Link: Reed 2 Crescent Moon Games Reed is back! ...and the adventure continues, but not like before. Just a tiny little creature, the latest creation of … $2.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsReed is back! ...and the adventure continues, but not like before. Just a tiny little creature, the latest creation of an old supercomputer... Harsh trials and beautiful landscapes await in this challenging pixel art platformer. Can you find all the secrets? Can you reach the end? - it's all up to you! ^_^ Features: - Beautiful pixel art! - Ambient music! - Easy to control! - Addictive gameplay! - Difficult levels! - Various traps! - Achievements! follow us: Information Seller:Crescent Moon Games Genre:Adventure, Arcade Release:Dec 12, 2018 Updated:Mar 31, 2020 Version:3.0 Size:18.6 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel abbstar Well-Known Member Mar 24, 2018 231 77 28 #2 abbstar, Dec 12, 2018 Yes, Been waiting for this.... Jayg2015 Well-Known Member Jan 5, 2015 3,734 41 48 Male Player 1 Liberty city #3 Jayg2015, Dec 13, 2018 Love this game You will die many times but learning from your mistakes is the key abbstar likes this. TheGodless Well-Known Member Jan 15, 2013 207 2 18 #4 TheGodless, Dec 13, 2018 Last edited: Dec 13, 2018 Never mind most of what I said below. I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t see the video, but even still I wish devs would mention things like whether a platform game is a traditional full level exploration kind of platform game or whether it’s a small level with traps kind of platform game and for sure whether it’s an auto-runner or not! Regardless, this is for sure still not my kind of game with the focus being almost solely on avoiding traps. I was so disappointed with the 1st one that as soon as I saw this I had a flashback because the game looked like it would be so fun and I made the mistake of being an early buyer instead of waiting to see about the important details that weren’t mentioned in the game’s description. It turned out that the first game was one of those escape from your very small area kind of games that the App Store is littered with and I was expecting a full control and full level kind of platform game. I see that the 2nd game also lacks any description about whether it’s an auto-runner and whether it’s an actual platform game or just single screen levels or very small levels. Does this one actually have sprawling levels and can you control all of the movements of the character or is it another kind of pseudo-platform game where it’s just about making your way out of the tiny level to get to the next tiny level? Beth Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Jan 29, 2014 126 8 18 Professional do-nothing'er Eastern usa #5 Beth, Dec 13, 2018 I couldn’t agree more! IMO, nothing ruins a platfomer faster than auto-running controls ....ugh no thank you! So many App Store description are vague &/or misleading, intentional or not, it’s still an issue. I’d rather have things clearly explained and described. Jayg2015 Well-Known Member Jan 5, 2015 3,734 41 48 Male Player 1 Liberty city #6 Jayg2015, Dec 13, 2018 Last edited: Dec 14, 2018 Before you judge this is not auto running. This isn’t your everyday re skin platformer. This is a physics based platformer where running and judging your jump with that run is the whole point and why this game works the way it does. If you want the same old platformer that almost everyone does then yea this isn’t it, IMO this is way better. Quoad Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2015 1,108 217 63 #7 Quoad, Dec 13, 2018 If only Apple did refuOH HANG ON! metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #8 metalcasket, Dec 13, 2018 THIS IS NOT AN AUTO-RUNNER THIS IS NOT AN AUTO-RUNNER THIS IS NOT AN AUTO-RUNNER THIS IS NOT AN AUTO-RUNNER THIS IS NOT AN AUTO-RUNNER (it is, however, a hardcore platformer with bite-sized levels) TicTac, Jayg2015 and Lull4by like this. TicTac Well-Known Member Sep 7, 2011 788 20 18 #9 TicTac, Dec 14, 2018 I almost skipped out on this game because of comments about auto runner. Can someone who has played it explain the controls? Is it just a classic platformer with classic controls? Oh and I played and enjoyed Goblin Sword. Will this game be a lot tougher than that? Planetshooter likes this. Planetshooter Well-Known Member Jun 3, 2010 561 2 18 UK #10 Planetshooter, Dec 14, 2018 Controls are LEFT/RIGHT (buttons on left of screen) and JUMP button on right of screen. Best comparison in terms of gameplay, level design and difficulty is the original League of Evil. Differences are mostly that this game (Reed 2) has no additional level objectives or speedrun targets. Also very similar is Super Dangerous Dungeons - the first one, not the pseudo-metroidvania sequel. Each level, you have to collect a certain number of 'key' objects to unlock the exit, then make your way to the exit which sometimes involves backtracking. Hazards include spikes, moving circular saw blades, guns that fire arrows vertically or horizontally. I think many players will become stuck around level five due to the undocumented "jump higher" feature, which I will NOT spoil by explaining here. I figured it out by noticing it happening, no reason other players can't do the same. My opinion - this is a near perfect example of a VERY HARD platform game. It is mostly harder than Goblin Sword, although some of the levels in Goblin Sword had elements which were about as hard, but on average Goblin Sword is an easier game. This game is NOT an auto-runner. TicTac likes this. TicTac Well-Known Member Sep 7, 2011 788 20 18 #11 TicTac, Dec 14, 2018 I was sold after your comment. No regrets. Found 2 bugs almost immediately. First one is the jump higher level, I managed to get past that by quitting the game and next thing I know I’m already on a different level. Second one is lol and behold, autorunning. Controls were stuck moving leftwards, had to quit the game to fix it. But yeah, overall it’s a fun game and I’m enjoying it. Still haven’t figured out what jump higher means though. Planetshooter Well-Known Member Jun 3, 2010 561 2 18 UK #12 Planetshooter, Dec 14, 2018 I haven't seen a bug where I've skipped to a level without completing the current one. What you will encounter eventually (I think around level 5) is what appears to be a jump from one platform to another which seems too high to double-jump. Trust me, it isn't too high. TicTac likes this. TicTac Well-Known Member Sep 7, 2011 788 20 18 #13 TicTac, Dec 14, 2018 It’s the one where you jump onto a moving platform and then have to jump over a large spinning plate right? That’s the level I skipped lol. TheGodless Well-Known Member Jan 15, 2013 207 2 18 #14 TheGodless, Dec 16, 2018 Have you gotten one before? The only time I tried, it was too complicated, particularly if you try to do it before you get your receipt for the games you have recently purchased & besides, I’ve rarely felt that strongly about a game unless it’s like a complete ripoff or a scam of some sort. If it’s just due to a bad game description or my own bad decision, I’d rather a hard working dev get to keep my $1 or $2. JoshCM Well-Known Member Aug 11, 2009 4,250 23 38 Game Designer Upstate NY #15 JoshCM, Dec 16, 2018 Thanks for the comments all! Yep this is no auto runner - its a hardcore 'micro' platformer. Short brutal levels. Its much harder than the first Reed. So if you are wanting a more forgiving one, grab the first one. metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #16 metalcasket, Dec 16, 2018 could support a great dev/publisher combo and get both. TicTac Well-Known Member Sep 7, 2011 788 20 18 #17 TicTac, Dec 18, 2018 Word of warning you may lose your data if you backup to and restore from iCloud. I backed up to iCloud, reset my phone and restored from iCloud. All progress from reed 2 gone. In contrast I was able to continue career mode in NBA2k19 straight after restore. So far this is the only game I’ve lost all progress in despite repeatedly backing up to iCloud over the past day. So beware. It’s a shame, I got pretty far (imo) and now I have to do it all over again. Snooptalian Well-Known Member Sep 12, 2009 1,936 8 38 #18 Snooptalian, Dec 20, 2018 App description says there’s Game Center but I’m not seeing the Game Center logo pop up on starting the app, or any link to check achievements or leaderboards. Am I missing something here? TicTac Well-Known Member Sep 7, 2011 788 20 18 #19 TicTac, Dec 20, 2018 Original level I accidentally skipped because of a bug. Managed to get past it on my own this time. TicTac Well-Known Member Sep 7, 2011 788 20 18 #20 TicTac, Dec 22, 2018 Last edited: Dec 26, 2018 double post please delete (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Never mind most of what I said below. I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t see the video, but even still I wish devs would mention things like whether a platform game is a traditional full level exploration kind of platform game or whether it’s a small level with traps kind of platform game and for sure whether it’s an auto-runner or not! Regardless, this is for sure still not my kind of game with the focus being almost solely on avoiding traps. I was so disappointed with the 1st one that as soon as I saw this I had a flashback because the game looked like it would be so fun and I made the mistake of being an early buyer instead of waiting to see about the important details that weren’t mentioned in the game’s description. It turned out that the first game was one of those escape from your very small area kind of games that the App Store is littered with and I was expecting a full control and full level kind of platform game. I see that the 2nd game also lacks any description about whether it’s an auto-runner and whether it’s an actual platform game or just single screen levels or very small levels. Does this one actually have sprawling levels and can you control all of the movements of the character or is it another kind of pseudo-platform game where it’s just about making your way out of the tiny level to get to the next tiny level?
I couldn’t agree more! IMO, nothing ruins a platfomer faster than auto-running controls ....ugh no thank you! So many App Store description are vague &/or misleading, intentional or not, it’s still an issue. I’d rather have things clearly explained and described.
Before you judge this is not auto running. This isn’t your everyday re skin platformer. This is a physics based platformer where running and judging your jump with that run is the whole point and why this game works the way it does. If you want the same old platformer that almost everyone does then yea this isn’t it, IMO this is way better.
I almost skipped out on this game because of comments about auto runner. Can someone who has played it explain the controls? Is it just a classic platformer with classic controls? Oh and I played and enjoyed Goblin Sword. Will this game be a lot tougher than that?
Controls are LEFT/RIGHT (buttons on left of screen) and JUMP button on right of screen. Best comparison in terms of gameplay, level design and difficulty is the original League of Evil. Differences are mostly that this game (Reed 2) has no additional level objectives or speedrun targets. Also very similar is Super Dangerous Dungeons - the first one, not the pseudo-metroidvania sequel. Each level, you have to collect a certain number of 'key' objects to unlock the exit, then make your way to the exit which sometimes involves backtracking. Hazards include spikes, moving circular saw blades, guns that fire arrows vertically or horizontally. I think many players will become stuck around level five due to the undocumented "jump higher" feature, which I will NOT spoil by explaining here. I figured it out by noticing it happening, no reason other players can't do the same. My opinion - this is a near perfect example of a VERY HARD platform game. It is mostly harder than Goblin Sword, although some of the levels in Goblin Sword had elements which were about as hard, but on average Goblin Sword is an easier game. This game is NOT an auto-runner.
I was sold after your comment. No regrets. Found 2 bugs almost immediately. First one is the jump higher level, I managed to get past that by quitting the game and next thing I know I’m already on a different level. Second one is lol and behold, autorunning. Controls were stuck moving leftwards, had to quit the game to fix it. But yeah, overall it’s a fun game and I’m enjoying it. Still haven’t figured out what jump higher means though.
I haven't seen a bug where I've skipped to a level without completing the current one. What you will encounter eventually (I think around level 5) is what appears to be a jump from one platform to another which seems too high to double-jump. Trust me, it isn't too high.
It’s the one where you jump onto a moving platform and then have to jump over a large spinning plate right? That’s the level I skipped lol.
Have you gotten one before? The only time I tried, it was too complicated, particularly if you try to do it before you get your receipt for the games you have recently purchased & besides, I’ve rarely felt that strongly about a game unless it’s like a complete ripoff or a scam of some sort. If it’s just due to a bad game description or my own bad decision, I’d rather a hard working dev get to keep my $1 or $2.
Thanks for the comments all! Yep this is no auto runner - its a hardcore 'micro' platformer. Short brutal levels. Its much harder than the first Reed. So if you are wanting a more forgiving one, grab the first one.
Word of warning you may lose your data if you backup to and restore from iCloud. I backed up to iCloud, reset my phone and restored from iCloud. All progress from reed 2 gone. In contrast I was able to continue career mode in NBA2k19 straight after restore. So far this is the only game I’ve lost all progress in despite repeatedly backing up to iCloud over the past day. So beware. It’s a shame, I got pretty far (imo) and now I have to do it all over again.
App description says there’s Game Center but I’m not seeing the Game Center logo pop up on starting the app, or any link to check achievements or leaderboards. Am I missing something here?