ELOH Broken Rules A chilled out puzzle game to help you relax and find your groove. From the creators of the Apple Design Award winning Ol… TouchArcade Rating: $2.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsA chilled out puzzle game to help you relax and find your groove. From the creators of the Apple Design Award winning Old Man's Journey, a new musical puzzle game about feeling the rhythm to find the solution. ======= “I can not recommend it enough to anyone” - TouchArcade “A thoroughly charming,delightfully percussive puzzler” - PocketGamer “One of those rare games that shines in every aspect” - AppUnwrapper “A smart, beautifully designed puzzler” - Stuff “The whole puzzle springs to life” - Eurogamer ======= Slow down, start listening and let the groove guide you through 98 levels. No ticking clock, no ads, no paywalls. Just satisfying gesture controls designed for touch, with a smooth learning-curve and pressure-free attitude. - Find your groove in 98 musical puzzles - Experiment with the positions of good spirits to solve the levels - Each spirit comes with its individual jam and lets you build your personal groove - Satisfying, intuitive gesture controls designed for touch - Beautiful hand painted visuals and joyful animations - Original and catchy soundtrack by SCNTFC and you Information Seller:Broken Rules Genre:Music, Puzzle Release:Oct 10, 2018 Updated:Apr 01, 2021 Version:1.2.4 Size:181.4 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/eloh/id1406382064?mt=8 Cool rhythm game from creators of “Old Man’s Journey” sebgo likes this. Paul99 Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2014 441 17 18 #2 Paul99, Oct 10, 2018 Anyone got a trailer to take a look? sebgo likes this. vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member Dec 29, 2013 2,489 177 63 #3 vectorarchitekt, Oct 10, 2018 Looks beautiful. Too bad I play games mostly with the sound off. Might have to try this one though... sebgo Well-Known Member Dec 26, 2010 835 399 63 Male 95% leisure. Somewhere in a town amidst the Amazon jungle. http://www.google.com #4 sebgo, Oct 10, 2018 Been trying to find something in the past hour, but all I found was a couple of GIFs the dev shared on Twitter. Please, ping me if you find something! TheRealist82 Well-Known Member Sep 19, 2016 140 28 28 #5 TheRealist82, Oct 10, 2018 in the appstore is a short gameplayvideo sebgo Well-Known Member Dec 26, 2010 835 399 63 Male 95% leisure. Somewhere in a town amidst the Amazon jungle. http://www.google.com #6 sebgo, Oct 10, 2018 It's not loading for me. (ಥ﹏ಥ) Paul99 Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2014 441 17 18 #7 Paul99, Oct 10, 2018 Can't see one? https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/eloh/id1406382064?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Boardumb Administrator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Apr 14, 2009 8,964 880 113 THE BOSS Sacramento, CA #8 Boardumb, Oct 10, 2018 Here's a vid: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel sebgo likes this. orangecan Well-Known Member Aug 9, 2011 2,000 150 63 #9 orangecan, Oct 10, 2018 I’m in the same boat. It looks ace but I tend to do most of my gaming with the sound down. sebgo Well-Known Member Dec 26, 2010 835 399 63 Male 95% leisure. Somewhere in a town amidst the Amazon jungle. http://www.google.com #10 sebgo, Oct 10, 2018 Somebody recorded their screen from the AppStore page and sent it over WhatsApp... now I'm downloading the game! It might take a while to finish downloading but I'll be sure to get back with some impressions. ROGER-NL Well-Known Member May 21, 2012 4,030 340 83 Male Gamer. THE NETHERLANDS #11 ROGER-NL, Oct 11, 2018 Liking this, it has music, puzzles, and it looks nice, these are the games I like the most. slewis7 likes this. slewis7 Well-Known Member Apr 6, 2011 3,768 41 48 Male Retired! Houston, TX #12 slewis7, Oct 11, 2018 Agreed! Totally charming and very chill! ROGER-NL likes this. dukat111 Well-Known Member Mar 23, 2010 514 94 28 #13 dukat111, Oct 11, 2018 Here's a 30 minute gameplay video. Looks pretty good, although disappointed as always there's no landscape mode for ipads. Duke12 likes this. sebgo Well-Known Member Dec 26, 2010 835 399 63 Male 95% leisure. Somewhere in a town amidst the Amazon jungle. http://www.google.com #14 sebgo, Oct 12, 2018 This isn't what I thought it'd be. I liked it, anyway. xD slewis7 Well-Known Member Apr 6, 2011 3,768 41 48 Male Retired! Houston, TX #15 slewis7, Oct 12, 2018 I have progressed to levels in the 40s now and I am totally hooked! sebgo likes this. sebgo Well-Known Member Dec 26, 2010 835 399 63 Male 95% leisure. Somewhere in a town amidst the Amazon jungle. http://www.google.com #16 sebgo, Oct 12, 2018 I'm in like 28-30, not hooked but enjoying it. ROGER-NL Well-Known Member May 21, 2012 4,030 340 83 Male Gamer. THE NETHERLANDS #17 ROGER-NL, Oct 15, 2018 I am on level 25, this is so much fun, and the eyes popping out of the heads when they are getting hit is hilarious. sebgo Well-Known Member Dec 26, 2010 835 399 63 Male 95% leisure. Somewhere in a town amidst the Amazon jungle. http://www.google.com #18 sebgo, Oct 15, 2018 I wish it had been more into the rhythm side, like being able to place your monkey-mask blocks anywhere on the screen, so that would change beats and alter rhythm a lot. That way, players could actually make "their own groove", instead of finding default solutions to Make a path from A → B puzzles. Even though this isn't close to what I was expecting, I liked it a lot. Crazy Oyster Games Well-Known Member Mar 14, 2018 98 4 8 https://crazyoystergames.com/ #19 Crazy Oyster Games, Oct 17, 2018 Very charming and beautiful game. And the music... awesome! vivafringe Well-Known Member May 10, 2014 85 16 8 #20 vivafringe, Oct 17, 2018 Great game. Only complaint is I wish there were more levels. I burned through the entire thing in a day of intense play while I was traveling. Headphones are of course a must. sebgo likes this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Looks beautiful. Too bad I play games mostly with the sound off. Might have to try this one though...
Been trying to find something in the past hour, but all I found was a couple of GIFs the dev shared on Twitter. Please, ping me if you find something!
Somebody recorded their screen from the AppStore page and sent it over WhatsApp... now I'm downloading the game! It might take a while to finish downloading but I'll be sure to get back with some impressions.
Here's a 30 minute gameplay video. Looks pretty good, although disappointed as always there's no landscape mode for ipads.
I am on level 25, this is so much fun, and the eyes popping out of the heads when they are getting hit is hilarious.
I wish it had been more into the rhythm side, like being able to place your monkey-mask blocks anywhere on the screen, so that would change beats and alter rhythm a lot. That way, players could actually make "their own groove", instead of finding default solutions to Make a path from A → B puzzles. Even though this isn't close to what I was expecting, I liked it a lot.
Great game. Only complaint is I wish there were more levels. I burned through the entire thing in a day of intense play while I was traveling. Headphones are of course a must.