniRetina-iPadMiniRetina iPadMiniRetinaCellular-iPadMiniRetinaCellular iPhone6-iPhone6 iPhone6Plus-iPhone6Plus iPadAir2-iPadAir2 iPadAir2Cellular-iPadAir2Cellular iPadMini3-iPadMini3 iPadMini3Cellular-iPadMini3Cellular iPodTouchSixthGen-iPodTouchSixthGen iPhone6s-iPhone6s iPhone6sPlus-iPhone6sPlus iPadMini4-iPadMini4 iPadMini4Cellular-iPadMini4Cellular iPadPro-iPadPro iPadProCellular-iPadProCellular iPadPro97-iPadPro97 iPadPro97Cellular-iPadPro97Cellular iPhoneSE-iPhoneSE iPhone7-iPhone7 iPhone7Plus-iPhone7Plus iPad611-iPad611 iPad612-iPad612 iPad71-iPad71 iPad72-iPad72 iPad73-iPad73 iPad74-iPad74 iPhone8-iPhone8 iPhone8Plus-iPhone8Plus iPhoneX-iPhoneX iPad75-iPad75 iPad76-iPad76 iPhoneXS-iPhoneXS iPhoneXSMax-iPhoneXSMax iPhoneXR-iPhoneXR iPad812-iPad812 iPad834-iPad834 iPad856-iPad856 iPad878-iPad878 Minimum iOS Version: iOS 7.0 Download Size: 251.2MB Battle Souls The Agile Way A long time ago, a strange moon appeared in the sky, since then the world has begun to collapse slowly, sinking into the… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsA long time ago, a strange moon appeared in the sky, since then the world has begun to collapse slowly, sinking into the sea. When this happened, the gods went north through the mountains, leaving the humans, some of whom began to have dreams of a strange gate in the mountains. But those who decide not to go north, end up going crazy because of the visions. A group of adventurers decides to enter that realms gate looking for answers. Characteristics: ◆ DEFEAT enemies in this new tactical RPG for mobile. ◆ SUMMON heroes that will help you in your adventures. ◆ GET objects to upgrade your heroes and defeat all enemies. ◆ PREPARE the best heroes team to fight them. ◆ TRAVEL through the realms to get rewards. ◆ GET items and gold to advance on this adventure. ------------------------ Battle Souls Tactical RPG Turn-Based Strategy. The game will continue in constant development, new updates coming soon! Hope you enjoy and don't forget to give us feedback to continue improving! ^_^ ------------------------ All content are property of TaleSoft Studio. Information Seller:The Agile Way Genre:Adventure, Role Playing Release:Mar 13, 2019 Updated:Mar 18, 2020 Version:1.0.18 Size:360.4 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #2 Gwarmaxx, Mar 13, 2019 playing this one and enjoying a lot, love the art style. Grimmsworth Active Member May 29, 2016 40 2 8 #3 Grimmsworth, Mar 13, 2019 I was hoping it doesn’t need constant internet connection. ramzarules Well-Known Member Sep 13, 2014 2,112 128 63 Greece #4 ramzarules, Mar 13, 2019 i don’t know... the art is good, the f2p seems non-restrictive so far (no timers/ energy or paywall up to the first 10 stages) But... it doesn’t do anything to draw me in again and again like Darkest Dungeon did. There is no story, no atmosphere, no tense moments of prevailing through difficult decisions or blind luck, all of which there were in the very first run of the DD experience. And the music and sound effects are extremely basic to the point of muting. Much like the Dungeon Survival, the function is there but everything else seems lacking to me personally. To me the best comparison of Battle Souls to Darkest Dungeon would be Final Fantasy Tactics/ X-com to Demons Rise. Both functional in battle mechanics but only the former with a story and atmosphere to pull me in. I wish this game would grow and find its own path and forge its own world, with more polished dungeons and encounters. Hascon and Gwarmaxx like this. Ringerill Well-Known Member Dec 13, 2012 315 170 43 #5 Ringerill, Mar 14, 2019 Installed -> Requires Internet Connection -> Uninstalled (okay I gave it a try before)... I saw in the IAP that there was an Add removal plus some currencies. I also do enjoy the art but I play mainly during travels and in transport so I don't have access to an internet connection. But ramzarules described the game and I would say the same. Will try to follow the development but the internet connection is a killer for me. When I buy a game, I expect it to be available whenever I want. I don't want to come back in a year and see that the servers are down and the game is no longer available Son of Anarchy and djstout like this. stubbieoz Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2015 1,880 358 83 Male Grey haired gamer NSW Australia #6 stubbieoz, Mar 24, 2019 I respect your stand on not playing games that need a constant internet connection. But when you think about it don’t be too concerned about the servers being shut down in a year. More than likely an iOS update or something similar will break the game first. In all reality, a lot of Apple mobile games are just temporary. I have learnt that lesson the hard (and expensive) way. Just to add to the iap topic. They really are not intrusive, well at least not so far. You need gems to summon characters and one summon costs 5 gems. You can watch 5 second adds for 1 gem each time. So half a minute will allow you get a summon. You also earn gems by just playing the game. Ringerill likes this. Ringerill Well-Known Member Dec 13, 2012 315 170 43 #7 Ringerill, Mar 25, 2019 Okay, good to know. I guess I should give this game a second try. Thanks for mentioning these details! I will post more detailed impressions on the gameplay in case someone like the genre Ringerill Well-Known Member Dec 13, 2012 315 170 43 #8 Ringerill, Mar 25, 2019 Okay, so I have played the game for 2-3 hours and I have been surprised. Unfortunately I can't vouch for the game in the state it is now. First, the good points if someone wants to try it out! The artwork is really gorgeous and I definitely would give it a good point just for that. The animations exist and they are fine (even though some are recycled like some characters having the same animation for attacking and being hit). Nothing spectacular about the sounds and music unfortunately but I play most of my games muted so I don't mind. The gameplay is nice enough and ressembles Darkest Dungeon in some way. Each character has 3 skills (always the same and you can't have the same character twice). Your positions does not matter to use your skills however. The idea is to progress through a series of 4-5 chapters with 20 levels each. The map is the same but the encounters are randomised. You also have 3 difficulty stages and that is all there is to say. The difficulty does not seem to increase with the levels but the size of the map does meaning potentially more encounters. If you increase the difficulty, you get more XP and Gold. The adds are definitely not the intrusive sort as you can skip them after 5 seconds (you however have one after each dungeon). So why I disliked the game and what makes me criticise it? Well, first the only way to have new characters in your team is by summoning them using Gems. You have 4 ways of earning gems without paying: finish a dungeon for the first time (no more gem rewards if you redo the dungeon), watch a video (you get only 1 Gem and I couldn't use more than 1 video per hour), wait for the daily reward or get to a certain character level. There are some quests too but I don't know what to think about the difficulty (one quest asks you use 25 Gems 5 times and gives you 25 gems). In theory it's not so bad and you might think that you will have enough to continue playing without hitting any paywall.Not True! At first, to really progress you will definitely need a strong character of at least 3 stars. I have summoned a lot of them and only got one 4 stars character (which is really good). But then let's speak about level ups. To level up your skills, you need a special "soul" that you only can get if you reach a certain level or if you summon the same character again (good luck for that!). So basically you will have some fun until the 2-3 chapter and then you will be stuck, without being able to summon anyone. You will need a tremendous amount of grinding and even more for rare characters. And all that for what? Well I don't know... There is not final point to reach, to special boss to beat (even the "boss" at the end of the dungeon does not exist as we only have some random monsters instead). I think you can enjoy the game for several hours (if you have a constant internet connection) but you will be stuck anyway and all the fun will disappear stubbieoz likes this. Marzapan New Member Feb 28, 2019 2 1 3 Male #9 Marzapan, Mar 26, 2019 I didn’t find the summoning mechanics so frustrating tbh, the gems required for a 5 characters summons are only 25. if you beat the first chapter in normal and hard (plus some stages in “nightmare” difficulty) you should have enough gems, the summoning rates are not bad either. Regarding the levelling up of the skills, I somewhat agree with you: it is a bit of a grind and the progress is slow, however you don’t have to find the same character but an “hero” with the same tier/stars and “class” (with “class” I mean the colour of it) since the essence they drop is the same kind for every 2 stars, 3 stars and so on. I have no idea about the “ascend” mechanic since is only available when a character reaches level 50. Good luck with that, oh and 5 stars characters take way more grind and exp to level up so... What I do find really frustrating is the lack of polish: I mean, as you wrote, a big letdown is the “boss” at the end of a stage which isn’t a true “boss” at all but only some random monster already encountered. Why haven’t they kept a unique looking monster at the end of the chapter and maybe reduce the number of stages instead? Probably to prolong the grind. I find the art style, subjectively speaking, gorgeous but the animations are…well, disappointing: they are limited to a couple of frames. Sometimes they also get frozen for an entire turn and sometimes, as you said, they are recycled (attacks/gets hit=same animation) And it’s full of bugs too: the status effects affecting either your characters or the enemies are…not reliable. Stuns are not displayed under your characters yet they end up stunned anyway while the enemies sometimes get the stun icon beneath them but they can move freely. If you stack burn and poison effects on the same enemy you won’t be able to see the damage of both (most of the time only the burn effect). Skills that can only hit one of the first two enemies sometimes only hit the third, for no reason. One character in particular, the reborn princess, has an aoe stun that, when hits multiple enemies, makes one of your character lose the turn as well (no explanation is given for this behavior in the skill description). The health bars of your characters don’t go down in a linear fashion. For example, the character gets hit twice: no number is displayed so you don’t know exactly how much damage he took, when is that character’s turn the health bar drops suddenly as the damage they took previously finally shows up. Same with heals: you heal one of your ally, the health bar doesn’t go up. You heal him/her again and the health bar shows the current heal plus the previous one. Oh and I can’t get past level 14 of the dark catacombs since the enemies are stuck: they can’t end their turn so I can’t start mine… Having said all this wall of text, I find myself still indulging in this game: the shallow gameplay is not an issue for me (YET!) since I can’t spend much for complex mechanics and I really like the aesthetic of the whole game. It’s a shame really, this could have been a simpler, and more forgiving, version of darkest dungeon while still having some unique feeling and characters. stubbieoz likes this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
i don’t know... the art is good, the f2p seems non-restrictive so far (no timers/ energy or paywall up to the first 10 stages) But... it doesn’t do anything to draw me in again and again like Darkest Dungeon did. There is no story, no atmosphere, no tense moments of prevailing through difficult decisions or blind luck, all of which there were in the very first run of the DD experience. And the music and sound effects are extremely basic to the point of muting. Much like the Dungeon Survival, the function is there but everything else seems lacking to me personally. To me the best comparison of Battle Souls to Darkest Dungeon would be Final Fantasy Tactics/ X-com to Demons Rise. Both functional in battle mechanics but only the former with a story and atmosphere to pull me in. I wish this game would grow and find its own path and forge its own world, with more polished dungeons and encounters.
Installed -> Requires Internet Connection -> Uninstalled (okay I gave it a try before)... I saw in the IAP that there was an Add removal plus some currencies. I also do enjoy the art but I play mainly during travels and in transport so I don't have access to an internet connection. But ramzarules described the game and I would say the same. Will try to follow the development but the internet connection is a killer for me. When I buy a game, I expect it to be available whenever I want. I don't want to come back in a year and see that the servers are down and the game is no longer available
I respect your stand on not playing games that need a constant internet connection. But when you think about it don’t be too concerned about the servers being shut down in a year. More than likely an iOS update or something similar will break the game first. In all reality, a lot of Apple mobile games are just temporary. I have learnt that lesson the hard (and expensive) way. Just to add to the iap topic. They really are not intrusive, well at least not so far. You need gems to summon characters and one summon costs 5 gems. You can watch 5 second adds for 1 gem each time. So half a minute will allow you get a summon. You also earn gems by just playing the game.
Okay, good to know. I guess I should give this game a second try. Thanks for mentioning these details! I will post more detailed impressions on the gameplay in case someone like the genre
Okay, so I have played the game for 2-3 hours and I have been surprised. Unfortunately I can't vouch for the game in the state it is now. First, the good points if someone wants to try it out! The artwork is really gorgeous and I definitely would give it a good point just for that. The animations exist and they are fine (even though some are recycled like some characters having the same animation for attacking and being hit). Nothing spectacular about the sounds and music unfortunately but I play most of my games muted so I don't mind. The gameplay is nice enough and ressembles Darkest Dungeon in some way. Each character has 3 skills (always the same and you can't have the same character twice). Your positions does not matter to use your skills however. The idea is to progress through a series of 4-5 chapters with 20 levels each. The map is the same but the encounters are randomised. You also have 3 difficulty stages and that is all there is to say. The difficulty does not seem to increase with the levels but the size of the map does meaning potentially more encounters. If you increase the difficulty, you get more XP and Gold. The adds are definitely not the intrusive sort as you can skip them after 5 seconds (you however have one after each dungeon). So why I disliked the game and what makes me criticise it? Well, first the only way to have new characters in your team is by summoning them using Gems. You have 4 ways of earning gems without paying: finish a dungeon for the first time (no more gem rewards if you redo the dungeon), watch a video (you get only 1 Gem and I couldn't use more than 1 video per hour), wait for the daily reward or get to a certain character level. There are some quests too but I don't know what to think about the difficulty (one quest asks you use 25 Gems 5 times and gives you 25 gems). In theory it's not so bad and you might think that you will have enough to continue playing without hitting any paywall.Not True! At first, to really progress you will definitely need a strong character of at least 3 stars. I have summoned a lot of them and only got one 4 stars character (which is really good). But then let's speak about level ups. To level up your skills, you need a special "soul" that you only can get if you reach a certain level or if you summon the same character again (good luck for that!). So basically you will have some fun until the 2-3 chapter and then you will be stuck, without being able to summon anyone. You will need a tremendous amount of grinding and even more for rare characters. And all that for what? Well I don't know... There is not final point to reach, to special boss to beat (even the "boss" at the end of the dungeon does not exist as we only have some random monsters instead). I think you can enjoy the game for several hours (if you have a constant internet connection) but you will be stuck anyway and all the fun will disappear
I didn’t find the summoning mechanics so frustrating tbh, the gems required for a 5 characters summons are only 25. if you beat the first chapter in normal and hard (plus some stages in “nightmare” difficulty) you should have enough gems, the summoning rates are not bad either. Regarding the levelling up of the skills, I somewhat agree with you: it is a bit of a grind and the progress is slow, however you don’t have to find the same character but an “hero” with the same tier/stars and “class” (with “class” I mean the colour of it) since the essence they drop is the same kind for every 2 stars, 3 stars and so on. I have no idea about the “ascend” mechanic since is only available when a character reaches level 50. Good luck with that, oh and 5 stars characters take way more grind and exp to level up so... What I do find really frustrating is the lack of polish: I mean, as you wrote, a big letdown is the “boss” at the end of a stage which isn’t a true “boss” at all but only some random monster already encountered. Why haven’t they kept a unique looking monster at the end of the chapter and maybe reduce the number of stages instead? Probably to prolong the grind. I find the art style, subjectively speaking, gorgeous but the animations are…well, disappointing: they are limited to a couple of frames. Sometimes they also get frozen for an entire turn and sometimes, as you said, they are recycled (attacks/gets hit=same animation) And it’s full of bugs too: the status effects affecting either your characters or the enemies are…not reliable. Stuns are not displayed under your characters yet they end up stunned anyway while the enemies sometimes get the stun icon beneath them but they can move freely. If you stack burn and poison effects on the same enemy you won’t be able to see the damage of both (most of the time only the burn effect). Skills that can only hit one of the first two enemies sometimes only hit the third, for no reason. One character in particular, the reborn princess, has an aoe stun that, when hits multiple enemies, makes one of your character lose the turn as well (no explanation is given for this behavior in the skill description). The health bars of your characters don’t go down in a linear fashion. For example, the character gets hit twice: no number is displayed so you don’t know exactly how much damage he took, when is that character’s turn the health bar drops suddenly as the damage they took previously finally shows up. Same with heals: you heal one of your ally, the health bar doesn’t go up. You heal him/her again and the health bar shows the current heal plus the previous one. Oh and I can’t get past level 14 of the dark catacombs since the enemies are stuck: they can’t end their turn so I can’t start mine… Having said all this wall of text, I find myself still indulging in this game: the shallow gameplay is not an issue for me (YET!) since I can’t spend much for complex mechanics and I really like the aesthetic of the whole game. It’s a shame really, this could have been a simpler, and more forgiving, version of darkest dungeon while still having some unique feeling and characters.