Link: Marbloid Andreas Gaschka Trip through the Vaporwave and do the Exit – MΔRBLΘID is a 3D marble runner like no other! Play the restless mind of an… $4.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsTrip through the Vaporwave and do the Exit – MΔRBLΘID is a 3D marble runner like no other! Play the restless mind of an entrepreneur, captured in a magic marble, on its journey to the ultimate goal: The Exit! Features: • Casual Core – Enjoy this chilled as well as thrilling marble gaming experience. Explore and master the procedural levels filled with downhills, rhythmic jump sections, powerful speed pads, chilling rails, portals and more to discover. • Tilt & Tap – This is true mobile gaming: Tilt to steer and tap to jump. The input design is simple, intuitive and precise. Play single handed in portrait mode. • VAPORWAVE AESTHETICS – Travel through six different worlds inspired by Greek busts, 90s tech companies, holograms and dolphins. Listen to the original interactive soundtrack composed by Donovan Hikaru & Eyeliner aka. Disasteradio. Headphones recommended! • To the moon – Feel the thrill of an entrepreneur starting up. Accumulate one billion points to beat the game. Play save or go all in to grow your multiplier for an even bigger yield – Do you take the risk? • Invest and grow – Collect emojis to upgrade your power-ups and unlock unique marbles with custom perks. 30 ranks with exciting missions will keep you busy for weeks. • Play premium – Marbloid is a premium game with no ads, in app purchases or annoying push messages. Buy once and play forever. Marbloid is a Universal App: Play on your iPhone and iPad and sync your progress via iCloud. Information Seller:Andreas Gaschka Genre:Action, Adventure Release:Nov 29, 2018 Updated:Oct 10, 2019 Version:1.2.2 Size:269.1 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Brightsiderus Well-Known Member Feb 1, 2017 2,236 540 113 #2 Brightsiderus, Nov 29, 2018 Great game! Played it for a while and it’s super polished metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #3 metalcasket, Nov 29, 2018 Agreed. This is exceptional. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #4 Anotherkellydown, Nov 30, 2018 Thanks for the imps. Buying now! djstout Well-Known Member Jul 21, 2011 2,685 105 63 Sportscaster & football (soccer) coach Taiwan & Japan #5 djstout, Nov 30, 2018 Tilt control = no buy unfortunately, it looks great tho. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #6 Anotherkellydown, Nov 30, 2018 Yeah, this is tilt but man it works well! I understand some folks don’t even bother with tilt and that’s fine. I suppose if the dev has the resources they might try a left-side/right-side touch option. There are all kinds of unlockables and upgrades that keep me coming back for another go. The maps are great and change slightly each time. There are three missions that keep changing as you progress, leveling you up and adding new permanent boosters like emoji magnets and stars that increase your checkpoint multipliers. If you die before you get to a hole you lose your progress so it’s got that risk versus reward factor big time. Like Brightsiderus and metalcasket said, it’s a very high quality game and worth the asking price imo. I can’t imagine if this was f2p with all the losing I’m doing. Thankfully this is fully premium and the restarts are very fast. Nice clean UI to top it all off. Brightsiderus Well-Known Member Feb 1, 2017 2,236 540 113 #7 Brightsiderus, Nov 30, 2018 Well, I was talking with developers and they said that they tried different control scheme and tilt was the best option. There are couple of bad things happens with tilt, like traveling narrow paths(couldn’t pass most of them), but never thought that tilt could be so good Anotherkellydown likes this. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #8 anthony78, Nov 30, 2018 Fun game. My only wish is that it had backwards movement. I understand this is more of a “runner” as the description itself says. But in a ball roller, I like to have full control. If you miss something or need to adjust your trajectory, being able to move backward would be great. Brightsiderus and raravan like this. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #9 anthony78, Dec 6, 2018 While I’m enjoying this, kind of annoyed that it is on sale for $.99 after just less than a week. Supyrb Member Dec 6, 2018 5 5 3 #10 Supyrb, Dec 6, 2018 Hi Anthony, we're really sorry for that move. We actually should have started with $.99 from the beginning. It is really hard to objectivly set a price after two and a half years of development. We sadly didn't reach the traction we were hoping for and now changed the price to what it should have been in the beginning. It was not an easy decision and we know this was a dick move, we just want to reach as many people as possible. Can you actually refund the game and buy it again? We hope you can still enjoy the game, there is for sure a lot of depth in there! Gotters, Lull4by, abbstar and 1 other person like this. shfrost Well-Known Member Apr 9, 2010 432 10 18 Artist Wooded area #11 shfrost, Dec 6, 2018 Respect. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #12 anthony78, Dec 6, 2018 I tried refunding but it won’t let me. Not the end of the world. Thanks for the fun game! abbstar Well-Known Member Mar 24, 2018 231 77 28 #13 abbstar, Dec 7, 2018 Love that honest reply. Hope it does awesomely well for you Hoodin Well-Known Member Jan 29, 2016 54 7 8 #14 Hoodin, Dec 7, 2018 Wasn’t going to buy this as I’m not big on tilt games, but after that awesome answer from the dev, how can i not support this, I ask you?! Bought!!! Gotters Well-Known Member Oct 27, 2016 114 31 28 #15 Gotters, Dec 7, 2018 this is great, the 99p price tempted me in as I love marble type games going back to Bobby Bearing on the ZX Spectrum (I'm that old) this is brilliant, not normally a fan of tilt but its well implemented, not overly twitchy and suits the game well - have to say I played this for longer yesterday than I've put into the far more expensive Marble It Up on the Switch recently. I like how the structure and levels are slowly revealed as you progress. Supyrb Member Dec 6, 2018 5 5 3 #16 Supyrb, Dec 7, 2018 Thanks for all the awesome feedback and support, it means a lot to us! Thank you for supporting us even with the stupid release mistake! For all of you requesting touch controls: We hear you loud and clear. Even though we thought tilt would be the perfect control scheme, we understand now that it is a no go for some players. We've iterated on a couple of touch schemes in the past and were not happy with them, but we might have found a scheme now that will work. Hang on tight, hopefully we will have a new version with touch controls in the next two weeks. We also worked on performance and the difficulty curve and fixed problems with the iPad Pro 12,9'' 3rd generation. Thanks for all your support and happy rolling! shfrost Well-Known Member Apr 9, 2010 432 10 18 Artist Wooded area #17 shfrost, Dec 7, 2018 I’m an old-schooler who goes back to (and beyond) EA’s Marble Madness, and I’m loving this game and its Dev. Highly recommended, tilt controls or not. Supyrb Member Dec 6, 2018 5 5 3 #18 Supyrb, May 7, 2019 Hi again, thanks to everybody who plays our game, we just reached a total of 4 million runs which is an awesome milestone to hit! Since our last post we did quite a few updates to improve performance, and battery usage as well as game balancing, but the biggest news is probably our new touch controls! After a quite extensive beta testing phase we now got tilt controls in there as well We tried a lot of different schemas, one of the simplest made the race in the end (as so often). The control scheme is the same as for downwell: left thumb controling left and right movement and the right thumb controls jumping. Other controls that were more symmetrical had the problem that the jump has to be triggered with the button that is not steering at that time which is really hard to master. We also finished the original soutrack mix of the game. You can listen to it on Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play Music or buy it as an awesome physical cassette! Hopefully you like the new version, we're looking forward to your feedback! Anotherkellydown likes this. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #19 psj3809, May 7, 2019 Thanks for adding touch controls. Now just bought ! anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #20 anthony78, May 7, 2019 Still prefer the tilt controls. Always have for ball rollers. Would love to see what you could do with a level based full control ball rolling game like the old Marble Blast Ultra games (and whatever the dev’s new Switch game is called). (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Yeah, this is tilt but man it works well! I understand some folks don’t even bother with tilt and that’s fine. I suppose if the dev has the resources they might try a left-side/right-side touch option. There are all kinds of unlockables and upgrades that keep me coming back for another go. The maps are great and change slightly each time. There are three missions that keep changing as you progress, leveling you up and adding new permanent boosters like emoji magnets and stars that increase your checkpoint multipliers. If you die before you get to a hole you lose your progress so it’s got that risk versus reward factor big time. Like Brightsiderus and metalcasket said, it’s a very high quality game and worth the asking price imo. I can’t imagine if this was f2p with all the losing I’m doing. Thankfully this is fully premium and the restarts are very fast. Nice clean UI to top it all off.
Well, I was talking with developers and they said that they tried different control scheme and tilt was the best option. There are couple of bad things happens with tilt, like traveling narrow paths(couldn’t pass most of them), but never thought that tilt could be so good
Fun game. My only wish is that it had backwards movement. I understand this is more of a “runner” as the description itself says. But in a ball roller, I like to have full control. If you miss something or need to adjust your trajectory, being able to move backward would be great.
Hi Anthony, we're really sorry for that move. We actually should have started with $.99 from the beginning. It is really hard to objectivly set a price after two and a half years of development. We sadly didn't reach the traction we were hoping for and now changed the price to what it should have been in the beginning. It was not an easy decision and we know this was a dick move, we just want to reach as many people as possible. Can you actually refund the game and buy it again? We hope you can still enjoy the game, there is for sure a lot of depth in there!
Wasn’t going to buy this as I’m not big on tilt games, but after that awesome answer from the dev, how can i not support this, I ask you?! Bought!!!
this is great, the 99p price tempted me in as I love marble type games going back to Bobby Bearing on the ZX Spectrum (I'm that old) this is brilliant, not normally a fan of tilt but its well implemented, not overly twitchy and suits the game well - have to say I played this for longer yesterday than I've put into the far more expensive Marble It Up on the Switch recently. I like how the structure and levels are slowly revealed as you progress.
Thanks for all the awesome feedback and support, it means a lot to us! Thank you for supporting us even with the stupid release mistake! For all of you requesting touch controls: We hear you loud and clear. Even though we thought tilt would be the perfect control scheme, we understand now that it is a no go for some players. We've iterated on a couple of touch schemes in the past and were not happy with them, but we might have found a scheme now that will work. Hang on tight, hopefully we will have a new version with touch controls in the next two weeks. We also worked on performance and the difficulty curve and fixed problems with the iPad Pro 12,9'' 3rd generation. Thanks for all your support and happy rolling!
I’m an old-schooler who goes back to (and beyond) EA’s Marble Madness, and I’m loving this game and its Dev. Highly recommended, tilt controls or not.
Hi again, thanks to everybody who plays our game, we just reached a total of 4 million runs which is an awesome milestone to hit! Since our last post we did quite a few updates to improve performance, and battery usage as well as game balancing, but the biggest news is probably our new touch controls! After a quite extensive beta testing phase we now got tilt controls in there as well We tried a lot of different schemas, one of the simplest made the race in the end (as so often). The control scheme is the same as for downwell: left thumb controling left and right movement and the right thumb controls jumping. Other controls that were more symmetrical had the problem that the jump has to be triggered with the button that is not steering at that time which is really hard to master. We also finished the original soutrack mix of the game. You can listen to it on Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play Music or buy it as an awesome physical cassette! Hopefully you like the new version, we're looking forward to your feedback!
Still prefer the tilt controls. Always have for ball rollers. Would love to see what you could do with a level based full control ball rolling game like the old Marble Blast Ultra games (and whatever the dev’s new Switch game is called).